When you have children, what is going to be your policy toward their use of technology, Jow Forums?

When you have children, what is going to be your policy toward their use of technology, Jow Forums?
Me I wouldn't let them use any computers before they're 6.
After that they'll be able to use a computer and have entire freedom as long as they use linux and only free software.
They'll be allowed to use touchscreen devices and non-free software when they're 14.

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k, get a kid first

No GUI until they can compile their own Xorg. No phones until they leave the nest. Fuck technology, it's worse than heroin.

>When you have children
That's a huge assumption to begin with.

Educate them on how to use technology so the technology doesn't use them.

>keeping your priorities straight

adults could use some help here too

ban applel products

Attached: iToddlersBTFO.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

It's called parental control.

Indeed, if would've been more appropriate.

I think the most important thing will be limiting the amount of time spent engaged with a screen, especially at a younger age. It saddens me to see my cousins absolutely addicted to playing video games, and don't know how to handle themselves when they can't play on a phone or handheld.

It's also very, very important that they're adept at using modern tech and know (generally) how it works so they don't get taken advantage of, and can fix things themselves. If you're an adult and you don't know how to use office applications and effectively use webapps, you're at a massive disadvantage.
One of my uncles is 40+ years old, and literally cannot use a computer. He just doesn't get what a program is, what files are, etc. This has really limited his employment opportunities throughout life.

Sounds like a great way to socially stunt your kids. Every high school student has a phone.
They'll be using a GUI computer in school by the time they're 7 years old - good luck teaching a 7 year old about compiling anything, or why they should even care.

>unsupervised children online so long as they use the lunix
enjoy your tranny

imagine projecting your freetardism to your kid. You're only gonna make them hate free software even more.
Personally I'd just restrict their computer access until they're 10 and then let them do whatever the fuck they want, minus social media until they're about 15 then I would just discourage it from there on out, but not intervene if they ever decide to use it.

Technology is the least of my concerns when it comes to how I raise my kid. I'm more concerned about maintaining their health and teaching them good morals and principals. Exercise and good nutrition is gonna be a regular occurrence in my family if I ever have kids.

>minus social media until they're about 15
good fucking luck lmao
t. somebody out of touch with how kids are now

you won't be successful enough to have children, so thankfully you won't be able to ever be in a position to force them to be a failure like you

I'm only 20, believe me I know how kids are. Just because a lot of kids use social media doesn't mean it's impossible to prevent your kids from doing it. Just like how most kids are pampered, soft brats who have never fought once in their life. The reason kids are like this now is because parents usually can't be arsed to actually raise their fucking kid. Instead of preparing them for the outside world they shelter them and have them watch nonsensical bullshit on TV. The lazy parents of the television generation produced the lazy parents of the smartphone generation. I won't let my kid have any part in that. I'll raise someone who is fucking productive, thank you.

Not letting them near negros

no, you're fucking out of touch and retarded. if you think you're keeping kids off social media until 15 you're insane, lmao. it's amazing that somebody on Jow Forums can be that naive.


your kids will hate you and (rightfully) think you're a fucking retard

if i have children i will regret it continually. my 9 year old nephew was asking for an iphone lmao. like shit what are you going to use that for? just stick to playing fortnite on your ipad

This, but no OS before they can install Gentoo.

Only allowed to use TempleOS.

I won't force them to avoid anything because I will raise them a way in which they will hate technology in the first place.
Limiting your kids isn't a good strategy if you want them to stay away from a thing. You have to make them understand your point of view first.

And to do that you must have sex.

Download and install TAILS linux
Teach about the great American Hero Ted Kaczinsky
Daily viewing of Alex Jones
Alex Jones children vitamins intake

No TV until 16. No compucter until 16. No smartphone until 18.

Each one gets their own desktop when they hit 12, mediocre ones at best with not good not bad hardware, but their laptops will be complete toasters running arch because you little shits aren't playing games while you're supposed to be learning math and english. If they want better hardware they can get a job and work for it, that way they can come to appreciate what they have.
They'll learn how to do simple stuff like terminal scripting then it's whatever they want to do, they want to go full technowizzard like me than sure that's cool if not w/e not everyone's in to programing but they need to at least understand the fundamentals of the tools they're using on a daily basis and how it all comes together.
Oh, and they get flip phones, no botnet boxes in my house.

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pretty much this, im about the same age of I was a good kid and respected my parents, but I still made burner emails to play that fruit gusher hotel game in elementary school and a myspace despite them telling me I would get a virus.
Kids are going to do w/e they want, you can only mitigate damages by being a good influence and telling them the downsides and upsides to something like social media.
My little bro doesn't use social media because I was upfront with him and he looks up to me, although he does use discord for videogames, its just what kids do. Him and I talk every other day while walking around the neighborhood for an hour, he says it means a lot to him.

its sucks, kids are like a dice roll. even good school districts and loving families don't guarantee a successful life, my best friend through middle and highschool ended up becoming an addict, took too much acid and expediting his underlying schizophrenia (idk if that's true but another friend suddenly went manic bipolar after doing acid also so I'm willing to believe it). He's not even there in the head any more and watching his family is heart breaking...

I'm honestly terrified of having kids, I have no faith in the women I've met raising a child if i were to die. I need to save more money, I've grown tired of consumerism and can't really look at Jow Forums anymore. sorry for the robo post anons god bless both of you

>When you have children
christ user, i'm only 29, let me try to get a girlfriend first

if you're a virgin, wait for another year.
you'll become a wizard when you reach 30 and remain a virgin.

>Implying I'd ever have children by choice.
I don't have enough time for my hobbies and shit posting. I don't have time to take care of some Rugrats.

It’s a no for me then

We tried to keep them away from cell phones but what made it impossible was family. Everyone is so fucking addicted to the things, your kid will see somebody playing on one, go and have a look, and before you've even noticed they will have them on their knee showing them videos. It's not like they ask permission to do this because they all see their addiction as completely normal. We're the weird ones. In spite of neither of his parents having smartphones, our 2 year old son knows how to open the photo app on an iphone and swipe through pictures...

>flip phones
It’s not enough, go Nokia

No tech above manual hand tools allowed.
Home school master race.

Jow Forums are scary parents


They will be allowed to use computers for study. Internet access will be completely off-limits. We will not have any internet connection in our home. They can have their own phones once they have the ability to pay for it themselves. I will do nothing whatsoever to enable or encourage cellphone or internet use. In fact, I will actively discourage it.

They get Linux toasters, and flip phones. If they want to play games they'll need to figure out how to install wine. They'll only be able to play retro games on emulators.

When I give them the drug talk, I'll also give them the social media/tech addiction talk. There is no way to prevent them from using it.

>banning computers and smartphones

How to ruin your child’s development.

how to teach your child to lie to you very well

Get them involved in sports. Heavily. No contact ones because they aren’t getting cte. Swimming, soccer, languages, literature, baseball, volunteering. You have to drown them in real world activities. If you are an indoors person your child will be too and they will find indoors things to do and will probably seek vidya as a refuge from boredom. So fix yourself first if you want your hypothetical future child to not be an addicted, coddled, socially and politically confused retard.

reminder that its a lose lose. if you try to manage your children's exposure to technology/social media they WILL be ostracised freaks and be developmentally stunted

>kids today are so stupid they rope whenever they get insulted on social media and take every single string of text directed at them personally and also attach their name to everything they do publicly
Is this a universal thing now, or do I only hear about the retarded ones?
I won't even want to have internet in the house if this is true.

>the drug talk
that's a thing?

If I not allow them to have a smartphone and social media, they'll look for ways to go around it
Which is great i suppose
But i think transperancy is more valuable taken from how i was raised
Since they'll be my kids, they should be smart and figure shit out themselves, I guess, I'll just give them the tools
A browser machine
I just don't want jew marketing to influence my kids
Guess ill torrent movies and tv for them, but it will be hard with very little stuff in my language


man with all the shit people are invented who knows what tech will be like in 10 years.

good post

The only concrete trend I see is the willingness to have zero control over your personal autonomy, your data, your identity, compromising information like your genome, your privacy, etc.
Don't even get me started on how people increasingly zero fucks about having security of person, property or even of life, handing the keys to their life to a third party because it's more convenient that way.

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Not everyone has a degenerate family like yours

Did not work on me.

Read them the Unibomber's manifesto before bed time.

Not letting your kids use technology is retarded. Teach them how to safely browse the web, avoid scammers and reasonably deal with social networks. That, or let them browse /b/ for half an hour and they will be scarred for life and never again go near teh interwebs.

I would educate them on the dangers of using proprietary software.

for parents:

