What should I do with this $50 lagdroid tablet?
Give me ideas Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
wanking station
Slap it against your dick as hard as you can until you cum.
remote control for a better device.
Install fitness apps and loose some of that fat, become healthy, live longer etc.
Put it on your bedroom wall and you have a TV
Just keep it in your kitchen for recipes.
Read a book
buy 16 gb sd card for under a fiver
install fdroid
install tachiyomi
install newpipe
download mango, music/podcasts
wait for next travel/holiday
whip it out on the next flight = profit???
Install ubports
I remove all unneeded apps. Install a clock app and use them as a wall/desk clock.
cum on it
install gentoo
Shove it up your ass
lose weight
wat next?
>ignoring the point
can't be rooted
into the garbage it goes
>ignoring english
use it as a monitor for some camera
use it as a second monitor
use it as a midi instrument
use it to remote check your server's health
use it as a portable pentest station
etc etc
with the tablet?