Is he right Jow Forums?
Is he right Jow Forums?
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He's right. Cletus and Rajneet are not capable of higher thought
It's possible. I know some silicon valley guys who teach african refugees Javascript.
By and large, yes.
african refugees are smarter than American truckers
yes, but you can help the truck drivers children become programmers rather than end up in truck driving again
if i had to code i'd probably kms
He's definitely right that not everyone can be a programmer.
I don't know why people seem to have the idea that software development has an infinite demand.
Miners lost their jobs? TEACH THEM TO CODE!
Teachers striking because of shit pay? TEACH THEM TO CODE!
Factory shut down? TEACH THEM TO CODE!
It's like their grand scheme for the economy is everybody being a programmer.
There will always be service jobs.
I legitimately can't argue with that desu
>automate shit
>less bad shit happens
>b-but m-muh jobs
what the fuck does this retared think he can defend truck drivers from us
we're coming for your truck drivers nigga
yes finally! We need to stop pushing the whole, EVERYONE NEEDS TO CODE or even go to college as a whole. There is nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker. The entire worlds cannot be white collar code monkeys. We need the servers, the truck drivers, the mechanics, electricians, and plumbers. Nothing wrong with becoming a programmer/coder, but trades and service jobs should be an option for people.
Maybe it is the grand scheme for the economy to turn everyone in to a coder to drive wages down to minimum wage levels.
That shirt is $300
based asian man dabbing on lern2kode obama the fucking niger
What do we need 36 million more coders for?
No, but you can turn truck drivers into people that monitor computer screens and can turn a wrench if need be. Every automated machine creates at least one if not more low level jobs for maintenance. Imagine a company automating trucks, but still required a human on board? Youd be responsible for reporting and monitoring but thats basically it.
I'd say they're more willing to learn and expand their thinking, not that they're just outright more intelligent. Immigrants who have come here really want to prove their worth.
it's not that african refugees are high IQ
American truckers are fucking dumb
>want to prove their worth
sure maybe 1 out of 1000 of them. The rest are more than content to become welfare leeches, pump out 5+ kids to get more gibs. Immigration from all these brown countries by the millions is killing developed nations.
For a COMMIE, he is pretty dare I say CLASSIST.
>It's like their grand scheme for the economy is everybody being a programmer.
its one of the only industries in america that was expanding during the bush/obama years because everything else went to china. thats why. theres no work anywhere else. untill trump showed up that is.
That and they're not willing to learn anything more. You don't become a truck driver because you wanted to, you do it because it's all you could do.
I don't see why we can't just have coders on the road in the automated trucks and they can improve and diagnose things on the go.
I think that depends on how desperate they were. If they wanted to escape the shithole, they were going to work for it but then there's also the "muh suffering, gib money" way of immigrating.
yeah israel is enjoying more jobs now too
Fuck off Sam
>still believing in the complete and utter bullshit of automated driving
Literally redpilled
I get that much and I fully believe that it is partly a conspiracy to drive down wages.
Wages are the most expensive part of running any business and programmers are generally the most expensive.
But there's only so much that needs made. There's only so many fart apps that you can publish on the app store.
Yang's friends in Silicon Valley tells him they are 5-10 years away from mastering autonomous driving. In fact the tech IS available today but it's not ready to be commercialized just yet.
>self taught programmer
>wrote up a few portfolio projects
>no job interviews because wrong gender and skin color
>get nepotismed into low stress local trucking job
I still want a programming job.
Partly right. Teaching anything to stubborn boomers might be technically possible but the effort needed would be insane.
He's definitely wrong about the pathetic basic income. Even in Western Europe it'd be tricky to live at 1k, doubt it's possible in Burgerland beyond flyover states.
>bunch of poos are the result of the new 747 MAX plane nose diving into the fucking ground
>thinks autonomous driving is going anywhere any time soon
>thinks trucks with 80,000 pound trailers are going to be autonomously piloted
The only way, and I mean the ONLY way any sort of self driving anything will ever work is if we build dedicated super higherways for self-driving cars only. And they're going to have to come to my door armed and willing to die to take my car from me because I'll be damned if I'm going to let some shoddily made tech abortion made by underpaid college students take me anywhere.
$1K a month is possible if like you said, live in some shithole state with nothing around and live with at least one other person who is also collecting $1k a month. Hell when I was working minmum wage as a student, I was lucky to take home $800 a month after taxes.
Even if he's wrong it doesn't matter. The world is never going to need 7 billion coders.
So far all accidents involved automated cars were due humans being retards. Ban human drivers or at least raise the requirements massively and automated driving would be perfectly viable right now.
During the debate he said he'd give you $1k a month - no questions asked - but in return you have to forfeit all other government programs like welfare and food stamps and HUD housing grants.
But if you had two people living together, $2k a month between the two of them would pay for rent and food in a lot of America, especially in the rural parts of the inner country where apartments can be $400/month.
They've been saying that for years. Just like the fucking lying shitlords that say we need to be on ipv6 for the last fucking 20 goddamn years.
People fucking lie, kids. Okay? Understand this and you'll understand that you can't trust anything people say.
t. boomer
>Yang's friends in Silicon Valley tells him they are 5-10 years away from mastering autonomous driving
I truly, truly hope you aren't this naive. You do realize Silicon Valley's entire shtick is literally "fake it till you make it", right? That means promising things that aren't actually there with expediency in exchange for big funding.
5-10 years? That's bullshit 100%.
It's like you don't understand the vast majority of the population is also too stupid to drive. The bar for automation isn't high here. A self driving car doesn't text it's friends while yelling at it's wife's children in the back seat and trying get the retarded touchscreen radio working.
and that's why Yang is a faggot. No one deserves to get anything for free unless you're physically incapable of work. Old? Sick? born with a debilitating disease? Fine, here's free shit to live. But if you're an able-bodied human being, I don't care if you're shoveling shit for a living, you should have to earn your keep. Fucking leeches. What kills me is all that money has to come from somewhere. If everyone decides to stop working their shit minimum wage jobs, what then?
t. supports inheritance
>not wanting to die because a self-driving car decided to put you into a wall at 60MPH to avoid a dog that ran into the road
irrelevant. This is another example of trying to make the world idiot proof for the sake of the idiot. It's like the gun control argument of taking guns away from law abiding citizens because some dumb motherfucker shot himself in the foot/head. should be an IQ or aptitude test to drive though.
poos had nothing to do with the 747 Max failing; that was 100% the fault of executives making intentionally moronic decisions to evade regulations and retooling.
people are still managing to drive less safe and get into more accidents than some of the more promising autonomous vehicle programs though and truck drivers are low skilled tards who are too sleep deprived to safely handle the same cargo. hell you need 24/7 GPS tracking on these retards because it's the only way to make sure they handle their cargo by following all the speed limits, take the appropriate amount of break time and don't end up jack knifing on an off ramp.
you're shitty hobby is soon to be deprecated and you need to accept it. learn some COPE boomer faggot.
It isn't irrelevant, both of them are shit user
The money goes right back into the economy. Besides the people might use the time to learn actual skills or at least take care of other people and be more social.
You make tons of money just by browsing the net, clicking on ads, reposting dumb shit and solving captchas, you're just not seeing any of it in the current system.
> If everyone decides to stop working their shit minimum wage jobs, what then?
The companies would automate the jobs, close or pay well enough to make people work voluntarily. It's a win-win for a healthier society.
Most gun control arguments are about requirements to get a gun, not "take away dem guns".
Raising the requirements required to have a gun/drive a car would benefit everyone.
people who think it's possible to turn everyone into an coder live in a high IQ bubble. Remember that most people don't even go to college
>No one deserves to get anything for free unless you're physically incapable of work.
He's coming at it from the angle of "automation will wipe out the vast majority of low and no-skilled labor jobs in the next two decades."
What happens when 70% of the workers in the US can't find a job because there's no job they are qualified to do?
McDonald's figured out that they don't need cashiers because the kiosks can take your order and accept your payment.
They kept the cashiers because if they didn't it would mean 30,000 people suddenly out of work.
This was the subject of a lot of old science fiction books, but it's not science fiction any more.
absolutely. Someone in the family worked for that money, why should it go to anyone else but the kids/family/whoever the person willed it to? Only a communist thinks that money should be distributed. Are you a communist?
once again that word. It's like anyone who doesn't follow your flawed ideology is somehow immediately an old fuck. It's OK I get it. You're intimidated by cars and their inner workings. I mean it's like we're going to sit back and ignore all the times self driving cars have killed/injured people. Now add 100k+ pounds to the equation with trucks. Not to mention that car manufacturers STILL to this day refuse to properly patch security holes present in the onboard ECU. White hats were able to hijack a truck just by using bluetooth and driving behind the truck.
>737/747 MAX failing wasn't due to poos
They laid off their engineers and outsourced the tech to $9/hour pajeets
Except it isn't, because it's an improvement for the majority of people, and thus will happen no matter how many hissy fits you throw. At least the gun guys have the constitution on their side, you've got what, AAA?
>Most gun control arguments are about requirements to get a gun,
No, the vast majority of gun control arguments are about "scary black salt rifles". Gungrabbers don't actually understand the function of a firearm, but rather want to ban things they see in movies and in the news.
You don't need high IQ or go to college to be a code monkey. Doubt anyone suggests that a random fuck could become a lead dev but basic as web dev and sum java? Wouldn't need more than an average person.
>sit back and ignore all the times self driving cars have killed/injured people.
Far fewer than regular drivers kill every day.
>Most gun control arguments are about requirements to get a gun,
No they're not. If you knew anything about what it takes to get a gun, you'd know there are already hoops to jump through. Although I do agree there should be stringent requirements to be allowed to drive a car.
that's something we address then. The problem with throwing money around like this is there are shit loads of people in this country who will do nothing but leech. I'd love a society where everyone got out what they put in (see socialized healthcare) but it's always a flaming garbage heap because realistically, it never works out that way.
>You don't need high IQ or go to college to be a code monkey.
I tried to train mokey code, 2/3 simply don't have the mental skills...
This is true, and while I do agree with the sentiment of , it's wholly foolish to continue to believe all will be well under this system. The macroeconomy will collapse if suddenly all those people lose their jobs and are unable to retool or re-skill themselves in time, if at all, all the while still needing income or source of living. In such a scenario, none of us will have jobs then.
It's easy to say people must work for pay, but automation is bringing in an entirely new variable into the economy, one that works too rapidly for people adjust naturally to. I think I'm of the opinion that there should be temporary handouts, but it *must* be temporary, not indefinite and at the speed of government.
code monkeys* sorry my german is leaking
Yes. Not everyone is smart enough to participate in the jobs of tomorrow. Especially niggers.
look mom I quoted everyone xDDD
Of course they'll say that. If they told that computer fucked up, there would be an uproar and investors will withdraw
Being in denial about automated driving was more reasonable back in the years before automated cars were a pretty normal part of traffic.
Also, I'd much, much rather be in traffic with something some pajeet threw together in 20 minutes than the average human.
70 years ago, we had physical switchboards in physical offices. Today we don't. While those people, 60 some odd years ago lost their jobs, they found new/different jobs. Its called a transitionary period
> pic related
TLDR, Yang is an idiot who is wasting his own money running for President.
okay, if we accept the premise that truck drivers cannot be retrained into coders. certainly giving them 1000 dollars a month isn't going to do jack shit as well.
Who gives a fuck what they say when accidents get investigated by independent parties?
and that's your decision. While I fully understand that there are indeed shit loads of horrible drivers who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a vehicle, I'm willing to take that risk. I don't like putting my life in the hands of a vehicle that will hopefully take your life above someone else's if it must choose who it's going to hit. That's ultimately what it comes down to. Taking control away from people.
>found new jobs
Good thing we can magic those new jobs into existence without any thought beyond "it'll be fine"!
truer words have never been spoken
>Taking control away from people.
Worked damn fine for rails and air travel.
>Independent party
Who do you mean by this? Police? The person is sitting in the car to monitor. He will be responsible for car fucking up.
aka slavery? they dont pay enough to live independently, unless you are a vegan buddhist or hindu ascetic. there's a reason indians dont wear deodorant, they wouldnt be able to eat if they spent 5 bucks on it every month or so
truck driver here
he's right, I'm dumb as fuck
>independent parties
>multi-million/billion dollar companies involved
>thinks these parties are being paid off heavy
Conspiracy aside, you think the company would willingly come out and say their computer fucked up? Look at the debacle of the guy who was killed in his Tesla. Something easily avoidable had the driver actually been driving. Instead we're going to raise generations of people who will be nothing more than cattle along for the ride in a vehicle they have no idea how it works.
He is. Even though some coding jobs is literally following an instruction manual, a lot of people are completely unable to do it. Trying to teach old people how to use a computer is like pulling teeth. They seem to want to learn but then they turn around and forget it in 10 minutes.
It completely baffles me.
Except it's assisted. Not fully autonomous.
>blaming outside factors because you couldn't get a programming job
Yeah no sorry that's totally niggertranny's fault and not your own. It's a damn shame talented programmers like you can't get a job, it's a cruel world huh
I guess automated shit can be used for evil. Imagine what a hacker could use a car to do.
in fairness though, the types of jobs that are being created or need filling, are all exceedingly harder intellectually. It's a bit of a different challenge and I can't imagine a world where most of these business and psychology majority degree holders being any kind of future workforce.
So you're just ridiculously reflexively paranoid and think manually driven cars will be outlawed the moment self driving cars exist?
Literally 30IQ thought process. Let's see why:
>Millions of poor niggers won't be able to afford self driving cars until they enter the used market for the second or third time
>Ergo, Democrats will never support a ban on user operated vehicles
>Millions of boomers will literally shoot you if you try to take their Corvette
>Ergo, Republicans will never support a ban on user operated vehicles
Do you think they'll just be magically banned despite every major political group in America opposing that? Maybe two NGOs would want a car ban, and one of them's MADD. Do you think AAA doesn't have more money and cloud than MADD?
The idea is you would work some kind of part time job, not just live off the ubi you dumb NEET.
New jobs always come into existence. 10 years ago "web developer" wasn't a job.
It doesn't happen in a day... it happens over years.
Those people found new, different jobs because those new and different jobs actually existed.
We are talking about automating vast portions of the US economy. 70% or more gone in two decades.
Where do fast food workers go?
Where do truck drivers and cabs go?
Where do crop pickers go?
How about accountants and secretaries and translators?
So are you denying affirmative action exists?
ref Life gets harder. Tough shit.
> but that's my opinion
which are things that no normal citizen could afford privately anyway. Trains are on a literal rail, or in the case of mag-lev, a predetermined path where the only thing the conductor does is control speed. Same with a pilot. It's not like everyone has private jets, so people are willing to hand over control temporarily to get to where they need to be. Taking someone's ability to drive is not as big an issue in say Japan or the EU, but in the US, that'd be a death knell. Not only that, but who will fund the self driving cars? The tech will be prohibitively expensive and you're nuts if you think people will be willing to buy/finance/or even lease a vehicle they have no control over. So what? Some sort of government run Uber?
Have you read The Bell Curve?
That's the subject of the book. The economy is moving more and more towards "higher IQ" jobs that the lower echelons of society with sub 90 IQs are incapable of doing.
So your entire economic argument is "it'll fix itself, trust me"
Do you not understand why people might seek alternative plans with merits like existing?
>thinks trucks with 80,000 pound trailers are going to be autonomously piloted
You have no idea how talented some of these machine learning scientists are. They'll make it happen.
welcome to technology? people don't even know their water, gas, electricity or internet works. yet we manage fine. driverless cars are statistically safer than a human driver. this would save so many lives and money. imagine the amount of pressure taken off healthcare and the legal system if they didn't have to deal with car accidents.
Sorry, but there's no way in hell I can imagine a 80,000lb automated truck driving on the interstate with other idiot civilians, especially not by 2030. That's 10 years away. We don't even have automated cars driving on the interstate yet. None. 0. How the hell are they jumping to the conclusion that big rigs will suddenly all be automated?
Maybe in 2100. Definitely not 2030.
Introduce universal basic income, replace people with automation where possible and have corporations pay for it. Give people an option to make their own minds whenever they want watch telly (or drink themselves into an early grave or whatever) on the minimal "wage" or study and find ways to make more money.
Forcing companies to keep inefficient workforce because "muh people need to work to live" is a load of bullshit. Thinking that it'd turn everyone into couch potatoes is stupid.
Personally, I'll keep being a joyless NEET regardless, but this doesn't mean everyone would.
70% of jobs will not be gone in 2 decades. I can guarantee it.
Every menial job will be. I guess we should stop progress on technology, because jobs.
In 20 years, bees will be gone, fish will be dead and the ice caps will be nearly melted but nobody really cares Jow Forumsuy
>>A self-driving truck operated by tech startup Embark recently completed a test run from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, Fla., which the company hailed as the first coast-to-coast journey by an automated truck.
Nobody disputes this specific point, rtard. The issue that we're discussing and that Yang is willing to discuss when few others are is the SPEED of it all. If more and more automation happens at faster and faster speeds, people aren't going to be able to relearn themselves, nor will there be enough jobs to replace the ones displaced by automation to keep up, and subsequently, the macroeconomy will feel these effects and even us with the nice cushy jobs will feel the weight of a failing economy.
>and have corporations pay for it
What's your master plan for when the corporations move to Canada with their sweet low corporate tax rate?
> "it'll fix itself, trust me"
Also, the Earth has too many people, Thanos was right. Hopefully this expedites getting rid of a couple billion.