Why is it that every time a straight Russian man comes to America they are tempted into fucking gay American ass?
Why is it that every time a straight Russian man comes to America they are tempted into fucking gay American ass?
I mean kudos to my American people for converting the enemy but still!
Russian men are the gayest men on earth
When they’re in America!
>implying kissing men is gay
well that comes as no surprise from you, a fucking uncultured animal
A Russian put his TOUNGE in my ANUS and he WIGGLED IT like a SNAKE
I guess repression
Find a woman who doesn't say 'they don't need no man' or find a homo. Which is easier?
some mutts are cute, b-baka
What is it like to have never had a close enough friend to share a non-gay kiss, user?
Yeesh what’s next? Non gay sex?
Because the numales in america are by default so gay that they manage to be more feminine than the women of most other countries.
>implying a man putting his penis in another man is gay.
wew lad
Did the balls touch?
When this thread was needing some russian to defend his country, comes a stupid russian to say stupid things
Americans emit female pheromons due to estrogen in their water
>implying that there’s something to defend
Not if you and your partner take estrogen to shrink your balls user