Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
Have you been good this year user?

Attached: santahoh.jpg (907x604, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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That's not an answer, user.

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I have been good, but the year has not, Santa. Just give me a hug, I will be humble this year.

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It's clearly a no.

Been as good as a boy can be.

There there user, next year will be better, I promise.
Ho ho! My mistake then.
Ho ho ho! Of course you have been!

Attached: santahug.jpg (500x534, 39K)

I have been a total cunt


santa, are you Finnish?

santa is jewish

no. Ive gone and killed a mall santa

You are a good cookie not everyone deserves, user.

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Ho ho oh no! That's not very nice!
Why, yes I am!
Ho ho ho! Unfortunately you are incorrect!
You are getting a VIP position on the nice list, young man.

Attached: santahuh.jpg (1024x341, 77K)

Ive been a good boy! I wish for big anime tiddies to be plentiful next anime season!

Has Upi been a good boy this year?

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Maybe, maybe not

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santa called me a faggot and said i didn't deserve any presents

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my little faggot, please kill yourself or something and if you change your mind, you can always try to be a good gIRl the next year and don't be so slutty

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but i was a good boy this year
i'm not a slut

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you swear? average English user?

Time for penetration, yes!

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yees i was the goodest generic english user

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>Ive been a good boy!
Ho ho, good!
>I wish for big anime tiddies to be plentiful next anime season!
Ho ho ho! I think that is guaranteed user!
But I'll see what I can do.
Ho ho, that must have been Krampus! I would never say that.
Ho ho, to the naughty list you go!

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jolly molly~!

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Santa bend over, yes?

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Ho ho ho, I don't think so.

Attached: ho ho blammo.jpg (1300x973, 85K)

What happened to Mr Jow Forums?
Ho ho ho! Indeed!

Attached: santajolly.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

No, but that's OK because Sweden banned Christmas last year as to not upset Muslims.

i think i tried to be good, maybe i didnt try hard enough
i did it out of a desire to be appreciated instead of a desire to just do the right thing

Mostly yes, but made some mostakes.

We also gave Muslims free 1GB/s internet connection to make sure they have a communicative edge.

thanks god lapland is Finnish

>Sweden banned Christmas
this cant be true


You get used to it.

Ho? I thought that was proven to be a hoax.
Even though your intentions weren't pure, at least you tried.
Can't say the same for everyone.
Some mistakes are alright, you're doing good user.

Attached: santa'shotline.jpg (1024x576, 59K)

It's no hoax. I'm gonna move to New Zealand or something. Sweden is on fire and most people think it's fine.

I assumed it was just the chritmas light thing, has something else happened too?

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Then force you i will, yes.

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leave santa alone you bad man

Santa mine is, yes.

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No. I lost Vanessa and it was all my fault.

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i'm not a ho

Religion is the opoid of the masses. And Christmas has been spoiled by bourgeoisie consumerism

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Nvm. It's fake boys

kot id get

What went wrong my floridian friend?
Hoh, that's good! Ho's get coal for christmas.
>Christmas has been spoiled by bourgeoisie consumerism
Ho ho ho! Perhaps in America it has been! We still keep to our values and good will every christmas!
Thought so.

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y-yeah, I think so :3

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Good :3

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i'm calling the police

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Is that the Pope or the real Saint Nicholas smiling? How is Santa haram to catholicism? I'm catholic and I never heard about this.

that's saint nicholas
it's more of a joke and most catholics really don't care, though santa's origin is deliberately protestant, after the christian reformation, protestants considered the veneration of saints as anti-biblical, but they still wanted to celebrate christmas, some suggested to have baby jesus to be the figure of christmas but later changed their minds as the idea of baby jesus threatening mischiveous children appeared to fall out of favor, during the following centuries, many new figures apparently were created based on St. Nicholas, until a more popular figure came from Netherlands to the US now commonly known as Santa Claus

i pet a cat today, so i'd say so

The finnish santa is actually based on Saint Nick, and only has your Cola Santa's colours, nothing more.

wait, so you guys have a different santa? interesting, i didn't know that

>and only has your Cola Santa's colours,
For some reason I thought you were american, derp
Slightly different, yeah. At least in practice.
In say, America, he's mostly used for commercial purposes and mall Santa's, here you can work as Santa to spread Christmas joy to kids and adults. You can choose wether or not you get paid, in case for example you don't have the heart to take money from some poor family whom are clearly struggling.
But back to the Santa, as I said, he's largely based on Saint Nick still, but bears the Cola Santa's clothes (mainly because it looks better than the previous Claus wearing leather brown clothes), also of course he's not called Santa Claus here, but Joulupukki.
But that much is obvious.

i only came on my face twice

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I guess you can go on the nice list.

what's your criteria?



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pls send eight maids-a-milking

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You are correct, sir! Christianity and Islam are HEBREW religions. All worship the Jew god Yahweh. Yes, even muslims! Muslims worship the god of Abraham, Moses, and David ... Yahweh. They even believe Jesus was a prophet. So, if you’re Christian, you’re Jewish! If you’re Muslim, you’re Jewish!

Dubs and I was good

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I have. Purged over 16 gayposters.

Santa I have been good. I helped repel the Soviets with a hunting rifle of grandpa

A fooking leaf

I ruined a meth heads life