I need a camera to catch a bastard

Hi Jow Forums I am sorry to bother you with my personal peoblems, but I am a humble hillbilly from Italy with no tech skills.
My parents(both old people) are having troubles with a neighbour that keeps putting nails and screws on the tires of their cars.
My parents are everything but rich and beside having to change 6 tires in a month we also almost got in a crash when a wheel went flat in the highway
I need a camera to hide in a bush or a tree, something that can store and record information(the area has no WiFi), something that doesn't emit any lights while recording , better if with night vision but it is accessory.
Can you smart people help me

Attached: download (13).jpg (275x183, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/s?k=trail camera&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

a permanent marker or a little tape would nullify your LED problem, so don't worry about that so much

Purchase a game camera. They're for hunters not gaymers.

Get better tires, but seriously there is no point of putting a camera, because the neighbor gonna see you putting it.

Attached: 1562584787299.jpg (1148x600, 139K)

Dude, I am rural, bucolic and I can barely turn on a computer.
I would just like my parents no to be persecuted by some psycho.
Is this a problem. For you?

Plz guys guide towards a reasonable purchase.

You simply turn the thing on and it snaps pics when it detects motion. There's no computer involved.

DUDE he's literally suggested you a camera type that can be left alone and mounted on trees. Go and try to investigate that.

faggacinni queeffatori

>american education

Are you retarded? That was a genuine answer.

This. Search it online and you'll be fine

I am Italian, I am aware of being everything but intelligent and I am quite miserable.
However I don't deserve this not my 7p years old parents.
The snappy thing may not work...the area is like 40meters long and dark...

amazon.com/s?k=trail camera&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

read some reviews, pic one

It has night vision. The hunters use this camera to see the animals at night.

I'd recommend a net and baseball bat instead

put some poisoned pasta under the car

hunters have cameras in woods and the camera only turns on when something moves use this they are cheep you can even get multiple cameras ...


I call bullshit. The average italian understands 10 english words at most and only uses their computer for work and Facebook, let alone post on a semi-unknown mongolian cave-painting bbs.
Rivelati, frocio OP.

Attached: objection.jpg (827x746, 385K)

Why not use guns? Wait for the fucker to sneak on your property and scare the shit out of him

If you know he's doing it, go confront him and kick his ass if necessary.
Don't be a pussy about it.

ey vinny bring me the piece im gonna whack this son of a bitch

Install a dash camera on the car that turns on automatically when people go near it.

I have this one and when it detects people nearby it records with both a front and rear camera.


if the neighbor sees him putting the camera isn't the goal achieved?

I am OP I like your idea.

Does this thing cover both back and forward? Because I need to understand if I need 2 or 4 of them.

Also I will post the video once I caught the little shit

I don't really fit in any archetype, but I am indeed an Italian dude born and raised in the countryside with an aversion towards technology. For some reason I speak a more than average Italian and some English...other than that I have nothing special. I prefer the idea of being the rural dude because otherwise the closer group I will fit in is the autism one, the one that is not cool and gifted.
So let's just say I am "rural"
My ex girlfriend introduced me to Jow Forums, she was a strong Trump supporter from USA. My life is a grotesque mess and I understand why it sounds unreal to many.
But I ensure you to all of you that I am just an avg at best person that is trying to make something good with his life, and I have my small drops of optimism constantly overturn by shit like this.
Now I want this motherfucker on his knees for what he/she has done. I will have his life and reputation destroyed by a the law. If I were American this guy would go in jail, being Italian means that he will probably have to pay thousand of Europe's in fees and have to spend the next 15 years dealing with lawyers.
It is not much but it is the best a honest person can get these days.

I don't enjoy wearing up at 1 am because of what he is doing to me and my family, I ensure you

Thread should've ended here. Stop bumping this useless thread, op.

a wyze cam or any cheap dash cam that loop records is what you want

Uh, rural people use game cameras all the time. I am one of them. Even when I didn't know how to use a computer all that well -- it wasn't that hard to take the memory SD card out and put it in a friends laptop to pull up the files which hold recorded video.

Game camera is honestly one of your best options, because it is literally designed to be stealthy or unnoticeable.
Not only that but they do also have an infrared filter which catches shots in complete darkness. You would be an absolute fool, beyond what you can justify by being rural; to sit here and attack a suggestion to purchase and utilize a game camera for your issues.
Personally I feel you are just some fucking bot, so if that is the case then please fucking don't find a solution and have a blow out at 80 mph. I am so certain that our lovely EMT crews wouldn't mind scraping your illiterate body off the streets.

Attached: drinkypoo.jpg (300x300, 35K)

Raspberry Pi + Motioneye OS + a webcam + a battery pack