Friendly reminder to sit straight.
Friendly reminder to sit straight
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why not just start swimming instead of having expensive and painful surgery?
if you get to that point you can barely walk my dude
but you still can swim
this is wrong. go see a chiropracter.
you mean a charlatan
Wow, that is intense. I'm so glad that it's statistically irrelevant at around 2-3% of people in the US
Man, that almost looks like a good alternative.
Why is there blood inside of your bones? Isn't it better if your bones are just made out of bones entirely and have nothing soft inside to be more stable?
what are these bolts made of ?
does it give trouble getting into banks / airports ??
sry fr engrish
>>Why is there blood inside of your bones?
bone marrow
>american education
if not for stuff that's inside bones you couldn't produce blood you stupid nigger pick up a book
>what are these bolts made of ?
Friendly reminder that leaning back is better for your spine. Humans were meant to hang from trees just like monkeys, not stand and sit straight while letting our spines take all the weight.
funny because a caveman would know the inside of bones better than a zoomer
Why don't we just produce blood somewhere else instead of inside bones? Why not just make a marrow organ?
I don't feel so good...
Swimming is actually not nearly enough for a healthy back, more over, it can make things worse, e.g. if you swim breast stroke. I do not even know why it is still being spread as something useful. You need dry-land strength training for your core and back, swimming (back and crawl stroke) can compliment that, but on their own they aren't much.
I'm actually Asian also I've had enough of books so I read manga instead.
nice bait
all asians are born with complete medical knowledge
Your bone is not dead tissue, it needs nutrients to live, and waste products have to be washed away. Plus, if you removed everything else from it, it would be less flexible and would brake more easily, so no benefits in that sense either. Blood vessels run through it to nurture the tissue, and also cause blood cells (red&white) are produced by the bone marrow.
Hope that answers your question, thanks your bones mister.
The recovery for this must be excruciating. Just getting braces on your teeth tightened was painful, imagine it's your god damn spine!
Sorry m8, but those cunts have repeatedly told me absolute bollocks for my whole life. Have you got another source that isn't rubbish?
I had to get this surgery unfortunately. Not even for terrible posture either. Doctors said it was idiopathic and spontaneous. Must have had a bad roll at genetics. Now my ribs stick out more on one side even post-surgery. Are titanium rods technology?
It actually wasn't that bad. They gave me a morphine button that I never used. In hindsight, I should have tried it at least once just to see how it feels. But I got out weeks earlier than I should have.
>I had to get this surgery unfortunately. Not even for terrible posture either.
Not surprising because AFAIK Scoliosis pretty much never is due to bad posture anyhow.
can you bend forward or backwards now or are you stuck straight as a broom?
google arnold chiari syndrome, it's one of the fuckers that can give people severe scoliosis
i have a cousin that was diagnosed with this shit, we had to take him to fucking barcelona for surgery, as far as we know the only place that has a much less intrusive method. this shit everywhere else is treated by taking a goddamn piece of your skull removed so it won't strangle the cerebellum
shit's brutal
I can't be the only one here that expected some sort of animated spanking video when opening that webm, r-right?
I can bend over and touch my toes just fine. It's just a weird feeling knowing there's metal rods that are bending with you. I just have a slight hunchback because my ribs are shifted up and over.
man...what the flying fuck..
i'm going outside
fuck this is a huge problem for me
at least i work out regularly but besides that i'm almost always in a chair
am i fucked?
Yea, even being slightly flawed in terms of genetics can really suck. Good thing you/he could get some treatment though.
I mean it's not like I'm going to afford it anyway
Jow Forums here loling at all you future hunchbacked cripples out there. Hope the Gamerscoreā¢ was worth it!
unironically believe I may have given myself scoliosis from sitting at my tiny desk for 5+ years, does anyone know any cheaper correction methods than the OP?
Are you one of the "all news but fox news is fake" retards
swimming, walking, yoga
That one is outside the realistic spectrum of what you can get on mere poor sitting posture.
Fox news is fake too. The only real news is on Jow Forums.
I have already stared lifting and other exercises. I'm thinking about taking up swimming again however someone earlier ITT said it could make it worse, I used to swim a lot so maybe this is the case?
I never asked for this
Nice, more animations please
fuck no swimming didn't make your back worse. If you're not driving head-first into shallow water explain how the fuck that happens? They recommend swimming ti the eldery and the obese for a reason: it doesn't snap your shit up.
marrow organ gets fucked: dont produce blood until it hels
marrow in bones: have a shit ton of bones, if ones broken you can still produce blood.
lel, imagine being this delusional
one dick gets fucked: can't fuck with it until it hels
dicks in bones: have a shit ton of dicks, if ones fucked you can still fuck
Jesus fuck that will reverberate throughout your lifetime and the ghost pain will make you wish you were dead.
I always sit this way at my desk and keep my mouse and keyboard as far away as possible so my arms and wrists sit straight. I use a computer 15 hours a day 7 days a week and I have never had issues.
this, 100% this
You can't even feel your back anymore after this, user
Why not just produce blood from the heart? If it gets fucked you're going to die anyway.
>you can now feel your bones
wow! are you a doctor? XDDD
>one dick gets fucked: can't fuck with it until it hels
>dicks in bones: have a shit ton of dicks, if ones fucked you can still fuck
I approve this message.
Source: PGY1 dermatology resident in Canada
thanks doc
because the heart already has a very important job of enabling your shitposts
Im pre sure I have kyphoscoliosis
A few months of physiotherapy could fix this.
Reminder that you do not get scoliosis because of prolonged sitting. At an young age it's idiopathic, if you're older (maybe 68+) your spine might go down the drain because of the obvious weakening of your body, it it's not already severely damaged from wagecucking.
What you do get from prolonged sitting is the weakening of your muscles. The result is more pressure on your spinal cord because something needs to hold that big head of yours and that leads to damage to your vertebrae.
It's the equivalent of a car accident. It cracks resulting in nerve injury and the worst case is you'll lose feeling in your penis, but you don't use that one so who gives a shit.
For example, if you are not actively working out to strengthen it, your neck is most likely weak as shit. You don't feel it because you're young, but it will eventually get you. I had a minor neck injury and I had trouble sitting in front of the PC for a while until I strengthened that whole area.
There's no real solution though. Time will get you. Best practice is to mix sitting and standing up while working, ergonomic chairs, not sitting in an unnatural angle and an active lifestyle after work, so no binge like Londonfrog.
just how long does that procedure take ?
I think it's maybe five or six hours, depends on the curve. There are photos of people having the whole spine done. It's kinda scary though, because the vertebrae that are not fused degenerate faster and you end up needing to fuse them too, also you might end up as a lifelong pain-med addict.
Source: had a period where I researched the topic. A friend from med school told me that "if you can avoid it, don't fucking do it." My spine is alright for now though.
An MRI can't show what's "unnecessary", this is a conclusion and not an observation. Is the strain of standing also "unnecessary"?
The last one is half the story of how we all have kyphosis/forward head posture. You get tired, lean forward and slouch, then you get more tired and lean back and slouch.
What you actually need is a sloped seat pan, and possibly a knee rest so you can sit in the neutral posture like astronauts do in zero G. But that requires us to have much taller chairs and desks than we have now.
Subscribe to my scoliosis facts. An angle more than 45 degrees means you need surgery, because it will eventually get worse.
Theoretically you could hold off until like 90+ degrees but you are losing lung capacity because your rib cage gets dislocated, crushing one of your lungs. Surgery won't improve lung damage, it will only stop the spine from getting worse.
>durr exercise helps
>durr exercise doesn't help
make up your mind
jus strogg yourself
M8 i'm from fucking Yorkshire. What the devil am I going to watch stupid arsed burger news on? You haven't got to be a daft fascist cunt to know the BBC is fucked.
I got a shitty back as a kid. After swimming for a few years it became perfect. I didn't begin constantly having a good posture. It helps.
I remember being hospitalized for a drug overdose was and i wasnt going to admit it with my mom being in the room roght there so the dr said "ok if its not drugs something very bad is happening and we are going to need to do a spinal tap." I dropped the act.
I only have a slight curvature, not debilitating like in the webm. I need to get around to doing physical therapy for it
You are thinking about it the wrong way. It's not swimming as an exercise to improve the muscles, but the sole act of being in water takes the pressure off from the spine.
Also, strength training can fuck up your body too if you fall for the "go hard or go home" meme.
That's scoliosis, not something you will get by too much sitting.
Try to be active, walking, back exercise, etc.
As a rule of thumb, too much of anything is bad for your overall health, not just your spine. too much sitting, too much standing, too much laying, and so on are all bad.
t. Orthopedic Surgeon
wtf is that
Does that work?
chastity lock
to scoliosis anons who try to Jow Forums:
don't deadlift heavy
don't squat heavy
don't ohp heavy
it can exaggerate the curve even further
bruh aint this shit how braces work
I had Scoliosis when I was young and I fixed it by doing lots of exercise, such as abs and pull ups. I'm sure there's still some of it, but its pretty much minimal.
>unbending someone's spine this much in one go
>without killing them
Seems legit.
>Scotish and Canadian researchers
Now why would i listen to a bunch of drunks and faggots?
>not sitting in an unnatural angle
Sitting is already an unnatural angle, especially sitting on the shitter.
Imagine supersoldiers with their bones augmented with titanium running in their legs/arms/spine for extra protection/strength.
thank you mr skeltal
Because you're a drunk faggot?
that made me puke almost
Imagine getting a backbone surgery because your muscles are fucked up
What can go wrong
No, I'm a crack addict and I want to feel it all the way down
And avoid swimming
well that may be true but im not the later