Pay attention to me

pay attention to me

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what now

donate to my paypal

I dunno user, you did call me a fag earlier

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How did you know!?

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all aussies are fags

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True, you are very wise and clever.

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I ain't a pooftah, fatty

>t.closet fag

Stop being faggots

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don't listen to him, pay attention to me instead
I've decided to branch out and spread my cancer to other threads now

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No you pooftah


a c u t e





Are you in college, wagecuck, neet?

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Can't tell me how to LIVE my LIFE

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Heil aoifag! Heil drunk avatarfags!

oh fug, I actually got to the point where people recognize me

Know that feel, I wish there were more Australian anime posters, I like anime posting but I also like just being an user.

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Merry christmas, Agay.


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Its a small board.

russhits belong in forced labor camp

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homos like to stick together. Why dont you like him, finnfag?

prove it

im straight
i had a gf before

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wtf, that means ive done less with women than Amei. Only thing Ive done is 1(one) date with a girl in my entire life.

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