I want to buy a drawing pad. Should I get a real Cintiq or should I get a Chinese knock off?
I'm using Windows 7 btw.
I want to buy a drawing pad. Should I get a real Cintiq or should I get a Chinese knock off?
I'm using Windows 7 btw.
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I honestly like the Cintiq more just because the grip/pen doesn't feel.. weird.. to me. Also, seeing the Chinese drawing pads being sold with gloves kind of made me feel like the screen itself couldn't hold up to a lot.
I have the exact one in the picture, 13HD.
No, windows 7 is using you.
Also, don't lose the cords and grip pen (plus tip replacements) like I did during my last move. They're kind of stupid expensive to replace.
How does it compare to the Pro version?
What about the iPad + Apple Pencil
Wew. I haven't had a chance to use the Pro, but the fact that the product seems lighter and the screen flatter makes me want it.
The price isn't that bad either.
Oh and another thing, the pressure sensitivity is wonderful for the one I have.
I haven't used it, sorry.
I've seen a lot of other artists have trouble with the pressure settings though, and getting it to work, especially on the program I use, Paint Tool Sai.
user is not out of the closet yet
Ipad is the best drawing tablet when you want it to be portable. But if you're at the desk then get a cintiq or huion
i have the ipad pro 2018 11 inch with the pencil 2. i use procreate (one time payment instead of monthly fee like clip studio paint). it's decent, but it's not even as good as my intuos 4. i wanted to use something else because the tablet without the display is kind of weird to use and my intuos is too big for my table. the ipad works but you're better off with a standlone tablet
pretty sure the gloves are just to prevent skin oils from smearing all over the screen.
Been wanting a Cintiq for years but keep gatekeeping myself thinking I need to be better at drawings/making more money from drawing to justify the purchase. Oh well guess I'll just stick to my Bamboo for now.
>gatekeeping myself thinking I need to be better at drawings/making more money from drawing to justify the purchase
This is what I'm doing. And I can't get motivated enough by line drawing.
I just got the iPad pro +pencil a few weeks ago. It's amazing. I love it way more than my intous. I've never used a cintiq desu, for for 3x the price, and still requiring to be plugged into a pc I dont see how its justified.
Post some art btw. I'm not gonna call you shit. But if you're having trouble with an ipad and an intous. You're probably just bad and need to get used to tablets.
Throttling fragile piece of shit.
Drawing tablets with a screen are objectively worse than standard drawing tablets. The "disconnect" between the tablet and the screen is easily overcome with just a little bit of experience, and you get to draw without having your hand in the way of the canvas.
so you're saying paper and pencil is inferior
Theres a lot of things that do get annoying with standard drawing tablets though. One of the big ones is every time you move the tablet a bit, your entire hand eye coordination gets fucked. You have to completely rely on the software to handle everything for you as opposed to mixing traditional movement like you can with a screen tablet. It's a lot easier to just turn the tablet a little than having to rotate things and rotate them back.
The first one especially gets annoying.
You should use the gloves regardless. It helps reduce drag and the cheaper cintiqs use coatings too instead of etched glass.
The cintiqs feel better. I tried the Kamvas Pro 13 or something and the pen didn't feel as featherweight as the cintiq 16 (non pro) which I'm using now or older wacoms. It's a lot less stressful on my hand. Also, the kamvas pro was really dim, definitely not even close to 220cdm
If you have the money just get it for fun. It's a real hoot, a wonderful novelty. I have it on an old monitor arm and I don't even draw that much
>tfw just bought a kamvas pro 13
i'm not really an artist though, got it mainly to fuck around with and see what my kids can learn with it
The worst part is the display was dim. Otherwise it was fine desu, but you will notice a positive difference if you upgrade to a newer wacom with the latest pen.
Oh wait, actually one more thing that was bad. The calibration. Mine was really off at each of the points by some amount. To calibrate it I had to manually figure out how much to offset each calibration point to get it right. Maybe it's better these days since this was about 6 months ago, but it was annoying. Luckily if you get it once it should be fine until you wipe your configuration
can you be less of a shill?
>get product
>like it
>s-stop being a shill!
I hate apple.but this thing is 100x better than my surface
smooth screen isn't for everyone. Don't know how you can draw anything on it.
/ic/ approved
I just bought and set up a XP-PEN Artist 22E Pro.
Seems pretty good.
1 word of advice, make sure you've got the space.
Drawing tablets with screens take up waaay more space than you'd think.
gloves are to reduce drag along with not having smears on the screen.
Ok, if you are a professional and you can justify the cost of a cintiq, it's hard to say no. If you are a hobbyist then there is no justifiable reason to go cintiq.
Personally I have a kamvas 13, I do light photoshop and dicking around with drawing. nothing major that would justify 1000$ minimum, but enough that I just wanted penable display. personally I would like touch macros, but they are not necessary and quirks of the pen are mostly solved though rampings, my only real problem is I like pens with heft and the new uclogic pens are batteryless
if I remember right, wacom split off the gestures from the monitor and they are now a separate buyable thing, not requiring a cintiq, so don't let that be a deciding factor either.
Personally I would have liked a larger display, but due to my main monitor, there is no larger I can get without causing some issues.
as far as on the go tablets are concerned, there is no better. you literally can not pay money for something that works better than this, its sad how much wacom sat on their dicks, but its the truth.