ITT painful tech experiences.
My face when dding 3TB of crap over USB 2.0
literally how do you have the patience for that shit?
I remember i had to wait over an hour for 64gb to clear.
What a piece of shit.
I don't have a choice. I'm doing data recovery for a boomer.
I'm curious how long this actually takes.
almost as fun as rebuilding a 3TB Raid 6.
why are you doing it USB 2?
Why not take the drive and plug into a SATA.
Forever and a half.
The drive I recovered doesn't connect over SATA. It's one of those fucked up interfaces inside that only does USB 2.0
ah didn't know any of those are still around. Most externals stopped doing that years ago.
Every WD passport Costco special I've seen in recent years has this.
>Not having hotswap dead drop computer for data recovery
You are the boomer!
You mean a computer to put drives into? I have one of those. I'm using it now.
It really won't take that long with a 30MB/s speed.
It'll take 3 full days. When I backup my 2TB NAS, using USB, it takes 46 hours (nearly 2 days).
It's still going.
OH no no no
Using a 1920x1080 monitor on 800x600.
External drives are cheaper than internals (this is on purpose), so people would buy externals, tear them apart, and use them jn their desktop.
WD et al. wanted to stop this, so they made a proprietary interface that only connects to their USB adapter.
i feel you...
Do you have a calculator and a >=80 IQ? Figure it out.
rsync is conveniently resume-able.
I need to do a full format on a 2TB HDD using a gparted live. How long do you think it'd take?
i'm aware of the easystore situation, however i still hate it
you can "wipe" a drive by dding over the partition table or just making a new one in it's place. if you want to empty your partitions but have them be the same size, just run mkfs on each partition. if you want it wiped with some semblance of security, then just dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX , until it should be about full with random bits
Still pissed off about that one. It's like, great, how the fuck am I supposed to pull data off the drive if It's impossible to swap a firmware board or connect it to SATA.
You're an idiot if you think gparted live will do it fast. Use the free version of Parted Magic, it has nice as fuck GUI tools for you, including dd, nwipe, sfill, etc for disk wiping and cloning. One of the better ISOs out there IMO.
>supporting the whiny fag that runs parted magic
yeah, no. the underlying tools and code are the same in GParted Live anyway. Parted (to which gparted is just a GUI front end), all the mkfs programs, dd if you want to wipe a drive, etc.
Iphones using usb 2.0 speed is painful
If you need to recover data off the drive why not just shuck it? If it's old enough to be only usb 2.0 I doubt it has a special drive inside that can't be accessed over sata or ide.
Yeah, let me fucking type all of the commands when I can just boot into parted magic in ~30 seconds on a USB and run operations via a GUI. Some of us have shit to do, and not all of us have time to type commands. Unless the Gparted Live disk suddenly got GUI tools.
I doubt OP is getting anything close to that. Especially if this task is being done with windows.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M
wow that took me like ten whole seconds to type. What an abomination. I won't use some distro that makes me do that. Instead I'll use some other thing based on the same underlying technology, but with a different interface on it, run by a guy who threw a huge tantrum that people were using his GPL-licensed software without donating to him, and without even doing any novel work like grsec did when they pulled that childish faggotry.
also you have quite possibly the worst taste in cartoons of anyone I've ever seen on this board.
command is written out before your gui even loads lol
dumb zoomer
For a customer, you stupid young arsehole
If you need to sexually identify as a neckbeard, you can always jump into the terminal in Parted Magic, you cuntwaffle.
I just happen to like Helga. She doesn't take shit from people. Unlike the rest of you fucking losers, watching anime because it somehow appeals to your autistic brains.
I'll legsweep you, you old fucking git
go back to twitter, faggot
Go to the damn retirement home already.
robocopy too
>he doesn’t have FireWire
>IO shield prongs in usb or hdmi ports
>thermal grizzly spilled on motherboard
>barely possible fit itx builds.
>steel screw socket spinning freely in aluminum plate making it impossible to remove stuck screw.
>OS not found when booting, but if you reboot several times it randomly works.
Forgot to add it all happened on a single day. Almost makes me want to recommend factory prebuilt.
pv in > out
i had to clone 500 GB of data from an xp laptop of an old lady, then erase it (without device aid, so literally writing full of randomness). It took a whole day or so
Nobody cares if you post an occasional cartoon reaction image. You're getting hate because you're fucking avatarfagging.
>OS not found when booting, but if you reboot several times it randomly works.
I bet that this is what that bios setting for waiting a few seconds to discover disks that I've never used before is for.
Can't you set up a copy over network?
Early days of EFI
32bit only EFI firmware
64bit cpus
Use 32bit operating system, databases hang like whores, use 64bit operating system 50/50 dance with the devil each time you reboot that the 32bit efi is gonna have some fun with the fat32 partition before refind can get to it.
If you're doing DD recovery, doing it over the network going to be not much help, he's counting sectors and piping the raw bits of each through the kernel - adding a network pipe is not going to speed that up.
Unironically this
Won't help.
It says "No OS found on disk".
If it did not see the disk it would enter UEFI instead.
It's a possibility if there are multiple disks in the system.