Guys, are intel ME backdoors real? Should you remove it? Should you care? Please help.
My cpu is Intel i7-4600U (4) @ 3.300GHz
Guys, are intel ME backdoors real? Should you remove it? Should you care? Please help
Other urls found in this thread:
Use ME_Cleaner
ME Backdoors aren't clean son
install thinkpad :^)
intel ME is a backdoor do mossad/cia/NSA, enjoy.
>no libreboot
>The latest stable release is 20160907, released on 2016-09-07
Thanks for normal answers guys.
I have a thinkpad, but that's what I get
the newest thinkpad supported by coreboot is the t430
but you can still use me cleaner on it with the default bios
So I will need to obtain the firmware, right?
I will have to obtain tools and tinker with it a lot, and it's a longer-term task. Sad.
Thanks for your help anons
use motherboards that send you a copy of schematics with purchase
wat do u have to hide proprietary fags!?!
Yes, ME backdoors are real, look at the research being done by the Kremlin-affiliated Positive Technologies. And you shouldn’t remove them because that makes the Mossad and Unit 8200 angry.
Yes, just as real as AMD PSP. Neither can be truly turned off. The only real solution is to use older CPUs, I think the newest without those are C2Q for intel and FX bulldozers from AMD
PSP isn’t Israeli at least.
The old AMD A6-3420m doesn't have the PSP back door, does it?
It uses Phenom II cores so it shouldn't
But it is still susceptible to Spectre, but not Meltdown, based on what I've read. Forgive my n00bness. Basically, as I understand it, the only processors not susceptible to Spectre and Meltdown are the 9th gen Intel and 3xxx series AMD chips, right? But they both have backdoors. Fuck.
> should you care ?
no, your internet usage is logged and monitored by ECHELON, this is unavoidable , TOR was compromised years ago, pretty much any popular OS has zero days and backdoors
disconnect your computer from the internet, and only use devices that follow TEMPEST specifications if you’d like some privacy
AMD only has the NSA backdoors and not the Israeli ones.
>In February 2018, research was published describing how low frequency magnetic fields can be used to escape sensitive data from Faraday-caged, air-gapped computers with malware code-named ’ODINI’ that can control the low frequency magnetic fields emitted from infected computers by regulating the load of CPU cores
Jesus Fucking Christ
Spectre and Meltdown are now patched in the mainline Linux kernels (with PTI, user pointer sanitation, reptoline, etc).
For Intel chipsets, the ME/AMT is on the mobo (northbridge/PCH) not the directly in the CPU. You can use any C2D or C2Q as long as the mobo did not have ME on it (such as the gigabye GA-G41M)
OpenBSD was pretty much immune before they announced the vulns.
Keeping private from the NSA who pretty much don’t care unless you’re a terrorist or spy is different from keeping private from the real threat model, the Jews at Jewgle and Faceberg.
>> use blobbed BIOS which can run deblobbed
>trusting a CIA tranny with mental illness to deblob your BIOS
It is proof that always online is a meme, and you should airgap any machine that isn’t required to accept incoming calls or SMS (and done so exclusively for that purpose). All the “someone can listen to CPU cycles” memes are theoretical, if they really wanted to do so they would seize the computer entirely
I got 99c problems but ME ain't one.
Jow Forumsentleman, coreboot and libreboot (which is just a distribution of coreboot) are on the same side here, don't fall for the divide and conquer tactics of those who glow in the dark
Coreboot is a large effort by a number of parties, Libreboot is one tranny who slightly modifies the Coreboot code with back doors.
>Guys, are intel ME backdoors real?
>Should you remove it?
You can't
>Should you care?
>Please help.
>My cpu is Intel i7-4600U (4) @ 3.300GHz
i think Federals niggers are crossing the line... if some people don't put a limit to the government, they will start to do what ever they want to do......
Libreboot is simply a blob-free Coreboot, you can compile both from source. Please don't spread FUD. There are no backdoors.
the same shit with big companies.....
>You can't
ME v4 and earlier can be fully removed. Although that is still pretty old hardware (ie X200/T400 era)
“All the “someone can listen to CPU cycles” memes are theoretical”
if this was true than NATO and the U.S wouldn’t follow and continue to develop TEMPEST standards.
So the ME67 with an i5-2450m is worse than an A60M with an A6-3420m, but basically they're both fucked. Great.
>My cpu is Intel i7-4600U (4) @ 3.300GHz
A dual core i7
That's fucking robbery.
you know what, i think that i need to get away from big problem maker people. i could easily end up in jail......
Just for fun, I installed that intelmetool-git with Yay on Arch and it didn't detect my hardware on two machines.
One of them is a Lenovo Y510P and the other one is my desktop pc with a Intel i7 4790k.
Did I miss something?
We don't know what's inside closed source hardware. We might be able to disable Intel's ME stuff but there no way to ensure no backdoor remains.
ME back doors are real.
You cannot remove it. It's literally part of the CPU.
Firmware tools like ME_Cleaner etc. don't actually remove it. They attempt to disable it. But like nuking from orbit the only way to be sure is to actually remove it.
Yes you should care.
And, no, AMD has exactly the same bullshit in their CPUs they just call it something else.
So is there even any advantage in disabling mei and mei_me modules?