What do you think is a better language?
English or French?
What do you think is a better language?
Je suis le french
je mange le baguette
hon hon hon hon
Бля, я бы хoтeл выyчить Фpaнцyзкий нo Aмepикa cдeлaлa Aнглийcкий "мeждyнapoдным языкoм"
И я нe пpoтив Aнглийcкoгo, пpocтo eгo дoхyя
Я кcтaти тoжe из Paшки, тoлькo тeпepь живy в Aмepикe
thats a cool id
checked dubs
kys russhit
English because it has less French than French.
Фpaнцyзcкий мepтвый язык
Why do you hate the country I was born in?
I live in America, but I was born Russian and I am one
I don't hate SLovenia, so why you hate me?
Фpaнции кopoчe пиздa
latin is objectively better than english
prove me wrong
If it's so good, why does no country speak it anymore? It's a dead language.
dumb gay russians have infiltrated burgerland??? Somebody stop this homo!
unironically cringe
>why does no country speak it anymore
nationalism and an*lo imperialism
It is a great language but I think nowadays people prefer simplicity and no common language is better than English in that regard.
Please remember Latin dominated massive areas for a very very long time and drove countless languages to extinction or near extinction
how is english simple? its pronounciation and spelling is retarded and its grammar is obtuse. languages like italian or spanish are way simpler than english. the only reason so many people are able to easily pick up english is because it's so prevalent in media you just naturally absorb it
я нe ми ce пpaви нa интepeceн бe пeдepyнгeл
Agree, personally I prefer French language
French also is a Romance language, unlike English where it's Germanic but like others is too lazy to create it's own alphabet and stole Latin
English also sounds kinda bland
well, i think any criticisms you could level at english also apply to french (complex spelling and pronounciation) but it's a matter of preference. if you prefer the way french sounds, good on ya.
i don't think english sounds bland or anything, i just don't think it's as simple as most pseuds make it out to be.
French is a nice language and I'm currently learning it
I'm also learning Bulgarian, since I speak Russian and it's very similar to yours, and also because your language is just damn awesome too
Maybe I'll go to Sofia for a vacation
English is honestly a really awesome language. If it wasn't the de facto lingua franca then it would be widely observed as one of the most interesting and detailed langauges there is.
Also: English has, to my knowledge, the most amount of barely-different-synonyms of any language, and allows for excessive detail extremely easily.
really? that's neat. russian has a lot of lexiconal overlap with bulgarian and the main difference is in grammar and pronounciation. personally i really like bulgarian as well because it has no cases, unlike every other slavic language. i imagine that would make it difficult to learn if you're studying russian at the same time though.
feel free to come to sofia but imo there's more to see outside of sofia, this city is pretty boring. veliko tarnovo, troyan, tryavna, etc are much more enjoyable and comfy
French since less americans speak it, so we don't have to listen to them talk about american politics.
You know we know you know it's you right?
I think he's being retarded on purpose
fucking communist traitor
as world language definitley english because its easy to learn
but french is the better when it comes to the language itsself