I have a friend who complains about being mistaken a girl

i have a friend who complains about being mistaken a girl.
it seems to happen often.
he's also a hardline anarcho-communist.
is there a theory for this?

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If he were a fascist I'd have an interest in him

it's just as well that aren't interested.
he'd really want to kill you anyway.

He should get a fucking haircut
>t. long hair fascist whom looks like a boy

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how does anarcho-communism even work
how can you have anarchy and communism at the same time

Fair enough I'd beat the shit out of him. Dumb meme ideology enthusiast.

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Also should grow some testicles and a masculine jawline

Autism and leftist brainwashing. I bet he voted for b*rn*e sanders

decentralized non-private management of the means of production, through a basic level of interpersonal communication, based on his description.

no, you don't understand, he says the only things he needs are a gun and an excuse.
he really seems to deeply resent the fact that you guys have been killing his comrades.

he also thinks bernie sanders is a milquetoast "succdem" coward.

What a total retard. Ask him what's the red biennial about lole.
Commies are as good as leeches.

*red biennium

Your “””””friend””””” hmmmmm?

funny, he says the same thing about CEO's and shareholders.

i don't think he's ever mentioned the red biennium.

Of course indoctrinated commies don't know history

according to what he says about other fights between fascists and socialists, it seems pretty typical.
"fascists dealt in threats, we dealt in action."
but he knows a lot about the soviet union, kronstadt, the free territory of ukraine, the spanish civil war, the weimar republic, the material condition explaining how holodomor happened, and the fall of the soviet union.
but that's not the way it seems nowadays, i've only heard of one fascist dying in recent years from an act of god.
whereas, you guys seem to have done a lot of killing lately, and he's tired of it


>deals in action
>doesn't enact physical removal on dissenters
Whew that's one hell of a action over there

i don't really get your meaning here.
besides that, that seems like nothing compared to conservative militias conspiring to shoot at unarmed protesters


no idea, it was a meme i found on this site