How do we fix anime, r/banter?

How do we fix anime, r/banter?

Attached: Di Gi Charat 65.jpg (1898x1382, 668K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Merry christmas desu

More Dragon Quest!

More dragon slayer instead

less frogredditers sliding my very important thread

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less anime

Attached: WXfuedi.gif (398x223, 946K)

more animal people

Attached: Tech+Dongled.png (2814x1966, 1.57M)

more anime santa's

Attached: ginsanta.jpg (445x331, 15K)

more depressing horror-themed Christmas gender bender hentai

Attached: Cream Lemon 240.jpg (640x480, 45K)


Jow Forums is a green board, get over it!

Attached: noriaki_kakyoin.png (276x399, 192K)

Less escaflowne and nadesico.

Attached: 1518838147950.jpg (900x1213, 261K)

And to answer the OP, with Jojo's Bizarreā„¢ Christmas Special. How awesome would that be?!?!

An alternate title could be "The Vampire that Stole Christmas"

Attached: Jojo's Bizarre Christmas Special.png (1249x700, 1.22M)

Why do I never see you anymore

Attached: sneaky kagome.png (257x206, 113K)

I don't want to be here (and on most of the internet) but god damn it's so hard to let go, this is worse than methamphetamine.

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Attached: JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-Golden-Wind-Colorful-and-Brutal-32.png (1280x720, 1.33M)

>I don't want to be here
That's understandable desu, I only post a couple of times on this board outside of my threads anymore and I find myself being pissed off at cancer on other boards more than having fun anyways.
But other imageboards are just too slow half of the time.

Attached: Blue Drop 76.jpg (853x480, 47K)

join my Jojo discord. you'd have more fun there

Attached: JoJos-Bizarre-Adventure-Golden-Wind-Colorful-and-Brutal-6.png (1280x720, 1.21M)


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Any reasons in particular? I'm assuming you'd like to direct your free time (and presumably effort) somewhere else that's more productive.

Maybe more Pepe references.

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I just don't want to be here putting it plainly since there's really no reason at all to be here, if i need information, i can easily just search it on the external archives.

I hope you don't mind me pointing out how contradictory your statement seems. I don't see how any of that information is ever going to be useful considering you desire to distance yourself from it, but to each their own. If you ever need us then you know where to look.


IF i need it.

More qt 3.14's like this to be quite desu.

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Moar gunsmiths

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more incredible openings like this tbdesu

Attached: Mouretsu Pirates 153.jpg (704x1024, 485K)


and more ED's like this

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less *n*y*sh* and more ranma instead

crushing salt n vinegar potato chips in my sphincter and good night r/banter

Attached: Osaka 29.png (640x480, 394K)

still this jaded i see
ya know, getting away from the web for at least a couple of weeks wouldn't kill you, it can hopefully cure it.
nite nite

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>getting away from the web for at least a couple of weeks wouldn't kill you
I have nothing else to do with my life so a few weeks without the web would probably just result in me sleeping all day and taking care of my pets desu
nite nite

Attached: Osaka 37.jpg (640x480, 132K)