Shit's platform agnostic aswell so your data will be delet even if you are on X470. AMD processors are much more secure than Intel. Not even you can access your data!
>"EDIT: Seems Intel SSDs are also affected. It's perhaps probable that all data storage devices that interface via PCI-E are affected."
>"Just had a look myself after seeing this post and I have a ton of the exact same errors with Samsung Evo NVME drive on an X470 that doesn't even have PCI-4 support. Going to do the scan now and see what damage has been done..." *2 minutes later* >"Thankfully only had 9 corrupted files, repairing them now."
>"EDIT: Seems Intel SSDs are also affected. It's perhaps probable that all data storage devices that interface via PCI-E are affected." AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>Windows 10 >Reddit Can any Linux user actually provide a [citation needed] and none of this retarded plebbit shit?
Josiah Morales
There's literally a Linux user in that thread stating that they have no issues, you illiterate fuck.
Henry Stewart
>These often under-the-hood software assets differentiate Intel from AMD and can deliver a better experience to end users and customers. One metric of Intel’s software strength: Our company’s 15,000 software developers. That number is more than all of AMD’s employees. Another Massive Dissapointment
Cameron Jackson
Julian Myers
>implying I would even read past the a couple of lines past an op on reddit Oh please. So it's a Windows 10 issue, who knew.
Adrian Powell
>doesn't implement rdrand correctly >now comes out issues with nvme
Jesus fucking christ. Can there be an x86 cpi that isn't garbage dumpster fire? We need to break up these patent hoarding shithole companies.
Adam Cook
testing is antihanism
Justin Jackson
Easy, by suits saying corners need to be cut to make it to market.
Jason Cook
Maybe you should read the link provided, it says the cause of the problem is drivers for PCIe 3.0 devices in Windows. If it's affecting you in Linux then you got problems.
Dominic Evans
Does it even work with systemd yet?
Easton Roberts
Works on my machine.
Nolan Adams
>hoping for a good 3000 series launch so I can score a cheap 1700/1800x/2700 for muh anime encoding
>Faulty BIOSes >chink fan on mobos >now corrupted SSDs
Goddamn it AMD. I want to upgrade my shit since 2 days to encode a movie is a bit much.
Brody Wood
Nicholas Adams
>buying amd close to release
Carter Mitchell
Works on my 3600 but I'm using gnu/Linux not windows/NT
Adrian Perry
>buying AMD
Benjamin Taylor
Been using a couple of Samsung 960s with PCIe 4.0 in Linux for over a year now with no issues. Sounds like an issue with the Microsoft nvme driver
Jordan Morris
You've been using a Ryzen 3000 series for over a year? Pretty impressive feat.
Charles Murphy
I had a nmve m2 970 pro do this on my x470 year or so ago my main ssd is sata now
Never going with amd garbage x470 or 570 again will wait until m2 prices tank and better boards come out next year This
These Whea errors are corrected and completely harmless. bios is just not masking them from reporting to the event log. Guarantee you the next bios will turn on masking.
As far as the "corrupted" files, pure FUD. I bet the Microsoft utility is fubar
Angel Smith
Had terrible issues on x470 and b350 Never again
Wait until b650+ comes out atm Zen bios is x58 intcel tier bad
Camden Carter
It maybe file system/OS dependent. Loonix is not affected.
Alexander Morris
I already bought a B450 system. It only has a 2200G at the moment, though. It's only going to be used for anime encoding so as long as it can read/write to a hard drive and crunch, that's all that matters.
Zachary Nelson
If u have 2 m2 slots use the mobo one not CPU
Christopher Hill
So if I intended to get a 3900X and 3 1TB m.2 drives am I making a big mistake by not waiting a few weeks / getting intel instead?
Nolan Watson
I have no M.2 drives nor likely will ever have the funds to buy one so there will be no issues there.
Adrian Clark
install gentoo
Asher Robinson
Already posting from linux
Brayden Russell
>getting intel Would be a big mistake.
>not waiting few weeks Good idea to wait a week or two. That's my plan. Let beta testers test out shit.
Aiden Harris
>all those retards panicking over WHEA errors when did boomers became the majority of people building PCs?
This would have never happened with Intel processors.
AMD prices them cheap and lets its drones beta test their shit.
Nathaniel Perez
I'm sure Intel could make a processor faster if they didn't care if it corrupted data or not too.
Ryder Edwards
Consumers are the testers.
Isaiah Cox
Haha the intel document was actually 100% correct.
Kayden Rogers
Nobody cares about NVME drives in Windows 10 desktops. The drivers for the linux kernel are perfect.
Zachary Morales
NVMe drives who is responsible for it?
Liam Rogers
The reeeddit post literally says "A corrected Hardware Error has occured."
CORRECTED. It wouldn't make sense for something that was corrected to cause data loss. Blame Windows 10 for corrupting its own files
Levi Sanders
>amdfags literally making up shit to defend their platform without realizing it reveals their shillery
Carson Miller
holy shit how much failure can one company do?
Cooper King
Shitty oc capabilities and now this lol
Jaxson Parker
>Patched before the official release >PCIe4.0 isn't a feature, get X470 >Windows is broken, what a fucking surprise
Systemd support isn't a feature, either.
Ryder Richardson
is this before or after it corrupts your data? >graph helpfully doesn't have 9900k in it
Thomas Stewart
So Pci-e 4.0 basically fucked most of the things about this launch? Most of the problems are coming from pci-e related stuff, like BSODs or corruption on pci-e based devices.
Ryder Torres
So the comment in the post said it's WIndows 10 newest bug that cause problem probably not exclusively Ryzen What should I do to attack Ryzen now?
Henry Torres
*NEW*Data integrity doesn’t matter!
Sebastian Hernandez
If you cared about data integrity, you wouldn't be using Windows.
Dominic Ramirez
>A data corruption allegation requires a lot more proof than "I ran sfc and it found some bad files." Ridiculous commentary
Sebastian Flores
Looks like a bug in which when the Ryzen platform corrects a hardware data glitch, windows doesn't accept it as uncorrupt data and just fucks over your files.
Carter Jackson
Shown to effect intel as well it is not contained to amd at all
Blake Peterson
See AMDrones?
This is the answer to why we pay more for intel.
Faster, smoother, safer, better supported. This is intel.
James James
Again this is not an AMD issue Intel users are also impacted. Intel users are so god damn insufferable, just like AMDfags. the issue is Windows.
t. 6700k + W7
Leo Davis
And this is why Intel pay more for shill
To magnify every rumor
Brayden Miller
sir you will need to do each and everything in the following order update the bios POOGESA code raise the vcore to 2.0v to increase the stabilities
Hunter Collins
AMD has always been and will always be shit. Always glitchy and shitty drivers.
Justin Sanchez
>raise the vcore to 2.0v to increase the stabilities this but unironically, ryzens need 1.4V to reach 3600MHz
Ryzen 2 can barely push 4.3 single core. It’s a disaster.
Juan Nelson
Yeah that's fuck dumb Zen 4xxx better ramp those clocks otherwise I cbf
Charles Flores
>asus doing asus things
who is NOT suprised here?
Ayden Richardson
absolutely based that I didn't fall for the early adopter meme
David Butler
the 2700x is only 200 now
Noah Green
>if only intel didnt care so much about security, we would have far greater performance >wait what do you mean you have to apply spectre/meltdown patches and disable HT >I bet this is ayyymd's fault, those fucking goys
Kayden Miller
bitches don't know bout my motherfuckin woodscrews
>>Patched before the official release Why are you so dishonest shill? Why AMD Pajeets claim company loyalty from Intel and Nvidia fans but do the same shit ten times as often. There are literally dozen of different mobos from MSI alone that don't have an official stable bios release yet. Half of them received a last minute beta bios release to make their hardware at least boot. The other half (including b450 Tomahawk and b450 gaming plus) haven't got a bios release that actually supports all Ryzen 3xxx functions at all.
Jackson Ward
>MSI can't into bios >Goddamnit AMD!
John Perez
Uhh there's something wrong with wording here. It should be >Ryzen 3000 causing data corruption on NVMe driver unless it's written in AMDrone speak of course
Gavin Thomas
James Roberts
Yes it's up to AMD to make sure their platform is ready for new product at its release date.
Ian Turner
Odd that the other mobo manufacturers had no problem then. They must be all be geniuses! Or maybe MSI is just a shit brand that cut corners one too many time and it came back to bite them.
Lucas Gray
>Linux doesn't work on Ryzen 3000 Drones: IT'S LINUX BUGS! >Destiny 2 doesn't work on Ryzen 3000 Drones: IT'S DESTINY 2 BUGS! >Ryzen 3000 literally corrupts your data popping up hardware errors on Windows Drones: IT'S WINDOWS BUGS! >Nvidia cards have some problems with Ryzen 3000 Drones: IT'S NVIDIA DRIVER BUGS! >AMD cards have some problems with Ryzen 3000 Drones: IT'S AM.... !!! REEEE INTCEL NOVIDEO REEEEEE COPE
Jackson Lewis
happens with Intel as well so Intel is practically Ryzen 3000 too?
Yeah there's not enough evidence to say it actually happens on intel too (lol Jow ForumsAMD), in fact there's one guy replying he just switched from i7 to R7 and that's when the problems started occuring.
>tfw decided to wait before getting a Ryzen 3000 because I know AMD is usually a disaster with software Dumb AMDrones getting burned again. I'll wait wait for the 3950X, I (hope) this shit is solved by then.
Connor White
Shoo shoo Pajeet back to your designated shitting street r/AMD.
Brody Torres
The whole topic hasn't been thoroughly investigated yet though >presumption of innocence only applies to Intel Welp...