Previous threads: [ archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text//cyb/ /sec//type/op/ ]
THE CYPHERPUNK MANIFESTO: [ activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html ]
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/cyb/erpunk [16 JUL 2019]
The Cyberpunk Manifesto: [ project.cyberpunk.ru/idb/cyberpunk_manifesto.html ]
The alt.cyberpunk FAQ (V5.24) [ ]
What is cyberpunk?: [ pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ ]
Cyberpunk directory (Communities/IRC and other resources): [ pastebin.com/AJYry5NH ]
Cyberpunk media (Recommended cyberpunk fiction): [ pastebin.com/Dqfa6uXx ]
The cyberdeck: [ pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg ]
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/sec/urity [16 JUL 2019]
The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto: [ activism.net/cypherpunk/crypto-anarchy.html ]
The Hacker Manifesto: [ phrack.org/issues/7/3.html ]
The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto: [ archive.org/stream/GuerillaOpenAccessManifesto/Goamjuly2008_djvu.txt ]
The /sec/ Career FAQ (V1.9) [ ]
Why Privacy Matters: [ youtube.com/watch?v=pcSlowAhvUk ]
"Shit just got real": [ pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0 ]
Cybersecurity basics and armory: [ pastebin.com/v8Mr2k95 ]
Endware: [ endchan.xyz/os/res/32.html ]
BBS archives: [ textfiles.com/index.html ]

Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): [ mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw ]
Learning/News/CTFs: [ pastebin.com/WQhRYB59 ]
FTP Backup:
OP Post: [ pastebin.com/xCgHSzsa ]
#! sec guide [ pastebin.com/aPr5R1pj ]
EFF anti-surveillance [ ssd.eff.org/en ]
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Google Home is secretly recording. Who could have seen this coming? Total surprise.

Attached: cybsec.gif (938x1032, 3.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for invisible blowjobs

How into good opsec?


connect it to the net, they said. what's the worst that can happen, they said.


get paid in cash, buy a few cheap laptops off of cl, even better offer up or pawn shops, although i wouldn't be surprised if pawn shops got offered money and free tech support to upload rootkits to their shit as a dragnet

common cents

hey /sec/

i just got my first paycheck. i got hired by a security paranoid CEO who green lit me as an intern for my first job, and now i just completed my first project and enjoying a half day i'm giving myself off.

Thanks to all the knowledge shared and discussed here i'm able to socialize at tech parties and be the weird obsessive guy and that's an easy roll to excell in

Anyway, thank you. i want to keep /sec/ alive at all costs. Now i'm a real professional programmer

Good to be back. I think the image needs a touch of green to be noticed.

Last thread: Also note cross board thread on Neuralink:

Attached: mem_revI_build_1.jpg (1794x1316, 364K)

Any resources on that?

sure user, if you paypal me i'll send you my secret reserch paper "Going to pawn shops and buying shitty laptops you later use to mine gold from."

it's a steal at only 50 dollars plus i need a high res photocopy of your drivers, your id, your birth, ss, tax return, bank account paperwork with passwords.

You can trust me user, i'm from 4channel!

Theres much more that buying a laptop you condescending cunt.

you're right
>buying a laptop in cash
>using it in public with lots of other people
>use it as part of a routene to explore parts of the city with different electronic loadouts
>keep op sensitive components completely turned off sans battery and in faraday transport to prevent accidental paring logs
>launch op timed to a period you are in transit and easy to prove so
>clean up everything
>destroy any laptop after it' first use, no exceptions. Use no names accross. Write all software on the laptop. Use no common libraries.

>The alt.cyberpunk FAQ (V5.24) [ ]
You might want to update that, we are up to V5.26, or Preview 26. If the Neuralink hype is good I guess an update is due.

>The /sec/ Career FAQ (V1.9) [ ]
The URL is right but it is V1.11 strictly speaking.

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Comfiest thread t b h

i think cyb needs to get more art made for my drawfriends to remain included. i've shared software and advice in this thread /sec/ wise

BTW Everyone install parrot or i'll fucking kill you

but did you get a cyb-gf?

Attached: all wet.jpg (640x640, 53K)

naht yet. got a few girls numbers tho.

Helping people irl

Spread the good word. Parrot os lives irrelevant of our sins. Parrot OS cares not for mortality or morality, but rather it is a stable kali fork for dd use and security tooling!


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facial recognition is junk and everyone knows it


New OP post.

Pwnd two boxes on HTB today and read Neuromancer for the first time at the pool.


Based schizo poster.

I made this for you guys. Knowing how to cook is cyberpunk.

Attached: IMG_20190716_191623.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)


So IBM and Xilinx have been helping China create data mining CPUs which have been sold by Semptian front INextFlag to various dictatorships in the Middle East and North Africa. Seems like a good idea, right? I mean, IBM sold those nifty counting machines to Germany and nothing bad happened there.

Looks tasty

> Fresh baby spinach, shredded.
> Shallots, diced and sautéed
> Fresh garlic, likewise.
> Raw egg scrambled in a bowl, add black pepper and cayenne to taste.
> Assorted tomatoes, roasted.
> Fresh Parmesan, grated.
> Whole grain pasta.

Pic related is another dish I made a few weeks ago for a /sci/ community.

Attached: 1563321186402.jpg (3024x4032, 1.4M)

Parrotpill me. Why should I uninstall Arch and install Parrot?

Also requesting the parrotpill

you used alot of embellishment to make a bad dish sound impressive

> Embellishment
Maybe someone who can only microwave tendies would call such a basic description as 'embellishment'. Either that or you nothing but an Italian.


>is stupid
>is for smelly plebians
>For people who rather have the newest tool rather then the tried and true, stable debian version

>debian base, fuck yeah being the most professional family
>like kali, but for daily driving use
>shitfuckton of packages, comes standard with kayak and other superfun tools. anonsurf, although i'm working on a custom version that'll be way better
>can import xfce the best of all DEs
>Basically hacker-ubuntu, has all the tools of kali with more user features and security, keep your head on your shoulder and you'll know what to do

But if you're someone like the guy who i taught how to do basic bash scripts today, it's a great starter os that can mooch off of debian for install advice and help me demonstrate why linux is superior for development, as well as get him interested in security.

There is a Home version without all the tools, btw, i assume with only light tools like ad awareness and whathaveyou.

I was hired because i do work and develop little scripts for this distro, like the one i used today to control cpu freq. it's impressive to employers and a CEO saying yes is way more important then some peon saying maybe.

Plus parrot has this thing where it says

User @ parrot - ~/Documents/gayshit/not_me/
>>CLI text goes here, CLI COMMANDS HERE

it's great. Give if a shot if you like security, i'm working to import xfce4 fully to the distro

in short

listen, i like going against the grain. i like cli tools. i like arch.

I trust my work laptop loaded with Parrot because debian will have to go SERIOUSLY FUCKING DOWNHILL before fucking debian will crash. It'll be huge news, everywhere in the linux world. So yeah, i type
with confidence that when it is done it'll run even better then it did before


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Good thread. Into anything with the word “manifesto” spelt 9 times

Page 8

True. And it could have been more, OP missed Pixiefuel's manifesto (she did two), my favourite one. After all there is noting like the nostalgic wrath of a 16 year old, raging about the net going to pot.

stop talking out of your ass.
you sound like a summerfag that discovered kali last week, and parrot OS yesterday.
git gud and stop spreading FUD

based & redpilled

I was going to ask ITT if WPA keys are uncrackable, but the last two public hotspots I've used just had a single digit repeated ten times, so the answer is: not as long as they're being set by humans.

Which brings me around to a new question: are QR codes going to become the dominant means of password sharing? Are they going to end up being used in private households? Or are even they too complicated for normies?

QR codes have been popular in Japan for years and years but have been declared a security risk by some in the West. The thinking is supposedly that you cannot tell where the URL ends up. That is not different from bitly-type addresses anyway so it seems bogus. Also many scanner programs will show you the URL before you decide to follow it or not.

And these are not complicated at all.

I'm super ocd about solving problems and can work 8 hours straight on things but I obviously get very sloppy after a while. I'm not very good at math but I'm very good at spotting patterns. Would reverse engineering be a good career choice for me ? I don't mind if the problem I'm solving requires mundane boring repetitive shit, I still go full autist wanting to solve it

britfag here.
i wanna use a payg sim card and access TOR.
cannot find any info on web so here i am.
can it be done?

Don't know the answer because I don't quite understand the question, but the IMEI of your phone is just as identifying as the sim card used, and it can't be as easily changed as the mac address of a laptop's wifi card. If you're asking what I think you're asking, better to use third party wifi on a laptop with a randomised mac address. Either that or use a disposable smartphone, which is a bit more expensive than just running macchanger another time.

How to shill a pentesting blog?

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post it on blebbit netsecstudents or sometghang

updated opsec guides?

Plebbit has a real problem in this are actually
>Jow Forumssecurity and Jow Forumshacking are total shitfests of spam and retards
>the only good sub, Jow Forumsnetsec, is so overly moderated nothing is allowed

Got any? Might have them added to the /sec/ FAQ, or make a new one.

Strange really how Jow Forums now is the comfier place.

>the only good sub, Jow Forumsnetsec, is so overly moderated nothing is allowed
Why is it heavily moderated?

Because they take themselves very seriously.

What’s a good project to do in CSEC that I can put on my resume?

Too much ADHD, too little ASD.


Manage your own servers and list your security mitigations. Join your local college tech group and spearhead security projects with them. Even better is joining your local 2600 group and make friends who are in the same boat as you or are already in the industry. I am still benefitting from the friendships I have made.

Seems we are still forgetting the link to

new to security and im trying to complete a CTF, is there a way to modify the value of a php SESSION variable?
I tried sending it in the URL and it doesn't seem to work.
Also, rec me some absolutely essential tools please :)))

Do a thorough security audit of 9front or Redox-OS. I don't think either have had one so that means your work will stand out.

Anyone here live in/near Middlesex, NJ?

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burp suite as a web proxy. it can do that and a lot more.

what are those masks hiding?

Attached: LenaHyenaRogerRabbit_itsaMAN_tvtropes.org_.jpg (616x540, 286K)

Way back I found one source stating these contained wicks soaked in various essential oils, for inhalation. Not sure if it was true but that could explain why they are more or less extinct.

Blade Runner being storytimed over in

oh no im looking for some myself, once I've gathered enough info ill post whatever good, valid, update information that I've found

What do you think of Elon Musk’s neural interface chip?

is anyone even talking about this? thought this board would be going mad about it

whats the recommended android password manager to open .kdbx databases

vicks is used by ravers rolling on ecstasy because it makes their lungs feel good.

It is a start but the field is full of similar projects with lower profile. Hopefully this means that these other projects will get better funding.

In next news I guess his follow up project will be making banesuits...

A lot is discussed over in

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Keepassdroid? We are talking about the new database format here?

Which proxy provider is good for proxy fagging on 4channel?

Huitième page

Would there be use for a service that drops raspberry pi's near public networks for someone else to use then possibly reclaims/destroys them when finished?

Attached: 1404878649398.png (1168x834, 1.26M)

Cyberpunk has nothing to do with cybersecurity

I think things like this are more beneficial for bringing the public network to the pi.


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early stages and really risky stuff. should be cool in 10 years, but i'll wait and see what happens to the early adopters. could end up like 3d tv or vr.

Should I even bother pursuing pentesting as a career if I can't get a TS clearance?

Most jobs I see require some kind of security clearance. I have debt from student loans that hurt my credit.

Sup dudes ?
I'm getting back in the CTF and pentest game. If any of oy faggots want to make a team

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Is seclists.org feed still relevant?

Page 8, like always at this hour.

I had expected news on Neuralink to drive more traffic here, strangely it was mostly confined to Also I also had hoped the guy from Jinteki to bring more traffic here. That might happen over time.
And after all, can there be any doubt that we live in a /cyb/ world? I expect Ono-Sendai to release their first cyberdeck any day now.

student loans aren't disqualifying, lol

Where do I get an Ono-Sendai sticker pack to stickerbomb my laptop and VR set?

user student loan debt is affects most students in this country. That is the least of their worries.

I think that depends very much on country and study. For instance in the US the bottom fell out of the legal job market years ago. Many graduates have no realistic hope of ever paying it down. other sectors such as software developers, business/management etc. will earn well.

In the UK tech is not well paid but accountants rake it in and have a good chance to make it to upper management. In Germany the situation is yet different.

The point is if it will disqualify from getting a job. Not that those countries are very relevant these days.

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Quick Question:
Can I access TOR ( .onion sites) via a Pay-As-You-Go SIM card?

Depends on the provider. Some might block TOR's entry points
I managed to access TOR with my personal simcard though

Also some protocols might be blocked (i.e ssh, ftp...)

I have heard that yes, debt can be a problem in getting a job with alphabet soup agencies. I don't know if they make an exception for student loan debt. The idea is to make sure they do not employ people who can be blackmailed or pressured into doing something against the interests of their employers. Student loans, however, are not a sign of inability to handle your finances.

Bump with a reminder, pic. related.
We got info on Jinteki, though.

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I defaulted on my student loans and it hurt my credit.

reeeeee I just want a CVE to my name already

Tech is well paid in the UK, not US tier but still pretty good. At entry level though it's not well paid at all though. There's huge job security because of in the sheer number of "tech" jobs. You could walk out of a job and into another straight away if you're decent with some experience.

Sure. Go ahead. We have already given you hints about where to find some.

den ur already ded

Attached: chelseabreadman.jpg (1080x969, 100K)

I was told people with tech degrees used to be retrained in finance a while ago, and then earned triple their original salary.

>not doing anything to stop van eck phreaking
>not knowing that the gyroscope in your hard drive can be used as a microphone
>not using ecc ram
>not being able to set kernel parameters to deny inserted usb devices
>not desoldering the microphone
>not realizing that the cpu microcode could communicate with the microphone regardless of libreboot
>not putting nail polish on the screws and taking high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering
>not removing the modem with dma
>not going fanless to prevent binary acoustic data transmission
>not knowing the ethernet and wifi card have access to the keyboard
>using xorg where any window can steal the contents of the clipboard or keystrokes
>not knowing that the sound card can change the headphone jack into a microphone jack and use it to record through the headphones
>not knowing they bounce an infrared laser off a flat surface anywhere near your laptop to steal your encryption keys by listening to your cpu fan or your keystrokes
>not knowing spectre, meltdown, rowhammer and rambleed can break anything remotely using a web page with javascript
>not wardriving from the top floors using parkour

i do know all that though

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Does anyone know of any practice Security + exams I could take online? I want to test my current knowledge to know what I should study most for

Just be a software engineer you fag