Why are you against China?

Why are you against China?
What did China do to you?
When did China invade Afghanistan for cheap opium?
When did China invade and destabilize Iraq killing millions for oil?
When did China destabilise South American governments for fun and allow capitalist tyrants to take over holding back the region a hundred years?

I am not Chinese but I have to admit that China is a peaceful power that prefers friendship over antagonism. When China will reach it's peak the world will know peace as imperialist dogs are suppressed.

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China is based and redpilled

Shut the fuck up.

libtard detected

Shut the fuck up libtard.

shut the fuck up

dumb revisionist

China is based

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Bug people like you should be hung. Losing to a fucking sparrow how pathetic.

At least they exist

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America exists too

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To exist you must think
to think you need brain
americans have no brains
americans dont exist
Checkmate , burger

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But I think, therefor I am


I have a brain, therefore I have the ability to think and exist.

Put on the name gaybe

who are you?
and its abe

is this pasta? and are there retards that unironically believe this?

China is based and redpilled

this thread is cringe. im leaving

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China's pretty cool, they'll buy aussie coal at inflated prices with no trouble, aside from trade I don't have much of an opinion of them.

No, its gaybe
fucking gay in denial

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The reign of the super powers must be over
So many armies can't free the earth
Soon the rock will roll over
Africa is choking on their Coca Cola

They steal American intellectual property you idiot. How do you think they build all that wealth so fast?

>kills 20m of own citizens

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they expanding into my territory

T. pony lover

Attached: 13.jpg (660x440, 133K)

In fact, ponies are better than all your posts

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Because it’s a terrible nation and o my leftwing retards who don’t actually wa t to live in China disagree

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>Anonymous (ID: SqZu17s6) 12/24/18(Mon)09:52:08 No.7183838 md5 035331568_2696350.jpg (33 KB, 550x412)File: 035331568_2696350.jpg (33 KB, 550x412) google yandex iqdb wait

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are you alright?

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my theory is confirmed again
put your gayest name back on

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make me!

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>I am not Chinese but I have to admit that China is a peaceful power that prefers friendship over antagonism
eesh they must've tortured the f outta you, you poor soul
actually nvm op's probably dead by now

Im ok with china
but they creep me out sometimes
Russia has not really been creepy since the 90s.

Agree with all but the south american part

>Why are you against China?
Attack me
>What did China do to you?
Hacked us companies. Stole secrets. Leaked personal info



kot id get

Chinese middleclass and lowerclass are cool. Upper class oligarchs and government should be lined up and executed. They are dogs, every last one of them.

China number one

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Billions of chinks will die by my hands

I wish i had a Chinese boyfriend :(