>DLSS is a mem-...
DLSS is a mem-
Other urls found in this thread:
>blurs the shit out of your game and fucks with rendering
nothing personel
DLSS is just 1440p with a shitty filter that turns everything into a blurry mess and tanks fps.
No, it increases fps, dummy.
It decreases fps compared to 1440p. In fact, DLSS looks worse than 1800p while providing the same fps.
dlss makes games look like a pretty painting (*°▽°*)
Why would you ever use it on an old game anyway? I really don't see the point.
Decreasing quality usualy gives more fps.
Since when is this new technology?
You can also simply lower the resolution instead of this DLSS shit.
>DLSS looks worse than 1080p while providing the same fps.
DLSS is a nostalgia filter for N64 fans.
A shitty 5700X can perform better than this 2080 and look better at 1600p with RIS on. DLSS is absolute trash
Why is Mosnter Hunter so demanding when it's so ugly?
>Deep Learning Shit Smearing
I'll take garbage bilinear scaling filters any day than tanking my performance for a worse image.
>nvidiatard trying to feel better about spending his life savings on rtx shit
dlss is garbage and all reviewers agree. amd's new open source sharpening has better image quality and has no performance impact.
DLSS is basically waifu2x, but a shitty ass implementation of it.
>sharpened literally looks as good or better than native
>comparing 4K image quality
>with a 1080p image
Based retard.
dlss is so bad that you can literally see how bad it is from 1080p lol. are you pretending not to see the difference?
>nvidia claims dlss needs a shitload of time to be trained
>gets blurred to hell and back
>tanks fps
>amd creates something free
>works out of the box
>doesnt tank your perfomance what so ever
>actually gives me better quality
1800p was not a mistype.
>rendering at lower resolution makes it go faster
wow, amazing! well done, nvidia
>actually gives me better quality
haha nice try faggot prove it.
countless videos already about it that all of them concluded that it was just better
because amd knows better
Your fucking sharpening filter is being laughed at by people who actually know anything about image quality. The fact a bunch of AMD shills are hyping it up means nothing.
>Nvidia shills
>laughed upon
look at all those evidence you brought to the table to support what you are saying
oh wait no sorry shills never do that
It requires developer support you poo.
Playing at a lower resolution gives you more fps. UNBELIEVABLE
No, Waifu2x is great. DLSS looks just like bilinear upscaling even tho they say they use trained AI models for upscaling. This shit just doesn't work. I bet Integer Upscaling would look much better than this shit.
lol this image is blurry just like DLSS simply epic
Nvidiaturd like cum on their screen, nothing to see here
look at the tank in that photo. It looks like horse shit.
its not that much about performance, it's about the blurry oil paintings of image with DLSS. just watch people actually using ReShade with AMDs CAS tech for MH:W to fix that mess
It doesn't, though. You can really see the difference in the rivets and the tank commander's jacket.
Either way, RIS actually works, and looks as good or better than native 4k with greatly enhanced framerates. Meanwhile, DLSS is a fucking meme that isn't worth mentioning because you're better off turning the ingame graphics settings to minimum and resolution to 720p.
ok here is in 4k
are you blind or what?
>4k DLSS
more like PS2 game. jesus
the only valid question right here. the engine is dogshit
>basing your retarded opinion on a screengrab of something in motion
Have you seen the image quality? It's laughable, console like
>his shitty washed out (((4k dlss))) looks worse than native 1080p
>hurr, why don't you compare it vs native 4k
Dumb nshittia shill
can you read?
DLSS is the smudge tool of graphics processing.
Nvidia texture pop-in is fucking awful in doom, I see it's awful in other stuff too. Why are people willing to accept that shit?
nvidia keeps trying to pass on the cost of ai research to gamers and it keeps failing. hope those cucks get fucked. i hope amd's alternative to cuda comes soon enough, once tensorflow and torch support it, there will be no reason buy another nvidia card
>develop new engine
>ignore it entirely and continue to use the old engine for the basis of Monster Hunter for the next 10-15 years because it's easier
I wonder how they plan to bump the visuals to match next gen games when they'll be about as powerful as a 2060 Super and even that is pushing it, MHWorld already runs like trash on consoles.
>develop new engine
you mean the Resident Evil 2 engine? dunno about that, MH:W would need some anime looks and that engine need some serious power too
>we can totally make 4k60 real!
>just run this 1440p upscaler!
>Your fucking sharpening filter is being laughed at by people who actually know anything about image quality.
Probably the same kinda People that larp over audio quality.
ROCm exists and works well with TF as far as i ca tell
>lower the actual resolution
>use shitty AA to remove the jagged edges
you can basically get DLSS by setting the internal rendering resolution to 80% and using FXAA
>poor image quality
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Are you getting payed for this? I can't imagine how any sane human can unironically shill for a company as shit as nvidia unless they bought their stocks or something.
does it still make shit blurry?
No No No this is 10 years of research, It's Artificial Intelligence bro It's futuristic top tier technology bro pls buy our cards
If you have some concrete evidence of that being so we'd be happy to be proven wrong user.
I don't know if MHW has resolution scaling, but in BFV you can just turn down the resolution and get better performance AND quality than DLSS. What the fuck.
I don't know why you AMDrones bother, nobody is buying AMD cards, your cards could be $200 cheaper and perform 10% better and nobody would buy them. Jig is up, people got burned by AMD too many times.
congrats on exposing yourself as a poorfag who would never afford any of those cards
another RTX feature useable exclusively on 2080 ti if you don't want shit tier performance.
>on launch
>still can't beat the 1660Ti
>only one model outselling the 2070
AMDbros... not like this...
>4 out top 6 sold are AMD
>n-no one is buying it! ;_;
use DLSS on this screenshot please.
>>amd creates something free
I'd like to interject here, you do know we have FREE SHARPENING FILTERS THAT WORK ON ALL CARDS for years now, right?
AMD didn't just now invent sharpening filters.
>>his shitty washed out (((4k dlss))) looks worse than native 1080p
And that's why you have to suspect it's some kind of bug, because it should not look worse than 1440p. Yet it does, specifically in that screenshot, where it looks like texture quality was set from high to low.
Compare these three images.
Those blurry textures
>hurr, it's just a bug goy!
Did you think no one else saw the massive dlss shittery on ff?
MHW is actually the first to add a new sharpening filter for DLSS like AMD's CAS
Not saying DLLS is great man.
But that specific example looks like a bug.
A 1440p unscaled to 4k, does not make textures look worse than on 1080p.
It just doesn't work like that.
You can compare it in other games and other examples and see DLLS doesn't have this kind of effect , again it makes thing blurry, not "lowers texture quality from high to low".
rendering at 1440p instead of 2160p will do that
or if you actually knew what you were talking about, then you'd know ai can make mistakes like that as part of its basic behavior and is to be expected with anything based on it
Compare these images and tell me what you think
is, and which one you prefer.
I will reveal what was used on all of them later.
Does it matter? AMD's CAS or what ever is called is now mostly available via Reshade anyway even for Nvidia
this is what i said when they announced it, kek
they're selling goymers a half-baked waifu2x and the fuckwits are swallowing that load and begging for more
same thing about AMD sharpening filter, which has been available for years for free on all cards
Yet got to market something
>benchmarked with irrelevant cpu
2 is just shitloads better
Is the game good? Like actually good?