I have a 6th gen ipod classic that doesn't read the hard drive I thought at first that the hard drive was faulty, but it turns out that it's a logic board issue. Is there any way to fix this, or is buying a new board my only option?
I kind of regret not going the iPod iflash route. The touchscreen devices suck these days.
Hunter Hill
you can get one of those fancy ipod-like fiio pmps
Luis Gonzalez
I'm surprised the guide in the OP isn't saying how much better the Fuze was than the Fuze+. The Fuze+ had a shit screen on which the colors would get all fucked up unless you watched it from a very specific angle when holding it horizontally to watch a video. The original Fuze didn't have this problem and used to be a popular go-to for people who wanted a Rockboxed PMP
Looking for a cheap dap that can read opus for my podcasts. What to get? I already have a "hifi" dap, don't care about sound quality. I'm using my phone now but it is getting old and the battery barely last a day.
Jaxson Watson
>lum Based and ultrapilled
Sebastian Lopez
Whats the best ipod to get that's SD card modded (that I can throw rockbox onto)
Brandon Cruz
Video 5g or 5.5g with an iFlash
John Morris
Why a dedicated media player instead of a smartphone ?
Jace Parker
Thanks, kinda figured after reading the guide but didn't know if the 6th/7th gen were better for some reason before pulling the trigger on a ~$200 device
Jaxson Sanders
For the PMP guide please add qls 361 in the expensive new shit. It's a no frills dap that can drive anything from iem to planar with sound quality up to top tier dap without the fancy streaming/Bluetooth/artwork display. Pure focus on sound and it is relatively cheap: $700 instead of $2000 to $3000 of the competition.
Jeremiah Wood
A pity that the original Fuze doesn't have enough amount of RAM. Upgraded to 3.14 and it has only around 600kB of buffer memory.It is sometimes slow to change tracks, or just skips to the middle of the next song.
They both use the same Wolfson WM8758BG DAC. The only differences between them were the HDD capacity, some software thing with the stock firmware, and half the RAM on lower capacity models.
Chase Wright
That explains why upgrading broke gameboy emulation for me back when I was messing around with Rockbox. I forgot what version number I ended up reverting to, but I remember the build number was 090909 (the strongest!) because that was the last one I knew of where gameboy emulation was still working for me.
They are eh. Everything after Plastic Beach was a mistake.
Ryan Thomas
Their old stuff is good
John King
Oh shit, I should have expected their to be custom firmware for iPods. This is amazing. I was just given an iPod Classic so I need to get Rockbox on this little shitter.
Any theme/plug-in recommendations while I'm sifting through the site?
>battery life >sound quality >not needing cell service >not needing your phone out to listen to music >not needing a music service >if using music files, use any music player on desktop you want by extension the reasons are many.
Jose Adams
My iflash came in and I swapped out the hard drive for it. All I'm waiting for is a new front panel and a case from China, and I'll be set. Also, the HDD was half of the weight of the ipod, it feels so light now.
>>battery life Ever seen my Huawei Mate 20 Pro sheed ipoor mp3's in battery life? >>sound quality Just get a small dac and use it with any Android device. >>not needing cell service Well I don't need service either but at least I have the option. >>not needing your phone out to listen to music Wtf does this even mean? >>not needing a music service What's the issue? >>if using music files, use any music player on desktop you want by extension Ye like on Android.
Kevin Long
what are some good sites to get ipod replacement parts?
William Fisher
ifixit. idemigods has a 10% off an entire order coupon with 190481, it doesn't work on their ebay store though, only through the site.
Zachary Miller
thanks lad
Gavin Jackson
Shame it flopped
Aiden Murphy
Been looking around for an ipod video to use, but I'm concerned about the audio quality. I currently use a cayin n3 but want to sell it. I usually listen with some sensitive iems, and can't hear much noise on my cayin. I have an ipod nano 2g, which emits lots of noise. Will the ipod video be the same? To clarify, by "noise" I mean the white noise you hear in the background. thanks anons
Jackson Hill
What's the best iPod Nano? I heard the 1st gen has the best DAC but it also has the worst battery life and lowest storage space.
Ryder Cook
I haven't had a dedicated music player in years, which iPod should i buy? I have a 2nd gen mini but the clickwheel on it broke and i can't get a replacement. So far i've been looking at the 2nd gen nano but i don't know if i will buy it yet.
Carson Murphy
>What's wrong with Gorillaz, you fucking niggers? First album was decent (I've seen Del tha Funkee Homosapien live and he's great) but everything after that was crap.
Jason Williams
I can't notice any noise coming from my 5.5g with my AutismPros, but they're not that sensitive. Video 5g or 5.5g. No other iPod comes close in terms of customizability, sound quality or availability of replacement parts/upgrades.
Joshua Sanders
The default theme is totally servicable, IMO. No theme is perfect, however I really like that detail view in the second link, I'll check it out.
Just please don't be one of those autists who don't even display the album art (see )
Jack Cooper
How come Pioneer doesn't get any love in the OP guides? They make capable PMPs as well.
are the newer versions of the clip usable, despite not having rockox support? They are the perfect exercise player. My Rockboxed clip + is breaking in every way at this point due to age and use. Broken buttons, audio loss in right channel, and likely failing flash due to random corruption of firmware I've never had happen before.
I got myself a video 5.5 g and stuck a 256 gb ssd, 3000 mAh aftermarket, rockbox and new casing on it but it's too damn clunky to run with and the clickwheel is a pain to interface with during exercise.
Brandon Diaz
>Ever seen my Huawei Mate 20 Pro sheed ipoor mp3's in battery life? No, I don't know you. If your phone can last three days, you must not use it for much else. >Wtf does this even mean? It means I don't need my phone to listen to music and I can just keep it in my pocket or use it for something else. What's not clear? >What's the issue? Matter of preference I guess?
Nicholas Diaz
Dude, get a Sony a55 and a SD card, that's all you need for portable music, spend your money on a stereo system unless you got a small house.
Cooper Robinson
Considering this - can I just manage my music via files/folders or do they need me to use some shitty proprietary codec that only comes with their software?
Matthew Foster
>has rockbox development stalled at this point? There are daily builds. rockbox.org/daily.shtml
Ryan Cook
This is a stupid question since I'm really asking about the nature of open source development, but why fragment efforts on all this random out of production hardware? Aren't there a few good players that could benefit from accelerated movement towards stable?
Austin Lopez
I don't personally have one, but they support drag and drop files, and most of the usual codecs. I'd consider getting one if I could afford one, but I also I don't want another proprietary cable to carry around.
Liking the Plenue D so far. The interface is not too bad at all.
Asher Perry
Henry Martin
Maybe someone here can help me. I need to drag and drop music folders into a drive, but I want 24/48+ FLACs to be downsampled to 24/48. I realize I can use basically any music player, but some of the folders also include MP3s, and I don't want to needlessly convert them. I mainly use musicbee on Win7, which works fine to convert FLAC to MP3, but it doesn't downsample FLAC to FLAC. I'll liveboot into a distro if there is a utility that works there. Any ideas?
How do I assemble a HiFi pmp? I'm almost willing to lug around shit that look like a bomb if it gets the job done
Elijah Baker
I want an iPod 5.5g anons Where can I get one for cheap?
Jaxson Russell
is there an actual quality difference in using a media player?
Gabriel Parker
Flea markets Thrift stores Buy one with a broken hard drive off ebay Depends on which media player and what you're comparing it to.
Gabriel Long
What's the point? Sell me on a PMP. I currently use an LG G7 for my mobile audio needs.
Gavin Hill
I use eBay. Most 5.5's listed for parts just need a new hdd ($7 a 30gb), battery {$5 for a standard 450mah new battery) or both. You can buy new parts for dirt cheap like back and front panels, screens, and switches for dirt cheap from China.
William Green
There's plenty of people selling their old broken ipods, just fix it up
Caleb Reyes
>tfw only got into looking through their other albums recently after years of only knowing demon days and plastic beach is still "new" to me
Samuel Thomas
>Ever seen my Huawei Mate 20 Pro sheed ipoor mp3's in battery life? To get a phone to last that long, you would have to disable the GPS and keep it in airplane mode at all times, let alone delete every pozzed app like Facebook that lingers in the background and eats your battery. At that point your phone is basically a PMP without the conveniences of a PMP like physical buttons or headphone jacks.
Landon Williams
What's the best I can get for under $200? I currenty have the Benjie S5 and it's been a solid buy in terms of battery life and sound quality for the price. Looking to upgrade. iPod prices are fucked where I live and I probably have to choose between chink players and Sony.
My needs are: - at least10 hours of battery life - decent firmware, I can't believe how much expensive chinkshit has absolute trash firmware - USB DAC mode is a bonus - nice build quality
I've been looking into the Fiio M3K because they claim it has +15 hours of battery but I'm turned off by the navigation buttons
Plastic Beach was ok, a few good songs with a lot of meh.
The Now Now doesn't have a single song I really want to listen to again.
Liam Nelson
What player would suit my needs? I just want to pay as little money as possible and get the most value. I don’t know anything about sound quality. I want expandable storage so I can’t use my shitty phone. I had remembered that you guys liked the Sansa from eons back but apparently the Jam is overpriced and shit now? I just want to be able to carry around loads of storage, have acceptable audio quality, last a long time and pay as little as possible.
Dominic Edwards
I've been lurking dap threads like mad in head-fi. $200 is tricky, you'll be in the limbo of midfi - with newer daps that are slightly better coming out every 3months making the purchase a bit frustrating. In my opinion, double your budget and get the detonray for $350. This seems to be a true hifi player. Only upgrade worth after that are in the $1K+ range. If you really have to stay in the 200 range. I'd say look at hiby r3 or shanling m2x, forget Fiio, they are not competitive anymore.
Dominic Fisher
But I can say, it's totally worth it to get a better source for your T2, You didn't said you needed a screen? Zishan z2 is really good, no limits on SD card and can be as low as 30usd and has a dac+Line out fonction. I still use it even though I have stuff 10x the price. DONT get it if you plan to use with hybrid or balance armature however.
Juan Ward
I was afraid of that. I'm planning to get better headphones soon and plan to buy a DAP that would actually scale with it. Are the Sony Walkmans (NW 55 series) for under $300 good enough? Also the Shanling M0s are often being shilled on Head-Fi, do you have any experience with them?