What music do you program to?
What music do you program to?
Instrumental electronic music only.
200 IQ - KYS anime pedo scum (FLAC)
programming is for fags
good taste, op
imagine not being gay in 2019 lmao, fucking loser
Go fucking neck yourselves, degenerates.
i'll give you neck ;)
unironically lo fi hip hop
car seat headrest, king crimson, andrew jackson jihad, youtube autoplay
This. Incidentally, I am a small-brain frontend dev.
90s goa and psytrance. It gets me pumped.
World's End Girlfriend - Hurtbreak Wonderland
Depends on what I feel like at the time. Either that, or nothing.
how can you guys concentrate on what you're programming while playing music
man, i lose concentration with a slight sound, even a little blink of LED distracts me, that's why i tape the LED indicators on my laptop
I know i have autism, but still ...
That's why I code to post rock and ambient music. Constant flow of noise that blocks any possible sudden noise that may distract me.
boiler room sets
the brown note
what's your discord
to be honest, the same stuff that i listen to when i'm shitposting. but if i really need to concentrate, i turn it off