Why the fuck do you fucking faggots like zipperhead cartoons so damn much. Like christ...

Why the fuck do you fucking faggots like zipperhead cartoons so damn much. Like christ, thats all thats being posted on this website. What the fuck is the appeal of fucking zipperhead cartoons. Someone please explain it to me, I would really like to know!

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what's the etymology of zipperhead
it seems like a stupid slur

It means an asian person. Or you could just fucking google it.

maybe you could google etymology you fucking retard

Why dont you shut the fuck up retarded zipperhead faggot. Go fuck yourself chink eyes.

US military used to run over korean's heads after they were dead. The product looked kind of like a zipper.

you aren't even using the right slurs seppo shart

Shut the fuck up goddamnit. Zipperheads are stupid as fuck. Example 1 is (you).

This thread needs feet

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really? that's pretty contrived. seems like it'd be a korean exclusive insult then, but i don't see many korean cartoons round here

It doesnt apply to just korean people. It applies to asians in general.

Most westerners can't tell different kind of asians apart, so you're all the same thing to them.

that's stupid
do you call chinese nips?
do you call japs chinks?
your shits all backward use culture specific derogatory terms or they lose their effect
that's simply untrue Jow Forumseddit is autistic about racial traits and facial structures

Believe what you want man, as a westerner I can tell you the vast majority of us cannot tell the difference between different kinds of asians.

Shut the fuck up and stop acting offended you dumb zipperhead. All asians look the same so it literally does not matter.

Jow Forums are not normal westerners, he is right

i don't even have an ounce of asian blood in me newfag

I dont care faggot. Youre getting offended so im assuming your a chink eyed faggot

only one mad is you

Im not mad nigga im curious on why you guys like those fucin jap cartoons

anime is garbage but many mangas are a step up from western comics

well to answer your question I think people are trying to find a substitute for what they lack irl.
I mean just become a hopeless loser and see for yourself, tf are you asking for

Idk, but why the fuck do they have to turn to jap crap. If you guys are losers, why not just hire a prostitute?!?!?
Interesting, but whats a manga. Is it like a comic book.

literally just comic books but the continuity doesn't reset constantly like in american ones

Only in DC really. DC is the one where they have hard reboots like Crisis on Infinite Earths every 10+ years or so. Marvel has actually had a pretty consistant continuity for the past 60 years with only soft reboots.