Should I learn Letter, coffee or snake
What should I learn?
What about golang and its retarded hamster?
c is outdated and python doesn't use strict types
easy, letter.
how's your chops with packets?
>not Kotlin vs. C++ vs. Python
extremely unbased, poopilled, and cnilepilled
So, Kotlin, C++ or Python?
Or golang?
Common Lisp
(Not to be confused with coffeescript
Java is named after the islands the coffee thing is just a ploy. Just like Python.
If you're starting out programming, probably Python and definitely not C. If you want to get employed, Java, Python, C in that order.
Want to write fast, efficient, and multi-paradigm code with the capability to easily pull in C libs? (Modern) C++.
Want to easily write cross-platform (including Android and, more recently, iOS and JS), relatively performant code with access to the Java ecosystem and a solid coroutine system similar to Golang's? Kotlin. Learning Java afterwards will be easy if you want to be more readily employed.
Want to write simple scripts, small applications, work on data science or ML, write web backends, and don't care about performance? Python.
Rust is also an option but I wouldn't bother with it if you haven't learned C or C++ as you won't see the purpose in many of its restrictions. Golang is plain retarded.
If you ask me I'd learn some Python first to pick up basic procedural shit like if/else/for and whatnot and then go into C++ before you get overly spoonfed with Python's ease of use. Kotlin can come in later and you'll pick it up really easily after experience with Python and C++.
kotlin is retarded
thank you for your extremely insightful post, ranjesh, 15Rs has been deposited to your account
Soon my friend.
Where are your programming socks?
>No computer
Oh look, it's this thread again.
learn prolog
>strict types
There are very small overlap between those three in terms of application area, I'd say you should learn all.
it is ok for basic algorithms or procedures that dont need to run that fast. And just make sure you are ok with shitty whitespace syntax, but beyond that it gets very messy when trying to create larger applications
>Kotlin and C++
See pic related, OOP languages create unneccessary complexity along with many other disadvantages which are shown specific to each of the two languages. I reccommend reading the following:
You should fuck off
Learn Haskell.
I know it doesn't offer many jobs but its fun.
>Golang is plain retarded.
How so user? It's pretty comfy to me, coming from a C++ and Python background.
C fast
Java compatible
Python easy
is this a meme
Coffee will pay better and will not run out of job demands
>Kotlin and C++
>OOP languages
They're multi-paradigm. I haven't used OOP in either of the languages outside of simple, inheritance-free objects which are things C programmers will hack together their own implementation for anyways.
Is the kotlin meme true? If I learn it, I'm also automatically learning java too?
If you're a beginner hobbyist:
Snake if you want to make programs for your computer
Letter if you want to program some dinky electronic device
Snake if you're doing math or data science
Coffee if you want to make a gay app for your robot phone
Letter if you're interested in OS
If you're going to be doing CS/E, Letter first always.
no threading on snake either
If you are starting, python is the best choice. It's easy to understand the concept with it. Then I would jump to java.
C is definetly the worst choice to start, it's okay to learn it after u get some good experience with java-like syntax.
>Golang is plain retarded.
Unless you like writing things quickly and having them run quickly too
LOL, nice
next time I'll post this instead
Visual basic, c# into .net. Just lock into a vendor early, there's no point in resisting.
Golang is barely faster than JVM languages and lacks generics or modern error handling. Kotlin has pretty equivalent coroutine capabilities and suffers from neither of those two problems and even if you need native compilation, there's Rust which is way faster too. In a couple of years C++20 will be out so coroutines will be available there as well.
If i learn Python, Java, C and Assembly (x86 and ARM), is there any other language i need to learn? is there anything that these 4 languages can't cover?
There's a difference between OOP and overengineering. FP autists are behind this.
I think it's in part a Java culture thing
Coffee, Cheetos, Chicken
Time to learn RPGLE.You can confirm your future by working on a true mainframe machine and an obscure by highly demanded language.
Javascript for webshit. Maybe Haskell, Clojure or other functional language to open your eyes to for new view of the same problem.
> snake
I chuckled
and so... this is how it begins...
You realise learning all of those could take several days, right?
If you're willing to spend 3 or possibly 4 days learning Python, Java, C and Assembly (x86 and ARM) maybe you should spend an extra half a day and learn Haskell too
first one if you like randomness and only want to write drivers or micro controller for life.
second if you really like puzzle games and wanted to maintain some obscure """"""""enterprise""" product forever.
third one if you just wanted some actual work done.
pic only happens with the pure oo autism that is java
every one else with at least a brain cells uses composition
it'll take at least 3 months to learn each
newfriend, you should lurk more before posting and kys
If you plan on getting into containers, microservices, Kubernetes, you'll need to read and write Go.