Want help? >State budget & CURRENCY >Post at least some attempt at a parts list >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs based on current pricing: >Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS) >R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming >R5 2600 - Good gaming CPU with great value >R5 3600 - Great gaming CPU >R7 3700X - Overkill gaming CPU (9900K for spendthrifts) >R7 1700X - Budget video editing >R9 3900X - Professional tasks
RAM: >Do not use a single DIMM. 2 sticks ONLY for a typical dual channel CPU >CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 3200CL16 or Micron E-die recommended >AMD B & X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP
GPUs based on current pricing: 1080p >RX 570/580 8GB - Can be found on sale for cheap. Look for 570s which are >1240MHz boost >GTX 1660 - higher fps / more demanding games >RX 5700 - even higher FPS 1440p >RX 5700 - basic >RX 5700XT - standard >RTX 2070 Super - higher framerates in SOME games 2160p (4K) >RTX 2070S OC - budget option. Turing performance scales better into 4K than Navi does. >2080Ti - best for 4K but expensive
>Navi launch drivers have issues, esp. w/ OC. Wait for AIB if considering the XT. 5700 blower is alright, due to low power. AIB models come mid-August.
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >Yes, adaptive sync (freesync) is important >SSD Guide (250GB+ SATA bare minimums): i.imgur.com/79MYtoE.png >NVMe isn't better than SATA SSD for gaming >"Bottleneck checker" sites don't work >Don't use Speccy >AM4 VRMs + Monitors under "more"
does arctic accelero significantly raise the power consumption? I already bought a 620W power supply which should be enough for 3700x 5700XT/2070 SUPER X570 build, but now I'm considering 5700 XT with arctic accelero. will 620W be enough?
Reminder that today is Prime Day B&H and Newegg are also having a sale today
Cooper Brown
>Prime days has some sweet gaymen 120-144HZ ultrawide 1440p gaymen monitor deals >I already own a 2 years old 3440x1440 60Hz IPS monitor so I can't find a justification to purchase a new one especially since I must have only IPS monitor in the world with close to no IPS bleed. Life is hell.
As an actual common sense buyer who goes for best performance per dollar option I actually will give some guidance instead of shilling for or against AMD. If you bought an AM4 mobo and can still refund it double check this chart:
If your mobo has 128 Mbit rom flash refund it. It's not just about simplifying GUI or cutting it. MSI already did that by downgrading to gui-lite and they still are having issues fitting in both agesa microcode and all mobo functions. Even if your manufacturer has no issues atm if your mobo has 128 Mbit bios memory JUST REFUND IT, odds are you will still be fucked down the lane as microcode and bios size expands with each revision.
Caleb Garcia
Vega costs $150 more
Tyler Moore
They updated the specs of the 27GL850G to be freesync with G-sync certified compatibility. It's a bit annoying for me because I was in the market for the G-sync version moreso. If you're using your monitor for multiple things at once you might not need full gaming-tier refresh rates or adaptive sync on all of them, and if you want a bigger screen for gaming an ultrawide might work better. I'm also not familiar with how freesync deals with multiple monitors
Christopher Baker
am i bottlenecking myself with 2600 for 5700xt gaymen?
>My 1440p doesn't have freesync or g-sync How badly did I fuck up?
Carter Scott
Since when? they cost literally the same?
Aiden Lewis
Joseph Hernandez
Juan Russell
if 1440p no
Parker Flores
From end of previous thread
Jace Hughes
>zen 2 "just buy it goy" fanboys need not apply if you were getting bottlenecked the answer to your solution would be to upgrade, and if you had the compatible motherboard a 3000 series would probably make more sense than a 2000 series, unless you for some reason wanted to switch to intel. you'll get bottlenecked with a 2600 at 1080p, but likely still playable. at 1440p it's less significant
If it's a gaming monitor, then yes. However, you can still get use out of it as a secondary monitor if you want and the fact that it's 1440p will mean it will work well with a 1440p gaming monitor. It's best if it's VA but if it's just IPS that might be okay too. A 1440p TN panel without async is a ridiculous proposition, even moreso as a secondary monitor
>1660 is well over €250/200 >A card released to compete with a 3 year old card(which is a refresh itself btw, lol) costs about 2x Why did Nvidia mean by this?
Build a proper workstation overseas. Laptops aren't suited to 3d work.
Grayson Howard
>1660 ~305usd >vega 56 ~315usd Pretty much the same price.
Luis Allen
The problem was that at the time of purchase Nvidia had basically no competition in 1440p performance and I wasn't willing to pay premium for g-sync, with freesync not being by supported by nvidia it seemed to be an okay move at the time. Now I'm considering buying a 5700 XT and I have no fucking idea how to go about it. Should I try to sell it on ebay and buy one gaymen ultrawide va monitor with freesync?
Kevin Bennett
Yes you can, by waiting for aib 5700xt or getting non-xt now.
Gavin Long
so how bad is the performance loss b450/x470 vs x570 ?
Ian Evans
I considered that as well and i'm going to ask if this is office oriented or meeting oriented where i'm supposed to bring it to different locations, it's in q4 so i have time to figure out details.
Jayden Morgan
>or getting non-xt now. Aren't the drivers broken now?
Jose Bailey
how hard would i lose fps for 1080p 144hz? compared to 3600 if it's a loss of 10% i can live with it
Jaxson Anderson
Just keep your screen, and eventually get a freesync one. Old screen can then be a side screen or the like. There's some thinkpad that's ryzen based, but AFAIK uses the on-die GPU, which just isn't great.
Hudson Bennett
>30/40watts more when the baseline is well over 200/300watts is bad Based retard Just underbolt
Jeremiah Evans
Is the BenQ XL2730Z best 1440p 144hz freesync monitor I can get my hands on at 27' if I plan to get 3 of them ? Shit is crazy
Austin Perez
Where the fuck do you live Check pcpartpicker prices
Cameron Flores
Probably like 10 frames, yeah. Who cares lol.
Sebastian Diaz
is there a point switching 1080 to 5700xt or wait for next gen navi
Isaac Howard
Poland, I assumed electronics are always cheaper in USA, because it's true like 99% of the time. No idea how the fuck is vega cheaper here. Is crypto mining still a thing inflating prices?
Aaron Morgan
What temps should a CPU typically run at? I don't know if my 1700x is dying or something else is wrong. When gaymen its like around 55-65 and idle is like 40ish, should I be worried?
Dylan Hughes
>Pcpartpicker prices Kys nigger
Landon Gonzalez
1660 >runs cool >runs quiet >low power draw >decent performance at 1080p
vega56 >runs hot >runs loud >high power draw >coil whine >great performance at 1080p or 1440p
Would a cheap 2060 super be worth it to buy over the stock 5700(xt) models? It seems to beat the 5700 most of the time on guru3d, the cheapest version I can get is 425€ while the cheapest 5700 is about 380 and 440 for the xt.
Will be playing on 144hz 1080p with a ryzen 3600
Kayden Allen
1080 is cutting it pretty close, especially if its overclocked; if it were me I would probably skip this generation and go for the next in 2020 so you actually feel a noticeable upgrade, rather than starting out with a baseline of a 1080 and increasing performance by 15 or so percent by grabbing the current navi models.
Josiah Cruz
>When gaymen its like around 55-65 Intcels are perfectly fine with >90c, that too with liquid coolers.
Dylan Reyes
you right. running hot and loud is an easy fix, so is high power drag if you lower the clock, and the coil whine is not guaranteed.
i'd rather roll the dice and have my great 1440, instead of grabbing an average 1080 card that i'll have to replace in the 2-3 years.
Logan Perez
if it gets hotter it usually suggest you should clean your system or replace thermal paste. Also do take in account the temperature in your room, it's summer so ofc it's hotter
Henry Roberts
Fair enough. But for someone who was going 1080p it's still not the obvious choice that it was made out to be. Some people want out-of-the-box cool, quiet and good performance (at 1080p).
Kevin Young
Depending how mobile he needs it to be he could just look into getting a really small case if he needs a laptop he has a lot of requirements to find at such short notice
If you can sell it, feel free, although it might not be worth as much in cash as it might as a secondary monitor. It depends what screentype it is. If it's TN it's not going to give as good smoothness as an async monitor, nor make up for that with better picture quality
Depends on the games. There are benchmarks out there in the 3600 reviews, it seems to vary depending on how demanding of the GPU the games are. For more demanding titles it's 10-15, for less demanding it can be as high as 30. Unfortunately 1080 is a CPU bottlenecking resolution. However, I don't think you need to rush out and buy a 3000 series just yet. A 5700XT will be an improvement over what you have even at 1080p with a 2600. If you aren't happy with it and want to get better performance out of the 5700xt, you can upgrade in a few months, and the ryzen 3000s will likely be cheaper.
Ayden Foster
aight better save them 100 bucks then
Matthew Ramirez
>$250 Threadripper 2920X on Amazon
fug, I was really planning on a Ryzen build, but now I'm so tempted.
Jordan Cook
Why is this thread so biased toward AMD CPUs? They're all still so far behind in gaming benchmarks. There is no reason to buy an Intel CPU for productivity, but it's definitely the better options for kids who want to play games.
Grayson Perez
>runs hot >runs loud >coil whine literally not gpu related but cooling issue. You can have any gpu run loud and hot if you slap one shit fan on it. >high power draw 180-200W in witcher 3 on 4k is high?
Cooper Russell
would you suggest going 1440p gaymen or going 2600 now and then upgrading to zen 3 in a couple years? my biggest concern is long term relevancy of the hardware, i can cope with mid to low setting in 10 years if i get to not have to buy more stuff btw old pc is a laptop so i'm starting from scratch
Henry Cooper
avoid the shills. get an intel you need something now. if you can hold out for a little bit go for zen2 once all the kinks are worked out
Ryan Lopez
I run my OC'd 2600 on air and never go above 70c. As long as your not constantly running at 60+, you'll be fine.
Kayden Wood
dont listen to them bro just get intel amd will get too cocky if they get market share lead do it for me
Luke Anderson
my issue is the pricing for some of these 1080p cards. everyone was convinced 4k would lower 1080 gaming by a lot, but it still cost roughly ~$180 to 220 for a good 1080 gpu.
I thought by now we'd see $99 cards that do 1080 flawless, with the 1440 gpus sitting near $200.
Benjamin Diaz
The 5700 uses significantly less power than the 2060S and 2070. It's not louder than the 2060/2070, either. 5700 XT won't be loud when AIB cards come next month.
5700XT is roughly 1080Ti perf, and at lower power usage. It is an upgrade, but not a huge one. It also has full DX12, Vulkan, and native HDR 10 support. And you have RIS/CAS natively, running faster than it runs on reshade (it's ~1% perf drop with RIS, and ~4% with reshade).
You may as well wait until like February to see if an RX 5800/5900 comes out by then, or if 5700 XT is on sale at closer to $300, to make for a better upgrade.
Most of what you listed has nothing to do with the GPU, but the cooler. My Vega 56 Red Dragon is completely silent compared to my Noctua and Arctic fans, and the only coil whine is for less than 3 seconds when it starts ramping up in a few games but then it stops. Power draw is only 25 watts more than the 2060, too, so insignificant. Runs everything at 2560x1600@60 which the 1660ti doesn't do, too.
There are also 1660Tis and 2060s which are hot and loud as fuck because they use milled heatsinks that belong on sub $100 GPUs.
1440p is almost double the pixels as 1080p. Simple math, you just multiply the horizontal lines by the vertical. Also look at fucking benchmarks. Zen2 Ryzen is better than Zen+ threadripper.
Brandon Roberts
check the benchmarks, it's not that great for gaming. you'd be better off with the $199 2700x, or the $250 3600x.
Robert Gomez
I agree
Ryder Russell
>Why is price/perf so biased toward AMD CPUs? ftfy
Jayden Barnes
>Zen2 Ryzen is better than Zen+ threadripper. Not for multithread at that price tag.
Carter Davis
Are you a bot? I swear that I have seen you say the exact same things before. Or are you typing a script AMD gave you?
Leo Nguyen
>buy Intel CPU now which will continue to get worse due to more and more security patches >don't buy zen2 CPU now which will continue to get better with BIOS updates Who is behind this post?
None of us who bought Zen1 on launch have problems with it. Sure it had problems on launch, but then we updated our BIOS and it's fine. If we had bought a 7700k or 7600k which were "fine on launch", we'd be stuck with a shitty CPU that would have required BUYING NEW HARDWARE to fix, which is much more of a hassle than simply updating BIOS and Windows.
Holy fuck the retardation. This is exactly why people recommend AMD, the literal opposite of the garbage you're spewing.
Board cost? X399 boards are expensive. A 3700X is going to be close to the multithreaded perf of the 2920X.
Eli Garcia
Reminder that this is the person who told people to buy b450/x470 boards with zen2 and now their PC's can't post.
He's doing a good job by turning people away from AMD. Which is sort of funny.
Caleb Morales
I could sell my 1080 for 330 at least or so, it still has warranty and its benching quite well so basically there is not worthy upgrade if 5700 is not worth it hers m performance on it userbenchmark.com/UserRun/18379208
Julian Smith
>$329 9700k convince me not to purchase. keep in mind that 90% of what I do on my PC is game, with the other 10% being browsing and jerking off.
>buy a 3600x my plan is to sit on this thing for at least 6-7 years, and I've read that higher core count(and single core performance) helps with rpcs3 emulation
>now their PC's can't post. are you memeing? I ask because reddit are buying tomahawks in mass.
Sebastian Gray
>prime day >Ballistix 3600CL16 on sale for less than any 3200CL16 Christmas came early this year.
Kevin Rogers
3600 or 3600x
Carson Cook
you retarded nigger lddit is complaining about that board in particular miles more than anything
Bentley Robinson
>reddit are buying tomahawks in mass. Because they are sheep that got trolled. The tomahawk max gets released soon because the old version can't support the fixed BIOS
Wyatt Price
>Ballistix poor man's corsair/gskill
Asher Anderson
3600 for best value 3600x for better cooler and better clock (zen 2 doesn't OC well so you can't oc a 3600 to a 3600x level)
Pls rate. 5700 XT with Arctic Accelero or 2070 SUPER?
Leo Miller
How bad it is if I take a gsync monitor with a 3700x + 5700XT aib ? The only monitor I can get my hands on is the ASUS MG279Q, and this shit has a 35-90hz windows for its freesync, what's the point since I want 144hz
Christian Price
9700k is best high perf proposition right now for gaming specifically and basically nothing else. Absolutely no guarantees it will remain the gaming champ if upcoming titles are more efficiently threaded though. 3600, especially if using an aftermarket cooler since although the Spire on the X is a little better it doesn't matter if you're not using it. There's fuckall separation in the binning between the SKUs so despite the higher advertised clocks on the X SKU they both hit the same performance ceiling within 3% at most. If it has the specs and best of all no RGB then I recommend it.
Lucas Gomez
I hope you mean 3000c15, with AES in the product code. The 3000 16-17-17-17 shit is trash.
Ayden Cruz
>PC can't post Only if you buy poor nigger tier b450/x470. Ayyyymd fags are fucking poor.
Carson Sanders
My 7700k destroys your zen 1 in any games though.
Hunter Parker
Disregard I suck cocks, didn't notice you said 3600c16. Buy it.
Mobo choice for Ryzen 5/7 : MSI b450m Mortar ( You can update bios easily with flash youtube.com/watch?v=iTkXunUAriE ) ( if going for R9 just get x570 )
CPU cooling is waste of money unless you want to go for quiet build
CPU choice: R3600 or R3700x Storage: 1tb m.2 nvme - 100$ ( P1 recommended has big warranty )
GPU: Entry - Vega 56 Sapphire or Reddevil Else - RX5700XT or 2070 Super
Case - fractal design define c mini ( best if using rx5700xt for its closed design and low noise levels ) meshify or whatever else u like for cards with actual cooling
Ram - recommending to go budget and buy Viper 3733, very cheap very fast, always go for bdie if on sale
PSU - Seasonic has highest quality capacitors and most likely to last 15 years
Bentley Miller
>what is a low current load Please, don't pretend you know anything about how CPUs work. You'll only embarrass yourself.
Anthony Mitchell
It's a tough question, and I'm not the best to tell you, having never used freesync or an AMD GPU, but from what I know it sounds like a straightforward win for the monitor. I'd probably choose the monitor, because the XT5700 will do that better to a greater extent over whatever you have now than a 3600+5700xt will do 1080p better than a 2600+5700xt A 1440p freesync monitor will serve AMD GPUs for a long time. They basically won't become "obsolete" until mid-tier AMD GPUs and mid-tier freesync monitors are running 4K, which is a decade down the pipeline at least. And even then they'll still be of use if they still run. A 3600 will be where the 2600 is now in a few years.
>poor man's g skill and that's a good thing >poor man's corsair corsair is the poor man's corsair ballistix (e die) is the smart poor man's corsair
Very bad. Get a freesync monitor for an AMD GPU. If you want a top-tier IPS freesync get something like an Aorus AD27QD, or wait for the LG 27gl850 with the new panel technology.
Grayson Lopez
Your CPU is about to blow up on you my dude.
Levi Thompson
Powercolor RX 590 for 205€ or RX 5700 for 389€ Still at 1080p Is vega 56/64 even worth considering?
Liam Hughes
>it's fine to use 1.4v when idle Seek help
Isaiah Morgan
On Newegg there are several reviews for the red dragon that feature complaints about coil whine. It seems like a common problem on the Sapphire Pulse as well, which gets recommended a lot despite that. ...
Wyatt Young
Anyone tried using remote desktop for work? how viable is it in the long run, assuming the internet connection is good. are constant lags and freezes pretty much guaranteed anyway? I work with some resource-demanding soft my pretty powerful laptop is barely able run, but I have to come by the office at least once or twice a week, so I figured that instead of paying a fortune for a new laptop, I'd buy a desktop instead and just use remote desktop
Wait for next month before considering 5700. Remodels come out.
Isaiah Morris
whats wrong about cpu using 1.4 idle?
John Sullivan
Joshua Thomas
Prove it isn't. You can't, because you have absolutely no idea how it works, or how it literally changes in 1ms intervals depending on what the CPU is doing. It even spikes to 1.5v, which is completely fine and within design spec.
Jace Gray
>too much of a brainlet to externally flash a spi bios Imagine being this useless.