Zero friends

I have made zero friends since I was born to the college age.
social fags are all probably out todays with bunch of people
do you have any friends and what is it feel like to have any friend...

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so what is it feel like to have friends?

Stop being a leftist.

how am I a fucking leftist ?

Don't worry, I'm your fren.
Merry Christmas, brother.

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Friends are mostly a pain in the ass, they're always trying to get you to do stuff they enjoy (that you might not), or asking for a favor of one kind or another.

Nah dude, first year college my residence all my friends either got kicked out, transferred or went to jail. I only have 1 friend now in my university town and I hate doing extra curriculum but I think I will have to make some friends because 2 years with only 1-2 friends is lonely


Then your friends suck balls.
Friends are the best... until you find a gf and she ruins everything REEEEEEEEE

>or asking for a favor of one kind or another.
Everyone is really just pretending and using each other.
At the first sign of trouble these so called friends will be the first to ditch you.
All a man really has is himself and time.

I am wondering what is the percentage of people who have absolutely zero friends? am I like the 0.01%? All people I know have friends, even those nerds have. most people are social fags.
am I socially deficient?

i don't have friends either

>Friends are mostly a pain in the ass
Somethings telling me you don't have a lot of friends
>they're always trying to get you to do stuff they enjoy
Wow, imagine becoming friends with somebody and not wanting to do things with them, especially something you know brings your friend joy
>(that you might not)
Typically when finding friends you find people that share interests with you, so you don't have this issue
>or asking for a favor of one kind or another
Wait until you need help and there is nobody there for you. I used to work with a close friend and when his car got totaled, I drove a few minutes out of my way to take him in to work every day until he could get his fixed. I can't understate how much he has paid it back to me.

Humans are social creatures, learn this and you'll be much happier.

how do u litterally not know anyone except for ur family

Most adults don't really have friends like you did in school.
They're busy being married and raising kids and shit.
It's just part of growing up.

Are you Dutch?

Real friends are pretty hard to come by and pretty hard to make post college i guess.
So a lot of ppl think that they have friend when actually they are not considered to be a friend by the other party

I used be to proud of having 0 friends coz it was cool. until now it is Christmas and I feel depressed as fuck

Don't worry. Almost nobody has friends. A friend is someone you can call home from his vacation when you have a problem.

It's all superficial and nothing of real value.

Real friends are pretty hard to come by and pretty hard to make post college i guess.
So a lot of ppl think that they have friend when actually they are not considered to be a friend by the other party.
Good place to find a good friend: your local boxing/muay thai/mma club. Believe it or not fothting bonds men, i found one the best friend in my life this way

no, but I am only temporally in the NL

Hiw did this shit happen

15 million Nedertards voelen met je mee

Let me tell you something, op. In this day and age you don't need friends, you need debtors. Focus on yourself and stop thinking what other people are doing.

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friends are overrated especially in 2018

this is true. the fun from 17 to 25 will not be repeated for me.

>Real friends
I don't even have regular friends

Who cares about friends all they do is stab you in the back , all you really need is Jesus

I also thought I dont need any friends, I maybe I can choose a career related to math or quants...
but today is Christmas, I feel weird



>Good place to find a good friend: your local boxing/muay thai/mma club. Believe it or not fothting bonds men, i found one the best friend in my life this way
guess how my cousin got his wife? they met in a local taekondo club

Merry Christmas Eve OP

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based senpai. Any more from that thread?


>I feel weird
Yea people expect friends like back in the day, where you really support each other and actually help and create bonds, 2018 friends are just people you occasionally meet/hang, message everyone on their phone at every 10 min on some bullshit.

Just like women they act like sluts and attention whores but they expect to be treated like they some trad woman in the 60s.

Just look around you man, you don't want these people around you anyway.

also, is there a christmas or something in burger land today?because we dont celebrate shit until 31. Ifit is, marry christmas anons. Eat a burger and fire you freedom gun for me, i wish i had a gun.

How do you not own an AK?

This thread is filled with some fucking negative people, I can honestly see why you're all alone and have no friends.
Have you lot considered that it might be because you have shitty personalities and don't put trust or faith in other human beings?
I have some fucking great friends, some real ride or dies. It wasn't easy to get here and I've definitely trimmed dead weight more than once, but if you put the work into being somebody's friend, they'll return it.
If not, cut them loose and move on, just like a woman.
You are all fucking pathetic, change your worldview and perhaps you'll be more deserving of companionship.

Right there with you, user. I'm sitting here in the park of my home town, broke as a joke with no money for food for the next week because of bills and a gas leak in my place, no friends, my family is long dead and gone. Been an orphan for years now. Nobody cares. I wish I had one friend.

>so what is it feel like to have friends?

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I grew distant from most of the people I grew up with, which I feel is a pretty routine thing and pretty healthy if you know how to handle it. I moved back home two years ago after some financial difficulties and seeing that most of my peer group were not making any real investments into their future was very disappointing. Nowadays I have one close friend I work on music with, one from before I moved back home that I call on a regular basis, and one from work that I can talk with about things discussed here. If you play the numbers game, you will be disappointed. The best thing to do is invest your time in your interests and continuously improve yourself. Go out of your way to find places conducive to improving your abilities, and always speak honestly. I can make no guarantees that you will find anyone you will be able to call a friend, but if you go about it this way, the friends you do make will be worth keeping.

>some real ride or dies
So your telling us your a nigger?

It’s better to have no friends and learn to stand strong on your own and know yourself than to settle for bad friends who you compromise your principles to appease. Very Merry Christmas from me to you, friend. I mean that.

Reminder that even when you feel terrible there’s always someone worse off than you.

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I became a neet and shut myself away from society for the past two years. Stopped talking to all my friends and acquaintances and the only person besides my parents I have contact with is my dealer.

At this point I have to say having no friends is complete torture. Every night I dream about people I used to know and I wake up pretty depressed. The loneliness chips away at your soul and happiness over time. Would not recommend.

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>So your telling us your a nigger?
Great take away, showing me more why you don't deserve friends.
Don't argue the semantics, argue the point I made, which is that having a negative mindset and not putting faith in others will keep you from making any friends.
And it's not healthy to try and convince other people to avoid making friends because you're fucking garbage at it. Humans are social creatures and if it's not working for you, something with you is fucked up. Fix yourself and the rest will follow.

Christmas is depressing even with friends. But try getting out. Even going to metal shows, music is a good start. Whatever you might enjoy.

Until you are the most worse

fuck you, leaf

Where the fuck do you live?

If you hangout with friends on Christmas then you are a piece of shit. Christmas is for family; be there for your kin.

thats a weird fuckin cat

Having friends is kind of lame. I only have a few friends. I think I might have avoidant personality disorder.
I'm going to a friend's house for dinner tomorrow night. Of my two friends in this town I like him better. Both of my friends drink a bit more than I would if I were them. But at least this one doesn't start talking about gay stuff after a few drinks. Last time we were all together the other one started had a few drinks and started talking about traps, some guy getting fucked to death by a horse, Japanese traps, how gay dudes like him and think he's a bear, and cuck porn. My friend creeps me out.

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>started talking about traps, some guy getting fucked to death by a horse, Japanese traps, how gay dudes like him and think he's a bear, and cuck porn. My friend creeps me out.

Just an average 4 channer then

Bump. More self-pity and narcissism to celebrate Christmas!

You sound like a kid.
Just saying
Don't get me wrong, I find you naivete rather cute.
>Fix yourself and the rest will follow.
Thanks Dr. phill.
Should I clean my room too?

>Christmas is for family
if your family is Christian, then that is true

an average Jow Forums poster is in his early 20's, not even 25 yo.

so much this

>At this point I have to say having no friends is complete torture. Every night I dream about people I used to know and I wake up pretty depressed. The loneliness chips away at your soul and happiness over time. Would not recommend

Praise the lord i am a psychopath i really don't care for other people or want anything to do with them

>You sound like a kid
Immediately call me a nigger, seems childish.
I think it sounds pretty childish when grown men dispense the idea of having friends because it's too much work or "they'll ditch you"
You're still not responding to the core of my argument though, you're literally just nitpicking certain things and insulting me, which is probably why you don't have any friends.
Care to actually respond?

I've been a recluse since 2012, i pretty much have no friends. Truth is I've simply been hiding away from life, i despair at the state of the world and people and want little to do with them.

However this isn't a healthy way to be and i know that soon i will need to be social again. I just find it hard to give a shit about anything most of the time..

i have a few friends but id really like a group of fellow blackpilled redpilled friends so we can laugh about how shit everything is, they wouldn't even have to be white just not jewish, black or gay.

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I have literally zero friends outside of immediate family, and only my brother is my "best friend." I talk to people in college only as circumstance dictates. I realize I'm missing the connections your supposed to make at college but oh well. I had "friends" in elementary school, but my mom moved me around every other year, so I didn't keep any and eventually fell behind in social skills.
I can do professional interactions and formal shit, but small talk and anything informal I'm a complete sperg.

>so what is it feel like to have friends?

Who cares?

What does it feel like to be an eagle?
What does it feel like to have a pussy?

This really...


> you don't deserve friends.
> you have shitty personalities
>You are all fucking pathetic
The core of your "Argument" is that the reason we don't have friends is that we are bad people.
> I've definitely trimmed dead weight more than once
See, your exactly the kind of asshole I'm talking about.
You're little more than a fair weather friend.
You are a hanger on that will abandon ship at the first sign of trouble.

The worst part is your fucking arrogance about the subject.
You really think your better than everyone.
Go fuck yourself.

>ITT: Pathetic and negative losers making endless justifications for their loneliness
Having friends is great and the work is worth it if you're not absolutely fucking retarded and find good friends.
You can tell yourself til the cows come home that it's too much work, they'll end up backstabbing you, they'll ask you for favors, etc.
But deep down you must realize that it's you, and not them. Most people on this earth have at least one friend, because there's fucking countless benefits to having them.
But you lot don't care, you'd rather throw yourselves a pity party and pretend that the world is just shit and you guys are "above" having friends.

I don't understand how a person does not have any friends. What kinda of a weirdo loser are you? Human beings are social creatures by default, and as long as you are willing to even just run around with another kid, you'll make friends.

>See, your exactly the kind of asshole I'm talking about.
>You're little more than a fair weather friend.
>You are a hanger on that will abandon ship at the first sign of trouble
You actually don't know a fucking thing about me. And it's not about being a fair weather friend, it's about admitting when you're compatible with a person or not. Whether or not you can mesh and even be friends with this person.
People change and friends drift apart, trimming dead weight doesn't have to mean that you just cut ties because you're a shitty friend, that's how YOU interpreted it.
My point is that if you can't make any fucking friends, change something about yourself.

>The worst part is your fucking arrogance about the subject
My arrogance? Because I'd rather not let a bunch of fucking losers throw themselves a pity party?
Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and grow the fuck up, making friends is simple shut, thus the "arrogance" - it's not fucking hard.

>You really think your better than everyone
No, not everyone, mostly just you and a lot of the people in this thread.

If you go to Italy, join casapound. You will find good people there who will care about you

>are "above" having friends

If you drive on the country side... do you stop your car and walk over to the sheep gracing and start having a discussion with them?

Having a friend is a lot like having a job. It's a lot of work and often feel like you're faking it or not pulling your weight, but at the end of the day you feel like you've done something worthwhile and you're happier because of it.

You don't need people to like you to make friends, you have to like people.

If you don't like people, then you wouldn't really enjoy having friends so it doesn't matter.

20% pleasure, 50% pain

>I can do professional interactions and formal shit, but small talk and anything informal I'm a complete sperg
same, I even led a small team and won the first place back in high school, but anything social I will be marginalised, like those stupid movies, tv shows, Netflix stuff, I have no idea what is going on. The last time when I was having an informal conversation with 3 people, initially I can say something until they started talk about tv shows, I couldn't even keep the conversation flow, it was embarrassing


>If you don't like people, then you wouldn't really enjoy having friends so it doesn't matter.
>If you don't like people
>don't like people
Imagine being a human being and not liking ANY human being.
Perhaps the problem is that you're generalizing the whole species as shit? It'd be a lot easier to find friends if you didn't just assume that every single human being isn't worth your time.

it's as if I wrote this post

repent you pagan orthocuck

Friends are over rated. Just find a wife that can be your best friend too

do you hate the negro and the jew, while also abstaining from vices, with a drive to self improve? if so il be yor fren, in flag related.

Friends are overrated. Most of mine over the years threw me under the bus. Im oldfag so it's been a lot. Fuck people. They always disappoint.

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when I first came to uni, I saw new people started forming groups and talking to each other. I just don't understand, how did they know each other, like they were from the same high school?

>do you hate the negro and the jew
hate is a strong word, but desu, I don't like them.
I try to avoid black neighbours

>Just find a wife
as a traditional man, I do want to get a wife, the point is how? I am passive and socially deficient

avoidance is not good enough, if you meet a negro, you must be able to look them in the eye and say to them "I dont like you, because you are a negro" if you can do that, il be your friend.

>when I first came to uni,
You go to school to be educated for better pay, it’s not a social club. Focus get your degree, don’t look back

Also, just because you grew distant with former friends doesn't mean that door is closed forever. We have this weird notion that we have to keep up with our friends all the time and know everything they're doing and see them whenever they need something, but that is more the responsibility of a romantic partner. We get distant from each other and then stop reaching out because we feel guilty about growing distant, but it's a defeatist attitude that's untrue. Some of my best friends I only see once a year, and before that we spent entire years not seeing each other, but still every time he reaches out I'm happy to pick up the phone and catch up, I don't take it personally that he has a wife and kids and is busy.

Seriously, if you're lonely then just reach out to someone else who is lonely, it's that simple. And in 2018 in the digital age, it's a pretty safe bet that most people are lonely. However, the important thing is to reach out because you wanted to see THAT person, not because you wanted to see ANY person. That's not a friendship, that's a loneliness transaction and people see right through it. Nobody wants to feel like they're being used as on object to improve another person's life, so as long as you avoid treating people like that they will enjoy your company. Just ask them questions about themselves and listen without judgment, people are so eager to talk about themselves in a frank environment because they're being fake every day of their lives.

Find a girl you like, say something nice. If she likes you it doesn’t matter how awkward it comes out.

feel ya bruh.
you may need to be able to relax around others, antidepressants helped me with this.

I went backpacking in Europe, and I made friends everywhere I went, and these were people from different countries. In fact, the best friend I made was a Dutch guy I met at a hostel, and we ended up traveling together, and having tons of fun. You need to be social with people, talk and listen, and be of help, and so on.

I made all my good friends from elementary to high school. I really lucked out, they're great people. I feel sorry for you all who have no one. I hope someday you guys find good friends. Try and put yourself out there even if its awkward, you never know, you might meet some lonely people like yourselves.

you are right, the irony is, my asian parents are more concerned with my social health than education.

Anxiety is the parasympathetic nervous system responding to what it perceives as a threat in the environment.
So when you get anxiety when talking to women, it's your brain misinterpreting stimuli as a threat - that pretty girl may as well be a fucking bear getting ready to maul you, simply because it's a situation with which you're not familiar.
You will never grow comfortable with these situations unless you put yourself in them. All growth occurs outside of the comfort zone.

So when somebody to just find a wife, yes, it is actually just as simple as that, but your retarded animal brain is making something much more of it.

>Dutch guy I met at a hostel, and we ended up traveling together
That didn’t sound gay, if not tits or GTFO

when somebody says to just find a wife**

I used to have a couple of friends until I realised that this whole time they were either just exploiting me, making fun at or ask for favours that they would later never repay ever.

Since then I've had trouble making new friends or rather trusting people in general. There is nothing worse than when someone you think you can rely on betrays or leaves you behind as if it was nothing. I wouldn't wish that even to my worst enemies.

Of course, I used to be like that and I was very sad because of it. Truth is I didn't like people because I didn't KNOW people. What I didn't like was the way people portray themselves in public (Fake, vain, etc), and I didn't have the personal experience to know that was a mask. I felt like I was the only real person in a sea of robots because I just couldn't connect to the mask that people were wearing. But then when I got to know real friends and learned a better understanding of people, I learned that they were really like me the whole time. They were just pretending to be the things that I hate because of social pressures to be that way. And then I realized that I was coming off the exact same way, because I never made the effort to take my mask off either.

I think what antisocial people really hate aren't people, but just the mask that people are pressured by society into wearing. Once that mask falls, it's much easier to make friends. And the best way to enable someone else to take their mask off is to take yours off first.

>I'd rather not let a bunch of fucking losers throw themselves a pity party?
Yeah, you may not be able to see the forrest from the trees, this sort of shit totally makes you a asshole whom thinks he knows everything.
In other words arrogant.
Making friends is not hard or is the end all be all of this world.
>Pick yourself up by the bootstraps

this is the sort of self reliance I've been saying the whole thread just not nearly as faggy.

>You really think your better than everyone
No, not everyone, mostly just you and a lot of the people in this thread.
how does this not make you look like a self important asshole?

Look as you grow older the people in your life will slip away and do there own things, so will you.
Friends as an adult are really just acquaintances that you sometimes do favors for.
Most adults stand alone, that's life.