Imagine you're an app developer
Imagine you're an app developer
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Imagine being at computers
>With an army of Indian coders, what couldn't Silicon Valley do?
make an airworthy airplane
Is this not sarcasm?
god i hate boomer republicucks
>2 competent Americans who speak English and actually produce working maintainable products
>16 poo in loos who do the needful and eat curry all day
Hmm tough choice. Fucking idiot.
>gold standard
white people btfo once again
Imagine the smell
Over 98% indians inmigrants are incels.
Import manlet,chinlet,jawlet,dicklet brown men.
>the brown standard
the poo standard
>silicon valley
Also the code that was written was fine and accomplished everything that Boeing requested, the problem was what Boeing requested.
But keep blaming indians if that helps you feel better about the failure of your own engineers, burger.
who would you rather hire g: Chinese, Indian, Russian or French?
implying all speak fluent english
russia has the best coders
Both parties want this. Settle down and relax your sphincter goy.
>when you sudo apt-get install mysql but it installs mariodb
The gold standard is Indian? Twitter should ban his account for racism. Why do politician boomers have any power? They sure love being paid by the taxpayers for doing absolutely nothing.
Russians. Slavs in general are the best coders.
>Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
I know Americans love making acronyms for their acts. What will this one be? FaHSIA? FaFoHSkIA?
The irony here is fucking hilarious
>imagine you have enough money to pay two people. Instead, now you can hire an army of people who will work overtime for subhuman wages.
Fucking lmao. How do they not get called out for this by leftists?
Yeah that’s no stereotype, it’s reality. Must be something in their genetic makeup. Kind of like how Koreans don’t need deodorant.
If you hire indian guys that are exporting themselves this way you'll end up with shit Java code and the next guy will probably curse everytime he has to see these nested interactions because some fucking pajeet did it in a retarded way. And yes this is my fucking job right now and yes I want to find the retard they hired just to ask him what the fuck he was thinking.
It's due to the spices they eat that seep out through their pores.
They had sensors in the case of software failure, but didn't use them. This is probably a combination of bad code and corrupt business.
Man that is some Fools Gold there.
Imagine committing political suicide on social media.
I don't think that's true. Indians in Canada who don't even eat Indian food still have the same issues.
Also why do Americans have to hide behind words like "equality" "fairness" whenever they intend to backstab their own people?
>Just what the fuck he was thinking
That's the thing, user, he wasn't.
It's fake unless you have a link
the fact that it happens to whites with garlic is proof enough
Amerimutt codemonkeys btfo.
The Frenchman.
It's due to the fact that they're disgusting people and don't fucking shower. Lots of people eat spicy food and don't smell like fart 24/7
Why can't boomers just fucking die already?
>How do they not get called out for this by leftists?
Because there are no leftists in the US anymore.
It's all the same globohomo and some manchild larpers with commie t-shirts sucking corporate cock.
How many Indians are too many? At what point do we have enough? Do we just keep bringing them over until every single Indian lives in America and is stinking up every single empty cubicle? When will it be enough for these fucking bastards?
Because leftists support visa abuse too
I’ve heard rumors that they do that on purpose so that you can’t get rid of them (ie they’re the only ones who know what the fuck they’re looking at). We have a fuck ton of poo contractors and I believe it
>implying they are smart enough to think of this and not just shit
Idk, they can be surprisingly weaselly smart like that sometimes.
I don't think that anyone with a brain could consciously make a function that has fucking 7 levels of identation and if/else nests. I just refuse to believe that. And yes this is somehow production code.
Like what the fuck is the point of even having a country anymore?
Seriously what? Have the treasonous fucks in government completely forgotten their purpose?
Trump should rework H1B so there's very high minimum salary, it's not bound to a single employer and the per-country quota system is slanted towards developed countries.
That way H1B would be used for professionals from countries like Germany, the UK, Canada, France, etc and would have an upward pressure on US tech worker wages. If it cost 180k to meet the minimum standard for bringing in a Canadian with certain skillset, for example, companies would be incentivized to pay an American worker 170k.
Russians, the smart ones are fucking geniuses, especially anything math related. They're also based, not as much modern mental illness in their brains.
Not showering is one thing, but darker skin inherently has more secretions is smellier.
Russian hands down.
Is this really not a sarcastic post?
>not murder
Your rage is weak.
Russian every time.
Russian>slovenian>hungarian=polish>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
If Trump wasn’t a turbocuck he would ban all H1Bs and revoke all actives visas and make an executive order that no more will be issued. Then legislate that all companies who want to hire foreign “””skilled””” employees will need to prove that they tried to hire Americans first, which won’t be too enforceable but it will throw a wrench into the works for these companies and also provide a good backbone/infrastructure to add more rules on top of later. Then he would need to force minimum wage of something arbitrarily high - like $50 an hour - for all foreign visa holders. Then any company that has more than 2% of their full time staff be H1B will have an additional hamstringing tax placed upon them.
But since trump is a pussy, this won’t happen. More Indians for American companies.
user, Trump is just another kike. Stop being so suprised at kikes doing kike things.
Not surprised - disappointed.
>Because there are no leftists in the US anymore.
Well, there aren't any real leftists with power, but (old-style) leftists do exist.
>the gold standard
sounds like canada 10 or so years ago when they started giving companies tax breaks for immigrant workers.
Im not saying I thought trump was gonna be the GAS DA JOOZ 1488 DAVID DUKE AS VICE PRESIDENT candidate the alt right retards thought he would be, but I thought we had a real shot at not having a full blown Israel stooge as president. Now I’m convinced we never will.
>When will it be enough for these fucking bastards?
it's never enough. the UK is getting net migration of 250k/year and elites think that this should continue. forever. it's extremely fucked up
I'm the libbiest lib that ever libbed, and this isn't a Trump critique. It's an American political system sucking corporatist cock critique.
Russia because they're the only whites who aren't cucks
What you just said literally says something other than bad code.
There isn't even a reason to think Indians had anything to do with it, it's literally just a port of years old military software that has never caused a crash.
nah not true, i think theyre too hairy which leads to bad smells
I really like how trump is helping casual racism become normal again
>the gold standard!
Sure is summer in here don't realize this is fake or satire
> slav
> white
Thank you, frens.
Do you people only hate Indians fresh off the boat? I'm a third generation amerimutt and I don't even eat curry
All you have to do in order to shut them down into neoliberals is call them racist, lol.
The skin hate meme is real bruh. Americans are so deserving of the immigration tidal wave that is going to crush them.
stop supplicating 85 IQ NEETs, you pathetic cuck
>bing bing wahoo
Here's-a your database, bro
I basically hate and dont trust all brown people by default
But I am also a NEET
Tried to be a wagie but they hire the FOBs before people born here. I've been asked if I have a work visa so many times because they don't wanna hire citizens
>race is skin
Go back to your home country you pathetic retard.
Chinese (female)
Could you link the tweet in question. All I could find around that time is this tweet
What the hell does this mean? Everyone right of center makes zero sense.
We must be replaced but we must be replaced LEGALLY!
> the gold standard!\
kek, we should turn this into a meme.
>what couldn't silicon valley do?
this needs to become viral like that army tweet
Seriously, guys, what they couldn't do? Come on!
immigrated to america or native? If immigrated, Chinese. If native, Russian.
Russian. Hands down.
This is my problem. I can't help but notice that 50% of my coworkers are Indian. If it weren't for Indians then I'd get more promotions, have an easier time changing jobs, and make more money.
Why do we need to import more labor to compete with domestic labor?
Because Eli Goldsteinbergowitz needs cheaper labor willing to work for 10k less a year.
given no further information, and as a coworker rather than a manager:
russian > greencard chinese > french > greencard indian > H1 chinese > H1 indian
H1s tend to get picked because it's basically indentured servitude (your employer can have you deported), rather than for skill
Russians are way above everything else.
The frog in management and the Chink as the IT guy. Rakesh can go home.
curry is good though
I don't even hate actual Indians, or immigrants in general, but I don't like that devaluing the labor market is bipartisan progress.