Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:

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Other urls found in this thread:

wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Raspberry Pi#Xorg

Last thread

first for Kubuntu

I'm teaching a friend of mine how to use linux. what are the important commands? Allready shown him neofetch and top/htop. was gonna show him man, touch, nano, geany,kwrite/ app launching from the command line and shit.

I'm showing him Parrot OS, btw, it's great. i'll post a screenshot of our laptops together.


Bash more like Bash fascists lmao


Have you tried mounting it?

that was the first thing i tried to do
mount: /mnt: no medium found on /dev/sr0.
the disk itself seems to have troubles being actually read by the disk drive but it shows in lsblk nonetheless

okay, i have switched to another dvd and it works, i have no idea why teh first one produces such weird sounds and fails to mount

Bad disc then. I'm not sure how to force it, if that's what your asking for.

Based OP. I need a recommendation for a Linux distro for my Pi 3B+
>aarch64 full 64-bit ARMv8 support
>not source based time waster shit
>no systemd garbage
>easy package management
I would use an illumos distro if any supported ARM but they're all for SPARC and x86-64. I've tried FreeBSD but Xorg doesn't work on it, so fuck that.

Unpopular opinions: systemd only infuriates reactionary parts of the community.

post output of following commands
groups # show user groups
uname -ovrip # kernel info
stat /dev/sr* # show file info of all sr_mod devices
lsblk /dev/sr* # show block info of all sr_mod devices

also try `dmesg | tail` after running mount on the device and see what that says.

Unpopular opinion: systemd is great because I wouldn't have found Slackware without it.

nvm about then. you could try a different dvd drive and also a disc cleaning trick, i remember back in the day i'd use toothpaste to save scratched cds, not sure if it works on dvds tho

that's quite interesting then
can somewhat scratched disk fail to even spin? the other one is in barely any better condition and it works just fine, the computer is positioned horizontally so the disk drive is vertical, it has been working like that fine for couple of years now, could it be the case?

Unpopular truths: systemd is only useful for a vocal minority of the community, the majority is a trusting stupid mass, and another vocal minority sees the evil and is leaving for BSD

>>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?
could I recommend changing this? or making it clear what those benchmarks mean? because they aren't real world performance, and of course only look at two browsers.

>sees the evil and is leaving for BSD
BSD is a supporter of proprietary evil par excellence
I'm glad they're leaving.

Unpopular option: make own init system sucking hard dicks instead of you

>proprietary evil
>while defending literal nsaware
hōhaialam what

Bsd license = proprietary-friendly license, it was written for this purpose.
I'm not even talking about openbsd's paranoia and 'libertarian' bullshit they use to mask fundamental incongruities in their project.

Unpopular option: What? Speak English

>it's only free if nsa/stallman decides what to do
>First rule one dictates
>You cannot give your code awayAnd rule two dictates
>You must give it to me
>So I can give it away properly for free

>This defies the first law of free trade
>Rule zero came before this rule one
>Freedom means you cannot dictate to anyone

Attached: 43song.gif (395x1720, 330K)

try Void

Same currently thinking to use slackware to avoid systemd.

>I've tried FreeBSD but Xorg doesn't work on it

Did you try this?
wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Raspberry Pi#Xorg

8ch's pol is an appropriate place for openbsd crackpots.

>freedom is only free if the nsa/gnu yoke on, and if you think otherwise you're a crackpot

gnu bash was literally written by a black guy

>Freedom means you cannot dictate to anyone
>*takes away your freedom*
>nothing personnel kiddo, BSD license allows me to do it

"reactionary" is meaningless.
all things that are, are reactions to other things, going back to the big bang.

0/10 babby's first openbsd
I could do typical bsd whining better, because I was in the bsd community at some point.

Only in animal world. You on the other hand, are capable of ethics and imagination, i.e. of discerning what should be created, what can be created, and how it should be put in practice.

..in your head

Unpopular option: speak English like a chad venom linux dev.

Reposting here because I didn't realize last thread hit autosage

There's a feature at least in Firefox that they call "autoscrolling" where if you press the mouse wheel, you get another cursor, then moving the mouse can scroll fast in multiple directions

Is it possible to get this behavior in arbitrary applications (terminal, code editor....)?

Ubuntu with unity

>Is it possible to get this behavior in arbitrary applications
yes write the code for the feature :^)

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> Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Oh well, technically true.

His grandfather literally created monopoly man

Amazing how on one of the stupidest sites on the internet, one single user can be responsible for so much of the stupid.

How can I get glass window decorations on linux?

Want to install linux on my old laptop. Which distro should i use?
Thinking of Xubuntu or Manjaro XFCE

How can I create a bootable USB stick on Ubuntu, the app only creates Ubuntu sticks but won't create Arch or other type of bootable stick, unetbooting is outdated and won't install.

Even Windows allows to do this easily, wtf

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Can’t find this on google but does mint support wayland yet?

so me and my friend are trying to instal linux on his laptop, which he forgot the charging cable of, and his laptop is a octocore monster with a 4k display

1. What common commands should i show him about linux
2. How do you properly and efficently set the resolution settings to upgrade linux to 4k?

Xubuntu is just better

older build means it's stable and bugtested by the alpha release idiots who spend their days testing higher paid people's code

fuck arch and fuck manj

learn 2 dd. record screen while you do it

>t. too retarded to intall and use arch

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>install and use arch

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I have a racing steering wheel and I'm sure I can't get it working right in linux (mint btw), but what about getting it to work at all? I used html5gamepad.com and all the buttons are making it through. But how do I go about making them do anything? I tried binding buttons in portal which is fully supported on Linux and nothing worked.

Stop using Google.

>what user? why would you use arch when debian sets the bar in workplace productivity
>i'm gonna sleep with jamal tonight, he compiles gentoo from scratch with each job in mind to create the most efficient processor possible

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i bet he ties his shoes reversed too

A game i want to play requires an older mesa version than the one I am currently using. Is there a way to have both versions installed or will I just have to replace my newer mesa with an older one (Which I also don't know how to do so help with that would be nice)

>no systemd
Artix. Unless you want something Debian, openPepe, *tips* fedora, based, which are all yucky, might as slap on ubuntu. Next to arch BSD or nixos. There's probably some way to get nixos off systemd. So basically, install gentoo.

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>unironically thinking that androgenous blob is vaguely attractive

Faggot detected, at least post an actual human female next time

what devuan forks are good for security

yeah, sweet 12 yo females, right guise?

>systemd hatred

Attached: roflmao.png (312x145, 89K)

That thing he/you posted looks like a 12 y o

Admit you have shit taste

can i still get tracked by google through youtube-viewer like on my browser?


fucking disgusting dyke

Forgot about devuan. That's aight too.

>That thing he/you posted looks like a 12 y o
u mad.

Attached: ayyayy.png (409x362, 260K)


Lets be honest

When we push the lesser DE users into the camps, will the os be running xfce or xrfce4

Does youtube-dl work with spotify? if no please tell me something that will.

Bad cope, I won't be mad 10 seconds from now but u will still have and always will have shit taste.

It's still an ugly ass dyke

Your cpu already has a direct link to the NSA so why does this matter?

Am too high to burn iso image to usb.
Gonna go to my local university and burn the iso image to usb there on a windows machine. Fuckkk dont get high on weed for 5 days in a row

what does he want to accomplish with it?

rookie numbers lmao

On 18.04, have a 4tb drive that I added on for storage and a 1tb drive that the system is installed in. I was thinking of maybe getting a SSD since it's only $30 for some 240gb sandisk, how involved would it be trying to move the OS over to the SSD without fucking up all my settings and files?

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What's the most consistent way to use non-de software only

Way too often I download a neat program then read it's part of a DE and it downloads a thousand other dependencies and my autism flares up for having so many unused dependencies


If I create bindkey shortcuts in the shell (zsh), do they also work in entirely different programs? Also does anyone know if bindkey or xbindkeys (which uses a XServer backend) is more efficient/faster? Especially important for shortcuts to kill programs.

>he uses zsh

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A lot of gnome software has Cinnamon versions (called X-apps) that are DE-agnostic.

>do they also work in entirely different programs?
how new are you? of course not

Linux, as we know it today, would have made it this far without Stallman. Torvalds is the true brain behind GNU/Linux. Stallman is an autistic piggy-backer who couldn't do what Linus could on a computer.
Fuck Stallman.
Linux, no GNU, is sufficient.

How do I make this a bash alias? the quotes in the external arguments section fucks it up:

alias ytdl='youtube-dl --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args '-c -j 3 -x 3 -s 3 -k 1M' '

>5 days in a row
I did my first project for my internship while blazed off my mind yoy goddamm coward

Okay hopefully this doesn't get too much hate, but I've used Linux for a long time now. Its been my primary laptop OS for over ten years, I use it for a VPS and server, and a number controllers for different machines. I would love to make it my main desktop OS as well.

But a few things. I use Fusion 360 and other software for CNC, I do game, and I've always wanted a ridiculous ricer PC just because I have a 80 synthwave thing going that is relaxing as hell in my work space, which yes the RGB helps with.

With my plans to replace my aging i5 I may have the headroom to make gaming work on Linux and perhaps get my design work going in WINE well enough. So how is the gaming on Linux, it was looking good last I checked with Proton/DXVK? Does Fusion 360 work okay in WINE if anyone knows? And can my stupid RGB bullshittery work as well with all the neat bells?

Also what would be a good lazy distro for this? I've done Kali for tech stuff before, and mostly CLI one for server, but the laptop distro I've changed constantly never finding one to stick with. If I want to make it a reality on the desktop it really does need to be lazy because on the desktop I have shit to do and fun to be had. I've heard Manjaro for a Ubuntu-ish ease, but with less fuckery because of more up to date software.

install Bentōō

Attached: bentoo-linux-alt-1.png (1600x680, 121K)

First time using conky. Is there a way to turn the diskio graph into a percentage number? Like if the graph is filled to the top it should say 100% and if it's halfway 50%, empty 0% etc

Use double quotes for one of the two, or escape the inner ones with backslashes.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Stop using aliases, use functions.
youtube-dl --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args '-c -j 3 -x 3 -s 3 -k 1M' ' "$@"


pls help

What GIMP plugins do you use, /fglt/?

After about a decade of using it to crop photos and wishing I had photoshop, I've discovered you can draw a straight line if you hold down shift. So I'm now getting used to the idea that GIMP might actually be usable, although knowing GNU there are probably some Emacs keybindings in there just to make drawing pictures easier.


You should get G'MIC. It's a plugin framework with lots and more lots of filters and utilities. It also provides a cli utility that you can use like imagemagick.


Stallman is such a sad fuck. Couldn't get his kernel together fast enough to be relevant and wants his name on everyone else's project for providing a few tools.

None. GIMP is dead. Krita if its for drawing DarkTable or others for photos.

as the expression goes: those who can not do, teach. Consider the installation of gentoo inferior parrot user

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install gentoo

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