I'm having breakfast and playing Megaman 1 while not celebrating Christmas and I don't know what I'm going to do today...

I'm having breakfast and playing Megaman 1 while not celebrating Christmas and I don't know what I'm going to do today. Thanks for reading my blog!

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>Megaman 1
You still have not beaten it?

i stopped playing once i reached dr.willy's stage

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How about you bump with actual content...

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why did you bump my thread? how about you bump with actual content?

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Ho oh? Why are you not celebrating christmas friend?

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I did not bump tho.

because its the most depressing holiday we could have

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See. New post appears, but no bump.


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because jews celebrate hanukkah
so senpai has converted to tea after all huh.

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that isn't a cup of tea tho

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Fair enough
Oy gevalt I forgot about that

starting megaman 2

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shit game play dooom instead

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i've already played doom tho

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Play on [Difficult] like real men.

play brutal doom

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i get mad at games pretty easily and my mood is already shitty
i didnt like doom to the point of wanting to play mods

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merry christmas diego

thats offensive

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cry more. just because jesus is the saviour and youre jealous

no christmas is depressing!

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you want a head pat? im in the christmas mood and feel like giving to the people of bant

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you hit me with that and ill fucking smash your head in. also no druggies as well

no the fucking hat no!

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shoot the demons shoot the demons

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its christmas you can't do that
tried doom remake and its as boring as the original one

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then dont hit me with the bat

i no longer value you as a human being

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>implying you have been doing it all this time
im not the one celebrating christmas tho

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subhuman spaniard with bad taste in vidya

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mr shapiro do you want a head pat for christmas or not

my taste is pretty good otherwise i would be playing doom instead of megaman
i'll accept it, just because its you

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You know
Just because you're jewish doesn't mean you can't celebrate Christmas
We can all have a nice comfy december without it being religious, come join us in our fun Suebi~

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tenshi here with an unfriendly reminder that tilde marks are gay and using them makes you gay

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Hand bunne here with a very friendly reminder:
no u

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pre order doom eternal

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i didnt say i dont celebrate it because of yahveh, its just a really depressing holiday
pre order this *shows middle finger*

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*snibs ur finger*

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No it isn't!
It's only like that if you make it like that!
Stob being a sadboi suebi and be a funboi
make the most of the holidays and have a nice time with your family
Hope you get lots of nice presents~

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>implying i dont have a dysfunctional family
in spain we dont give presents the 25th
what do you want it for uh? to stick it up your ass? p-pffftt

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best christmas gift you could have ever given me. cheers

>dysfunctional family
that does not matter
as long as you try to have fun together and remind each other of why family matters it'll be alright
a couple of fights or disagreements is not somethning that can ruin a christmas
>in spain we dont give presents the 25th
Is it like here where you give them on the evening on the 24th?
or are there no presens at all?

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before usa americanized our holidays we used to celebrate the three wise kings, they come to spain the 5th and give presents to everybody
>that does not matter
as long as you try to have fun together and remind each other of why family matters it'll be alright
a couple of fights or disagreements is not somethning that can ruin a christmas

this is pretty idealistic

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that's disgusting

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so do you just eat food on the 24th and 25th?
feels like you blow your load too soon when you open your presents in the beginning of december
>this is pretty idealistic
and true
not every idealistic thing has to be unrealistic as well

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we eat and pray, thats what christmas was originally about
the 5th of january
in this case its both. family is broken

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>we eat and pray, thats what christmas was originally about
it was a pagan celebration originally
Christianity just sorta stole it and made it about that
then it slowly sorta went back to it's roots naturally because prayers are boring and sucky, parties are more fun
>the 5th of january
spanish christmas sounds like no fun desu
>family is broken
Then fix!
There is no better time to do this than on crimbas

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not everything has to be about fun
its called syncretism
santa claus as we know it today has nothing to do with the original one

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Santa Claus was Christian

orthodox christian

>not everything has to be about fun
no, but people tend to like things that are fun better than those that aren't
>santa claus as we know it today has nothing to do with the original one
Yes he does
the modern santa has thre forefathers which sorta melded together to make him
Odin, which i guess would be the oldest incarnation
Father christmas from Britain
And Saint Nicholas
The white beard, wisdom and magic that santa has all comes from odin if i had to guess

Did he stop being christian?

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you can have fun the other 364 days of the year
you have just given me more reasons not to celebrate it, odinism never reached spain

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>people tend to like things that are fun better than those that aren't

history proves you wrong

You can be bored the other 364 days
christmas is a time for niceness and fun
>odinism never reached spain
Why not make it?
De-convert from stinky judaism and accept thor into your heart

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Megaman gaems are outdated garbage

Just read the history of any country that has always been christian, like spain

Yahveh will take revenge if i dare doing that, once youre in theres no going back

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kot id get

but you weren't always christian
Member the moors?
>Yahveh will take revenge
Yaveh is a pussy and Tyr will beat him up if he tries anything

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christianism didnt disappear during al andalus and all the north continued being christian till we expelled the moors

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yes but many spaniards became muslim even if not all of them did, and the places that were conquered were officially muslim
ʸʰᵃᵛᵉʰ iˢ ᵃ ˡiˡ ᵇiᶜʰ ᵃnᵈ ᵉᵛᵉᴺ ᶠʳᵉʸᵃ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉᵃᵗ ʰiᵐ ᵘᵖ

Merry Christmas, spainon hope you everything goes well for you irl.

No. Even if "many" did they were still christians indoors, same with the jews. The muslim and jew minorities from the north were forced to convert to christianism as well

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suebi what christmas wrapping do you want? i have bells and candy cans or mistletoes?

Put it in a cardboard box and thats it

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but you need wrapping. its part of the present

mighty number

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How is it going

Sorry read wrong. Just put some tape on it it will be a present anyways

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tell me anything that you have learnt recently pls

Im in fact a girl

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came home after working out. im still not celebrating christmas

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for you diego

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Almost 20 and still not celebrating anything!

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you will enjoy christmas one way or another

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kind of defeats the purpose if i tell you

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have you spent the whole night awake? i think your brain isnt working properly

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why do you just reply when i dont have anything to say

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stop being such a scrooge ru-i mean suebi.
It's the season where you're legally obligated to be nice and merry!

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go to church then

fuck the holidays

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*high fives*
nuh uh

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