Why is it that every time a straight Russian man comes to America they are tempted into fucking gay American ass?

Why is it that every time a straight Russian man comes to America they are tempted into fucking gay American ass?

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I mean kudos to my American people for converting the enemy but still!

Russian men are the gayest men on earth

When they’re in America!

>implying kissing men is gay


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well that comes as no surprise from you, a fucking uncultured animal

A Russian put his TOUNGE in my ANUS and he WIGGLED IT like a SNAKE

I guess repression

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Find a woman who doesn't say 'they don't need no man' or find a homo. Which is easier?

some mutts are cute, b-baka

What is it like to have never had a close enough friend to share a non-gay kiss, user?

Yeesh what’s next? Non gay sex?

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Because the numales in america are by default so gay that they manage to be more feminine than the women of most other countries.

>implying a man putting his penis in another man is gay.
wew lad

Did the balls touch?

When this thread was needing some russian to defend his country, comes a stupid russian to say stupid things

Americans emit female pheromons due to estrogen in their water

>implying that there’s something to defend

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Not if you and your partner take estrogen to shrink your balls user

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