While the launch of the AMD Ryzen 3000 processors has so far proven to be hugely successful, there are a number of users who are having some significant problems getting their processor to work. Specifically, those who own older B450/X470 motherboards which didn’t include the latest BIOS updates.
In a report via DSOGaming, however, AMD is offering qualifying users the temporary loan of a free ‘boot kit’ to help them get their motherboards updated so that they will work.
What Do We Think? AMD is clearly only offering this ‘boot kit’ to those who really need it. As such, you have more than a few boxes to tick before qualifying. They are not, after all, just going to give these out willy-nilly!
Admittedly, I’m not personally aware of this being too large an issue. In fairness, most who own older motherboards looking to make the upgrade would probably already know to update the BIOS first. For those new to the Ryzen market, however, who were probably blissfully unaware that this could be a problem, it’s nice to see what AMD does have a solution for you!
For more information on how to claim your boot kit, you can check out the official website here!
AMD always has these kinds of issues. fucking dumb.
Tyler Morris
Because AMD let's you keep using the same socket while Intel just releases a new one every cpu tixck. Small price to pay. And it's only on cheapo boards that can't update Bios via USB.
Luke Ortiz
hello retard
Joshua Scott
Based AMD.
Dylan Brown
there's some guy already charging 7 bucks to update them in my area
Ayden Phillips
This is a good thing. I'm not unaware of the issues but I specifically want to get a B450 board rather than waste money on an x570.
A new B450 in the box is obviously not going to have the latest BIOS revision.
Julian Brown
That's not an unreasonable price.
Joshua Cox
this is some third world shit
Logan Carter
I'd pay that for the convenience.
Christopher Gutierrez
i take 10$
Henry Collins
Update the BIOS first you dumb fucks.
Dominic White
Sooo the exact same thing as they did last time by sending out a cheap Athlon loaner?
Carson Harris
You're right. They should have just done like Intel does and forced everyone to buy X570 boards to use Zen2.
Brayden Hall
Aaaaahh saved me some rupees praise my queen
David Martin
The funny thing is, Intel had similar issues with new gen chips in LGA1511. I know because I was warned before I bought my last build (i5) and when I bought my current chip (r7). It's not an issue with any one company, it's just that legacy firmware needs updates to run brand new hardware. Who would have guessed.
Our local makerspace has some minipro programmers and a selection of soic clips that people have been using on motherboards a lot since last week. Ordinarily people only break out the clips to recover from bad flashes. Shit wasn't an issue on old boards like socket7. Hell those boards even took socket5 chips even though it was the wrong socket because fuck it why not
Eli Hernandez
>MSI >the only manufacturer that still hasn't unlocked PCIe4 on their 400-series boards
Alexander Long
>platform so shitty it requires boot kits Defend this AMDrones.