Important to know

Girls-CAN code,
you guys. They can, okay. So stop it

Attached: Karlie+Kloss+2019+Winter+TCA+Tour+Day+1+-VWt2_eMYZPl.jpg (400x600, 66K)

>They need propaganda to prove their point
lol, fuck the bitches

coding is for girls
programming is for men

i aint clickin that shit nigga

Girls can code, yes. China has shown that for a while.


what isn't too risky

too risky for my mental sanity

Why do we still need shit like this? Yes, they can code if they want to. We all know this. What's the point of continuing with these campaigns like outreachy and such? Just let people do what they want and stop being so patronizing.

0% chance that that fat toothless black thought with the claw nails can code. People like that literally can’t do arithmetic. It’s just simply beyond their capabilities.

I've met great female programmers and shit male programmers. Both sets have people that defy stereotypes.
Until the last five years I'd never met a shit female programmer on the job though.

To take it a step further, the gate for shit male programmers has always been wanting to make videogames.
I wish all shitters could be removed. They lower the wage and create issues that eventually work their way to someone competent.
My older sister has been a developer long before I was. She found her way there out of genuine interest. If you remove the shit male developers she's never really been a minority.

Girls who can code look like pic related.
The girl @ OP is definitely unfit thus feebleminded.

Attached: 1533834835380.png (1644x2013, 2.78M)

>you will never renew your vows in pseudocode with Karlie

Attached: 305x229xUS_251-103585508_4x3.jpg.pagespeed.ic.nctK1uczsC.jpg (305x229, 6K)

why is her shirt opened in public

is she sex offender?

Sound is complete shit and video is down in the corner of the window. Basically some sluts get their hands held through game development.

Did the producers not realize that those developers have studied for years to get where they are? Fucking garbage video


girls who code look like that

Attached: ndt3slirl7xz.jpg (1537x1141, 449K)

Sorry to break the bad news...
These aren't actual girls, user.

where is the guys can code verision? why do people do this?
>WE MUST NICHE CHERRY PICK TO PROVE A POINT. this makes it seem less likely they can code, and looks like a facade.

literally nobody cares. Good for them.

Everybody knows guys can code, duh.

> Girls Can Code
Well don't just sit there and keep telling us. Prove it by actually doing so.

you know what's funny? it would be entirely possible to use only software programmed by men, and still be productive. the opposite would never be possible.

Karlie Kloss


hmm we're in the company of 2 femanons
implicit about it or not,
tits or gtfo
it's the law, sorry

i taught myself to code while homeless and got a job

how do these fat cunts get themselves this shit?

is there a greentext coming there?
i remember i learned coding whilst hidden in one of the SpaceX testrockets. Luckily for me it landed safely so all that info and time spend wasn't to a waste

that's not funny at all


>$ i do
>sh: i: not found
>$ cd..
>sh: cd..: not found
>$ cd ..
>$ i do
>sh: i: not found
>$ "i do"
>sh: i do: not found

they are mentally ill trannies or traps not girls they cannot have tits, only moobs

>Mobile devs
Congrats, you're on par with India now.

Attached: 1563031377828.jpg (611x560, 60K)