Present Thread

Tell us what you got for Christmas, r_banter.

Attached: The_Cirno_For_Christmas.jpg (425x600, 261K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking nothing

Of course Italy, you need friends and/or family to receive gifts.

Fair enough. Real men don't get gifts.

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all i want for christmas is kot id get

It's Christmas Eve here, so nothing.

kot ID get in this thread

I'm the one doing the giving.

Try again

How about when Christmas actually happens?

Pale Fire, but my sister vomited all over it


inte ett jävla skit, precis som jag vill ha det.

A shovel.

All sorts of things! Pals at steam gave me Bad Rats 2, and me family gave me a brand new laptop! One of those sturdy netbook-types.

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xmas fail

sippa da wine




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I got a ton of canned beans and meat! It is gift I will cherish.

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A tin full of home-baked cookies. I love them!


Nothing because I'm jewish

Wooden mannequin and Despacito

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He is going to watch me

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Holy shit, don't tell me, don't tell me.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IS THAT DESPACITO?

>canned beans
>in russia
Jesus christ

Lots of things. Toothbrushes, socks, a power drill, a new monitor and headset...
What I really need is to get my foot checked though, it's feeling pretty gimpy.

I got this teapot.
It is a nice teapot.
Thanks dad.

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Looks lovely!

I got to cover other people's shifts so that they could spend time with people who love them.

Never saw a cylindrical teapot before.

Gift Cards to a bunch of things, mostly Amazon

I got a replica derringer that came with an unfinished stock. Anyone have tips on how where I should go to fix it up in way that would be historically accurate?

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If it's one of those CVA kits, just know that the stocks come with WAY too much wood on them and should be thinned down quite a lot to be more historically accurate.

Yeah, I was told that lots of sanding was needed to get the stock down to reasonable specifications.

You should ask Jow Forums or /diy/ about it. They'll know what to do.




Yes sir may I please have another?

Anime is for fucking brain deads, if you like anime you belong is /pol

blin id get

Attached: kot blini.jpg (1124x1024, 188K)

I got a new laptop, but it has Windows 10 so I'm holding off on using it until I update to 7.

My dad got me a traveler guitar for when im gonna be in ireland for most of 2019

Thanks dad

deus ex
tomb raider
wonderful 101
new ps4

A trip to Jow Forums to see that hiro is continuing to ruin the site. Sorry people, he did this in 2ch too


I got a new drill and monitor to put together with it! I've never done dual-screen before.

itt retarded christcucks

gb2 mutilating cocks you hebrew heathen rabbi

I just got $200
I hope a rocket falls on top of you


Bet you probably didn't get anything from Hanukkah.

A H.P. Lovecraft Anthology

Does it have the Nigger Man story in it?


Wasn't that his cat's name?

Islam’s domination of your nation. Yea.

nothing for christmas, cuz it's in 9 days.

Jew salt. Freshly extruded.

The flash rebirth volume 1: lightning strikes twice

Just gift cards. Everybody is too lazy to give real gifts.

Was in hospotal, got a few shirts

haha same

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Were they at least for something good?

Got a lot for Amazon.

There's a late Christmas present over on /tv/. However, it was gotten in stealth so the thread could last longer, so although it's not Cirno, it is clearly "Cirno-esque" in its presentation.

Good luck finding it!

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i got a jbl clip 3, an ultimate ears wonderboom and a raspberry pi 3 b+.
overall rather pleased with these items.

I got a sweet collection of Hawaiian shirts from a friend that is moving away soon. Most of them never worn. I also got a PS2, no games. What should I do with it

Opps, sorry for not keeping it alive.

Will be get one more major get for the new year?

You tell me.

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Parents framed a painting I did when I was about 8 or 9. Little sister made me some kind of plushie.

Also got some socks and underwear.

You know what I got for Christmas?
A fucking hangover
Fuck you

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Were those socks comfy at least? What's the plush of?
If you enjoyed the party, a gift is a gift.

I did to, and it was glourious!

Not much, most of my family is poor, other than a new sweater. I got everyone cheap electronics like flashlights and hot plates.

Huh. What's Christmas like in Latvia?

Like in everywhere else, but poorer and dirtier.


Socks and lots of candy.

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A community full of friends!

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Orr perhaps, full of fiends.

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Why don't we talk about New Year's Resolutions instead?

My resolution is to browse more r_banter.

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Sleep less.

You know what I got for Christmas this year? It was a banner fuckin' year at the old Bender family. I got a carton of cigarettes. The old man grabbed me and said "Hey. Smoke up Johnny."

Get a better job.

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I got this set of drills and a lathe to work metal with. I'm learning to become a metal worker, welding and milling included, so I can start a job fixing things.

>Be me
>Christmas morning
>Neet, bought all my own presents with neetbux
>Don't expect any presents from family- I don't contact them anymore, they live in the same small town though
>Knock at door
>Drag myself out of computer chair
>Only somewhat overweight, but never eat healthy/exercise/any of that normie shit so very unfit
>Open door
>There's a package there
The packages I ordered online won't be here for another day or two
>It's relatively big
>Oh well
>Drag inside
>At least if I get murdered I can say I had a healthy amount of internet points from fellow anons
>Go to kitchen to get package opening knife
>Slice tape
>Look inside
>It's a assortment of sex toys
>Some used
>Pocket pussies, cock rings, dildos for fucking days
>Some I don't even recognize
>Hear giggling at my window
>Yank open curtain
>Younger family members laughing their asses off as they run off to their bikes and pedal away
>Close curtain
>Look back at sex toy assortment
What do I do now

Tell that they got your package wrong and ask for a refund?
Alternatively, start an online sex toy auction.

Nothing much. Just a pocket watch, Swiss make, to keep around as a portable conversation piece.

Build a spiked ball, only each spike ends with a sex toy, then roll it down a road up a hill.

