Nothing in life is libre

Stop playing word games you fucking freetards.

Knowledge is not free. Professional quality software and productivity tools costs money and resources.

have fun with your retarted drivers and shitty battery life.

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>Professional quality software
Oopsie there was a problem :(

Thank you, Rashdeep, your continued support is noted and appreciated. 15INR have been deposited into your account.

i'm sowwy that your "mission critical data" is having a sad face day

have you considered masturbating a tranny cat?

You know you can add a price tag to gpl licensed software right?

>nothing is free
so then how did I pirate these games?

Attached: pirate goldman.png (976x658, 272K)

Games are for children.

>Knowledge is not free
Did I time travel to the middle ages?

yeah, free games for children. Refute me.

Honestly, i never understood the whole "libre" shit either. Seems like a stupid fucking ideology to me.

Only reason i use linux & free software is because its more or less an industry-standard in low level c/c++ development.

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Yeah, you're right. Low level shit. High level stuff uses Windows.

you're partly right there

I use it for high level stuff in gov’t work

do you even know what low level programming is?

>Knowledge is not free
All packets are created equal, and a free society must recognize them this way in order to be successful. The United States was founded on observing nature and seeing what the natural laws of the earth provided man, a foolish animal in the most objective sense. Our constitution guarantees us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, along with the various inalienable liberties that come with it. The pioneers of the early net upheld these ideas in a modern age, and applied them to new technology. Before, knowledge was restricted to academic establishments, and printed literature which costed money to produce and distribute. Technology was an innovative factor in allowing the dreams of the early American philosophers to be realized, a possibility for an educated enlightened society. The internet allows for anyone to educate themselves without relying on a propaganda factor like the public school system, and is the greatest protector of individual freedom in an age where the government has turned our once proud way of life into a police state. Information SHOULD be free, and now that there's no technological restriction, it's a crime against humanity to suggest that it shouldn't be.
>Professional quality software
This is a buzzword. What do you define as professional? Everything the KDE project puts out is technically professional, they are a large foundation that pays people to create the software they put out such as Krita ans Kdenlive. In the end, it doesn't matter. A lot of free software is better than shitty paid Windows malware because it's written by people who have a vested interest in using it.
>have fun with your retarted drivers
It's funny you say this because AMD and Valve have been investing a lot in getting AMDGPU drivers to work well, and now AMD cards on Linux run better than equally spec'd nvidia cards on Windows.

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It was a joke.

False. Data science and everything related to the network use Linux.


This except for me it’s web dev.

I will use the best tool for the job, or the best thing I can get for free, whether that thing is proprietary or not. I couldn’t give a fuck about that - I only care whether it works, and whether it’s good.

E.g. I use Chrome because it’s good. I don't care that Google are proprietary.

Although, having said that, I am literally looking for Chrome alternatives right now because I keep getting these weird and very annoying hangs on Chrome (on macOS by the way). I think my two candidate alternatives are Microsoft Edge (yes the dev build is available for macOS and is Chromium-based) or Brave. I would like to use Opera because it has a built-in VPN, but it has this weird thing where it doesn’t show you favicons in private browsing. And I use private browsing all the time. It ruins the experience because you cannot tell tabs apart from each other. So it’s basically a dealbreaker, which is unfortunate. As for Safari and Firefox, no. Both of their rendering engines are inferior to Chromium. So I think I’ll use either Edge (which I’m typing this from right now) or Brave, which I haven’t tried yet. We’ll see which one comes out on top.

Okay I went off on a tangent there but it’s still sort of relevant in demonstrating that I don’t care whether something is proprietary or not. I only care whether it works.

Attached: Microsoft_Edge_logo.png (5896x6400, 361K)

>pirate ms office, whichever version you like
>works forever
>all the features you need
>enterprise standards, you can open your colleagues' files
>never pay a cent
>never needs any updates
>gorgeous interface made by UI designers, not by virgins in their moms basements
>everything just werks
Give me a flaw. Protip: you can't.

Based fellow pirate Chad

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The image is a misrepresentation of where the issue is.
Microsoft IS the enemy and you are blind if you don't see it.

Let's say you own a video game - which is a piece of software and thus falls into the category of what we are discussing right here - then you can buy it on disc and after buying it, trade or sell or gift it to your friends or on ebay or craigslist or on a flea market.
Microsoft doesn't like this, so they tried to make the Xbox One in a way that would prevent you from doing this. The games - software - needed to be authorized and you couldn't just trade or sell it.
Of course ultimately that plan fell flat. But that's what their goal was.

You can argue that Richard Stallman is an autistic screecher. But is Sony, a multi billion dollar conglomerate company that is actually about equally as rich as Microsoft (look it up), an autistic screecher too? No, I don't think so.

So is obsession with being mature.

>Knowledge is not free
It is.
>software and productivity tools costs money and resources.

No, holding oneself to a standard of behaviour is maturity.

Not knowing what words mean is also a sign of immaturity.

Ubuntu GNU/Linux just works, I use it daily as my main OS and there's no problem.

I've got a PS4 for games that are for children because no adult has the time to play them anyway.

Nice try, moron.

Resorting to petty insults when you get proven wrong is also not a very mature thing to do.

Insults have always been mature, you American. Get back to work on your ESL studies. You're clearly failing.

jesus christ, this projection

Thanks for proving my point.

Just give him time to let the realization sink in.

Nice spelling.

I don't think you actually know what those words mean...

>Stop playing word games

true, i hate the GNU and libre shit, but i still use linux because Windows 10 is too frustrating to use

Why do you think it's frustrating? I'm a Mac user but I have Windows 10 on this MacBook as well and I use it sometimes, and it's fine. I find it nicer to use than Windows 7.

most things in life are libre depending on your technical ability
nothing in life is gratis; nothing in life is without cost
free software was never primarily about cost, which is why some people chose to start using the word libre. but it doesn't matter, the average idiot still thinks any form of "freedom" is all about paying nothing (maybe some sort of projection since most people are essentially slaves? freedom as a concept must be alien to most of the world.)

Knowledge should be free. The policy that one can own a concept or idea is a cancerous one. There is no such thing as an original thought, only looking at old ideas through new perspectives until you've gone through enough six-degree rotations through a long time that you have something that appears to be a new thought as long as you ignore the journey to get there. All innovation is work done on the shoulders of giants, etc.

Innovation should be socialized, so that all can benefit from the work of our brightest, and our brightest can still be rewarded for their valuable contributions.

> innovation should be socialized
I believe google is already working on that user, and they also want to get rid of patents. It's all about driving the world forward, you see. Nothing will be lost when the average man can no longer protect his unique innovative ideas from giant corporations. In fact, we're already almost there so we might as well just hand the reigns over to google.

Civilization was born when one savage insulted another, instead of smashing their head with a rock.

Underrated post

well... everything, windows keeps changing my shit, a lot of bugs, updates keep fucking up my system, windows does a random process that makes the cpu usage go randomly to 100% and a lot of other shit
sadly i have to live with it because games and other programs that don't work on linux

the point of libre is to support development. Imagine if you had to reinvent the wheel every time you started a project. With free software you ensure your no company and steal your code and make it proprietary so that people can continue to learn and develop it, and also so you can continue the work of others

*can steal

Spending your time on an image board refreshing a thread to bump to be a pedant. Everyone's definition of maturity is going to be very different. Fairly


Who cares. MS is already spying on you through their operating systems, doesn't make sense for them to put more spyware in their professional software which only a couple of users are gonna run.

that's like buying a car because you can tear it down and rebuild it yourself. what kind of absolute retard would want to do that

>Knowledge is not free
Knowledge is free and everywhere in internet and libraries, the APPLICATION of knowledge isn't free, but fortunately when someone apply it to software programming you can copy and distribute the results.

>Professional quality software and productivity tools costs money and resources.

The open source software development model results in reliable and stable software, much different from Microsoft who gets a fucking ton of money and give back a bloated, shitty and buggy OS.

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not him but you're a dumbass. just stop posting.

>Knowledge is not free. Professional quality software and productivity tools costs money and resources.
Free software means freedom, not price.

>As long as you pay me back, but you can't copy it
Nice FUD, the microsoft guy is trying to prevent a lot more than just copying.

Have you ever stopped to think for one second that the only reason linux and free software are industry standards is because it's the only way to have industry standards where multiple companies can share a common base. Nonfree software leads to abusive monopoly behavior and stagnation.

Use ungoogled chromium. There is absolutely no reason to use a proprietary browser in 2019.

Typical short-sighted proprietard. If the car breaks then you will need to tear it down and rebuild it.

>asks for one flaw
>lists even more flaws

>Use ungoogled chromium. There is absolutely no reason to use a proprietary browser in 2019.
If you use Windows it doesn't really matter.

If you use windows your life doesn't matter much because you've already given up your soul to microsoft.

> Typical short-sighted proprietard. If the car breaks then you will need to tear it down and rebuild it.
Sounds like the mindset of someone that doesn't have a job, or some insane prepper. If my car breaks then either I buy a new one, or I call a repair man. My personal skills are only hindered by having tedious knowledge of everything I use on a daily basis.

You are dense. The repairman can't fix your car if the manufacturer forbids modification, which is exactly what is happening with nonfree software.

>Knowledge is not free. Professional quality software and productivity tools costs money and resources.
Like many proprietaryfags, you misunderstand the meaning of "free" in this case. It means "libre," not "gratis."

We must separate the software as a concept from the software as an instance.

The concept of any particular software or tool does indeed cost money and resources to make, and the money and resources to make them come from the person making them, the developer. This is why the developer should be compensated, either directly by the consumer, or, if you absolutely insist, by the retarded unnecessary middleman we know as an "employer" in the ass-backwards implementation of capitalism the modern world has bred.

However, instantiating that concept -- that is, copying / installing the software -- costs the developer nothing. The cost of this task, the task of installation, is upon whoever is installing the software. Demanding that the developer be paid per-installation / per-copy is ridiculous and unethical, because the developer only labored to create the software in concept, not to create the instances of the software. Anyone made to pay for the privilege of instantiating a piece of software that already exists in concept is being scammed.

It's unethical enough for the developer to demand they receive compensation for labor performed by the consumer (installing or copying the software), but though it's wrong, it's an understandable wrong, since developers are sometimes underpaid in this economy. What is absolutely unconscionable, and what realistically actually happens, is for the MIDDLEMEN to demand consumers pay compensation for labor consumers themselves performed, while STILL only paying the developers for the labor the developers actually performed, and keeping the additional ill-gotten compensation for themselves. THAT, is absolutely disgusting.

Interesting. I haven't noticed that stuff but then again I don't use Windows very much, only to run the odd game or emulator, but nearly every emulator is released on Mac anyway so it's only when I wanted to use an obscure DS emulator which happens to be the only one I could find that has multiplayer functionality (melonDS, by the way) that I fired up Windows really.

>>paying for software
>>paying for 1s and 0s
>>defending jewish practices
>>paying for non physical things that people are already congregating together to produce for free simply for the love of it.
>>thinking there is something wrong with craftsman working on their craft and allowing everyone to enjoy the fruits of their labor in a non jewish way
>>being more jewish than the fat jew who started it all


Imagine actually writing this. Like anyone gives a shit.

>retarted drivers and shitty battery life.
So exactly what you get on professional quality software like Windows?

>paying for atoms
Yeah you're right bro just steal everything, after all you can trivialise anything with language so why not?

Attached: get a load of this guy cam.jpg (640x496, 45K)

Can you copy atoms the way you can copy 1s and 0s?

>>stealing data

Cmon sheklestein, try harder. Convince me to pay for information.

You're right guys, everyone should steal movies, books, TV shows, and in fact intellectual property too like other company's logos or designs or trade secrets because why not, right?

Attached: brainlet8.jpg (460x343, 14K)

Imagine living in the land of the free where you can't even open bittorrent without getting the FBI knocking on your door.LMAO

>intellectual property
What a farce.

Dear lord, no. Stealing is wrong, nignog.

Copying the stuff? Hell yeah.
Obviously there need to be improved models for artists and programmers to earn shekels but this another discussion.

The current situation with all of those is not working and leads to bad outcomes.
Movies, books and TV shows all are sold on stores loaded with mandatory DRM that harms the customer.
Company logos and branding are abused to the point where people are tricked into buying awful broken products just because of the brand (see: Apple)
Product designs must be copyable because that's the only way we can have a free market. If another company can figure out how to build your product for less money that's called competition and it's good for the customer.
Trade secrets are a total scam and always have been. Corporations don't deserve to keep secrets from the public, they are not people.

that is right.

historically the price tag on great works of art were tied to manufacture, distribution and preservation. The greatest works of art in history have been projects of passion that are enjoyed by all with little interest in mind of (((profit))). Hollywood thinks of profit first which is why everything they make is shallow and lowly like the pedophile jews that infest their lands.

Computers have reduced all of the cost sinks in such things to near zero but greedy people are still trying to wring shekels from people for something that is ephemeral.

There is nothing more greedy and jewish and distasteful.

Applel is actually an example how you can make money even if people copy your software almost freely. It's piss easy to "crack" their stuff and they aren't bothered about muh piracy because people gladly pay for a superior experience.

>The greatest works of art in history have been projects of passion
Like Dickens bloating up shit because he got paid per word?

>The repairman can't fix your car if the manufacturer forbids modification
>If my car breaks then I buy a new one
he's the guy to buy a new car every 2 years, or have a monthly car subscription

Literally NEET

I don't think anyome has ever called Dickens' work great before.

Have fun getting bankrupt because of fines when someone tells ms you are using their cracked software for commercial use.


Surely he knows those are not reasonable options for a lot of people

depends on your ISP

You're right. Have fun using professional quality software and productivity tools.
I'll stick with retarded drivers and shitty battery life, which still provide the minimal ways to do basic shit, as I have no money to buy better thing AND I, unlike some, don't like to pirate things.

Good argument in theory, but the vast majority of what I'm seeing is or closely resembles shitty chinese bootleg software.

Sure as hell not switching to an OS that restricts you to shitty bootlegs.

>muh stolen car
>muh copy
>muh morals
do companies that lay off workers so investors invest more, ruin your software with drms and anti tamper and try to milk every bit of cash from you by subscriptions, ""surprise boxes"", etc care about morals?
by sticking to morals you are only being a useful idiot.

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Jow Forums has some tips for that

did you even read about the 3 freedoms?