Pewdiepie tries cocaine

>"Bring an AR15 to Starbucks... as a joke"
>"Smack a thot in the face for being a waman... as a joke"
That drunken shitposting laughter of his

First he laughs at an Anne Frank joke, now this shitposting storm.

Fuck the haters Felix, 10/10 absolute insanelad episode

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Other urls found in this thread:‘pewdiepie’-goes-viral-raises-school-security-concerns.89077/

Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).

>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R: (skip to 6:10)
>He defends anti-white Sargon here: (skip to 19:42)

If you're following ecelebs in the current year YOU are why white genocide continues. Kill yourself and get it over with.

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Merry christmas ya filthy animal

Happy hannukah

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He's going to get banned for this. I can't believe his video editor let this shit through... he needs to fire the traitors and hire Slavic angel to do the editting. Anne Frank jokes exactly when the Jew news is attacking him for mentioned"ER" channel?

Pewds WTF??

What's the timestamp of the anne frank joke?



How is "if a girl understands qt"pie" gotta hit that puss" a jew frank joke?

>promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).
Man if you can't even take those levels of sarcasm....

Back then, only Anne Frank understood Pewd's memes.

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Pewdiepie is radicalizing the kids. He HAS TO BE STOPPED

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His ticktok vid from yesterday had a funny girl do a transformation selfie meme(actually really well and very funny) where she turned from a boring normal girl into (supposed to be a hot celebrity) Anne Frank as the plot twist

Many organic laughs were had by Pewds and his gang of jew slaughtering nazis

Did you ever even watch Pewdiepie LARP as ancient Hitler and beat jews to death with sticks/rocks?

Unironically hilarious

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and a happy new year

doesn't make any sense, nothing to do with anne frank.

Stop shilling this e-celeb motherfucker.

Keep shilling this e-celeb motherfucker.

He got marzia pregnant. plus he is manchild basedboy who plays with childrens card games.

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Resetera is having a complete meltdown over this. Anyone suggesting he isn't a nazi deserving of being deplatformed or worse is being banned. It's hilarious.‘pewdiepie’-goes-viral-raises-school-security-concerns.89077/

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shut the fuck up Moarpheus.

Never heard of it.

when you're too much of a progressive killjoy faggot for Neofag, you go to resetera

Resetera...The absolute worst of neogag huddled in a new place. Never have, never will. I do miss the gaf hivemind hype train threads during the PS3/360 generation though. Lots of great gifs.

>a "community" of 6500.
What the fuck are you doing? Shilling for your site?

>When an australian gets btfo

He no Eceleb

He THEceleb

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There is no reason to shill someone who has almost 80 million subs.

Whooshing sounds

it's the neoFAG offshoot that sprang up after the owner of GAF beat a woman or something

Exactly right, I don't see it.

A bunch of SJWs that thought youtube/twitter didn't ban people enough started a forum. Best salt mine on the internet.

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I would cut a rail for pewds
But he seems like the type who would linger around waiting for another free line

sounds like everybody i know. I want to explain to people: 'you dont have to have one...' if they ignore the fact that this shit is 350AUD a gram here...People are cheap, broke fucks

Christ almighty I had my bachelor party last weekend and got a gram for 127 AUD

That's a good thing for them. Banned members who repent might have a chance of being spared on the day of the rope.

Do you make these threads for the guaranteed replies? Are you having fun?

Sweet bot, faggot.

Why do y even care? Are y gonnae write an article about the anne frabk hoke?


His previous video

Also you get no qT pie

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>Not offering him your life if necessary
Don't be a niggardly jew

What the fuck even is resetera?
These people are all brainless fucking lunatics. It's post after post of "fuck pewdiepie" and they can't even point out anything he's done to deserve it other than saying "nigger" once. If that's all it takes to write someone off entirely then you logically have to hate 95% of the fucking country.
What a shitty life that must be, being arrogant enough to think you're better than most people while contributing nothing but negativity and hate. Complete batshittery.

Ffs it was like $50 from LA niggers here in CA

Pretty shit stuff I heard but over 300???

Do you want a serious answer?

I am having so much fun, I'm smiling alone on Christmas after breaking up with the love of my childhood.

Pewds probably doesn't know it but he reminded me of a past life where we knew each other.

I enjoy seeing him laugh and smile because he's the one jewtuber that's kept it real from a nobody streaming half life mods to the biggest jewtuber in the world.

He is a genuinely likable guy, and if anyone bullies him for being a manlet, I kinda wanna punch them in the face.

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His previous video. Not this one. Not sure what the timestamp is for that one

Obligatory copy pasta

i'm pretty sure he's wanted to get out of the top-youtuber position for a while and just do the content he wants to do. T-series was his way out. he joked about the drama for the lulz a few times, had a video prepared for the end of youtube, but then it never came.

he eagerly seeks the end of both his channel and youtube. he wants nothing more than to be de-throned, but his followers will not allow his youtube career to die. this dude diversified his income a long time ago. he can't sneeze in another youtuber's direction without them getting exponential followers. it's the last gasp of irony in a post-ironic world.

The other 500000 are banned, 6500 are the survivors

>gets rich
>starts doing cocaine
Roll for obvious and cliche celebrity death within three years

>white* Christmas

If that were the case he would have done it already, he's a multimillionaire and already has marzia as an example of just quitting, who became a millionaire by her own channel which while not pewdiepie level was still a very large channel that she just quit.

could you just quit doing what you did for years and worked hard to earn?

things are more complicated when you are rich and don't have connections.

People do that all the time.

I unironically enjoyed some of Marzias content with their hedgehog.

Marzia is wholesome as fuck. She will be a good mom and that's why she quit.

Felix video was crazy today kek. His ar15 joke had me laughing, hope he doesn't go off the edge though.

Happy Hanukkah, brother

That forum is hilarious, it has become one of my most visited sites just to see their reaction to everything.

Have admit he’s on that grind nonstop good for him

Era is awesome its like bizarro Jow Forums.

It's Christmas Moarpenis, shut the fuck up for once

It's one of the largest forums on the internet with over 40,000 users

>If you're following ecelebs in the current year YOU are why white genocide continues. Kill yourself and get it over with.
>He says after posting all those links of an eceleb he’s following

>one of the largest forums on the internet

He's super star-tier. Regarding him as an e-celeb is just not viable anymore. He's bigger than a lot of rappers and movie stars, just without being influenced or controlled by kikes.

I support Felix 100%.
Only faggots and leftists have a problem with him..

>mentioned F.U.N.

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marzia was always very calculated. except for the times around felix. that's when she really became human. i never really watched her content much because of this, and if i had to take a wild guess, that's probably why she quit youtube. i don't blame her either. that shit should be private between her and felix.

>Gives a shoutout to the goy that made the (((gems))) video
>3 times
Anyone got the link?

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If he goes off the edge, I'll catch him

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is tik tok just vines except less ghetto cultured

do you people still watch his shit?
so fucking stale and his accent is awful
as soon as he opens his mouth I instantly get disinterested by anything he says

>That AR-15 joke

My fucking sides

Kek he did too.
"What is wrong with me"

He's preferable to listen to by miles over niggers, spics, hicks, jew york/jersey/boston, fargo/minnesota accents.

I was 4 when this was posted and now I will know that forever

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17 minutes long video of a raging faggot. Yeah, no

This website is for adults.

Posting in a kino thread

no....he isn't
he's literally awful and his delivery is cringe
just a heavily edited ball of hot trash
his jokes suck
his delivery is awful
his timing is non existent
We get it Pewds, you hate the SJW's doood sick! you sure showed them!
Must be so courageous constantly poking fun at the lowest hanging fruit.

Hello wall street journal.

Oh yeah and just let india win you aussiecuckland faggot

Jow Forums always bashes her but i think she is cute as fuck hes a lucky guy

It's just jealousy. There's nothing wrong with her and I hope they pump out a few kids.

Yet he's preferable to listen to by miles over niggers, spics, hicks, jew york/jersey/boston, fargo/minnesota accents.

>100% mad
Happy christmas :^)

That means you are 16 at most. MOOOOODS!

>Lowest hanging fruit

At this point, sjws control most popular organizations and groups, with jews being their handlers. They are not low hanging.

Happy hannukah!

They both have ugly af degenerate tattoos, but otherwise she seems like a decent enough girl

Her black eyes remind me of a gook or Arab's.

Happy hanukka

Nah she's italian so there could be a bit of some other shit in there, but she's white enough.
I'm still waiting for the day felix has enough, reveals his power level and ditches youtube. It'll happen soon.


The kids dont even know how spicy ainsley is

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Post a better jewtuber vid

Oh wait

You cannot.

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Stop shilling this faggot.

can't say i disagree not a big tattoo guy but im a hypocritic since the girls im close to going out with has dumb tats

level 25 jew kek

plz no why

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>you hate the SJW's doood sick! you sure showed them! Must be so courageous
>Le punch up.

So fucking sick of seeing this boring ass fucks face

oy vey!