What is the best voice changing software if I want to pretend to be a girl online?
What is the best voice changing software if I want to pretend to be a girl online?
A knife and HTR for a year should do the trick
Personally I don't understand why we even hire voice actors if we have these sorts of software. I've heard it in action and jesus christ it's amazing, it's like a completely different person and it sounds suave.
is the software called "it"
They're cheap and typically it takes skill to actually act out a character in a believable way.
Voice actors aren't cheap, they're faggots who cost a ton. Also the way they play with their voice is more because of their personality/talent rather than their experience. Tara Strong plays a lot with her voice, but she sucks dick at changing voices and having a good sounding voice.
I don't know why amateur voice actors don't use it. Audio mixers use it all the time for professional voice acting and most voice actors would be dead without it.
I've always wanted to scam neckbeards in MMOs by sounding like a girl desu
genuine zozzle
>What is the best voice changing software if I want to pretend to be a girl online?
There is none, for some reason voice changer technology is stuck in 2011.
My incel friends got roped into chatting, spending time with, and buying video games for a fake thot with a voice changer years ago.
They were told several times it's just a voice changer but they got a stick up their ass when you mentioned "she" was a guy and stopped talking to us then like two months later just kind of sauntered back and never mentioned it again after they learned.
I've seen (heard) headphones with this integrated. Real time and no fiddling with settings in the PC.
not answering with that post picture
You never had the answer, faggot
You can train yourself to suck jn your adams apple and crush your vocal chords to have a girl sound.
God I wish that were me
another shameless bump
but i dont want to become a girl just pretend to be one
>the absolute state of males
The vocal trainning method is reversible at will. After you figure it out you can use it as a party trick.
You sure? Cause if its not reversible i will have to transition... = (