Filepicker meme

ITT post your browser's file upload dialog

Attached: Screenshot_20190717_180602.png (1099x766, 206K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he saves pics in his ~/
what a faggot

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-17_13-18-55.png (1361x740, 161K)


Why even bother with file picker when drag & drop exists?

why even bother with drag & drop when copy & paste exists?

Why are we doing this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190717_033027.png (1283x809, 288K)

I don't have these problems in macOS, the file picker will show the files the way I need, all the time

because 15 YEARS

pic related state of the art linux out of the box home office studio desktop experience 2019

Attached: Filepicker.png (742x828, 151K)

Not all distros have that problem. Only ones that insist on using Unity or Gnome. KDE has had a proper file picker for years now.

as we can also see - Windows 98 far exceeds most advanced Linux desktop capabilities

Attached: 1446373631522.png (1024x768, 243K)

Attached: 1532103475976.png (1309x989, 1018K)

>those saved pics
I wish I could shit on your face

Attached: alchemist reverse rule 63.png (436x731, 467K)

You haven't even seen my MLP folder yet.

Attached: 1554633265853.jpg (235x204, 12K)

I don't think it could get any worse, unless it was full of /mlpol/ shit.

Give it another two decades and Linux will have something as good as Explorer.


Once when I saw someone complaining about file pickers I wanted to fix mine, just so I can take a screenshot and show that it works for me. Took me a couple of minutes to fix it. I use KDE so the problem was just Firefox not using KDE tools.

Attached: Screenshot_20190717_034848.png (1366x768, 505K)

How do I make chromium use the KDE filepicker?

I use Pale Meme as a dedicated Jow Forums browser (and not for anything else) specifically because it still has the GTK2 file picker.

GTK fags btw

>image previews of any size
>advanced sorting, for example by image's width/height
>built-in search witht boolean operations support and even by words inside documents
>supports all file operations like file/folder creation, copy, paste, delete, etc
>can paste urls to post images without downloading them
Name a linux file picker that does at least a half of these.

never said anything about gnu/linux.
explorer.exe is fine, but not good.
i like which can do everything you listed there and more.

>i like which can do everything you listed there and more.
Can it merge folders yet?

it can and has been able to for years. they actually scrapped that ability from windows 10 until recently.

Literally no other file explorers have the ability to open a chosen file direct with other apps from the file picker too

This is a comfort issue instead of a real issue. You can have that by dragging&dropping from Dolphin when the file picker's limits are reached. Anyone wanting to do a certain task is able to do it eventually but the steps might be different. Having image thumbnail view at all was a real issue, but even that is possible to fix nowadays.

>This is a comfort issue instead of a real issue.
What else is file picker supposed to do? If you have to fire a full file manager to pick a file then it's a shitty file picker, simple as that.

>If you have to fire a full file manager to pick a file
Actually the goalposts have moved to a totally different galaxy by now. People are talking about deleting and copying files with their file picker for some reason. Of course it can pick a file and it can show a big thumbnail image of it as well.


Just being able to take a file before picking it would be great.

>he saves pictures outside of his home directory
user your personal files don't belong in /boot

anyone know how to change the default file picker for firefox on linux?
it's so fucking ugly.

but they don't belong in ~/ either.
at least make a directory in ~/.

>Pic preview - filename with 90% of space wasted
who the fuck thought its a good idea to do that?

Now open a folder with 10000 pictures in that and see what happens.

if you look carefully, you'll notice the zoom slider, which both anons have cranked to the max. That particular layout (image and text on same level) is probably more intended for smaller zoom levels.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-17 09-38-22.png (1231x949, 258K)

I feel so bad for you guys

>boomer glowinthedark 'influencer' meme collection

What? You're speaking gibberish, user.

i don't know i just read the first few filenames.
>personality test
>16 points of alt right
why would you save trash like that though?

Attached: gtk4.png (1078x794, 608K)

using that tiny window to find your pic is more uncomfortable than using your fm
gnome is doing you a favor

a man of reason, the other 2 look like dogshit with the side filenames

>personality test
Jow Forums has threads all the time about personality tests, political compass tests, etc. So I just saved all of that stuff in there.
>16 points
That was something from voxday addressing what the "alt right" was about in like 2016. It's just something I screencapped, and I generally don't delete things once it goes into my Backup drive.

I have things going back years in there, but for some reason when I transferred everything over to a new drive, the modify dates all changed.

you mean, gnome is making you fucking moronic.

no need to be rude about your disability

Attached: gnome_still_bad.png (1124x713, 132K)

That can be changed in two seconds

Attached: Screenshot_20190717_174200.png (491x315, 460K)

yet here we are

Can someone fucking help me? I use KDE, but it ALWAYS for some unexplained reason goes back to this faggot. It works for a few days after the installation, but then one day just stops. Is there a way how to fix/prevent/set up back?

is there any way to do this in xfce?

what the fuck else are gtk devs spending their time on?
what could possibly be a more pressing issue than this?

Attached: mc2.png (1002x330, 39K)

Also this guy sounds like a bit of a stuck-up shit.

Attached: literally_a_foot.png (1540x1067, 243K)

What DE/theme?
this sums it up pretty good

>no thumbnails
>recursive search (thankfully I have a patch to disable this and revert to the old behaviour)
>the fucking save button opening the directory you have selected

Attached: 1558494692782.gif (800x450, 160K)

oh yeah I forgot
>gtk3 sidebar takes up twice the space of the old one

gnome is an ecosystem :^^^^^)))
feel free to use something else ;^) ;^) ;^)

Attached: braindead-idiot.png (1333x620, 144K)

Attached: many_first_vowel.jpg (512x411, 101K)

Qt apps should always use kdialog on KDE.
For firefox you can install xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-kde and set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 in the .desktop file.


Is it possible to use KDE's file picker in Chromium for example? Or is it bundled this way?

I don't run Gnome nor KDE (I run i3) so I don't mind one or the other. I'm just curious.

A shitty patch for a shitty toolkit
$ cat /etc/portage/patches/x11-libs/gtk+\:3/0003-
From 8e21740a9cc5dc1e30deefdb5bfb544d6159e1fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: looloo
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 18:14:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] applied iconsize

gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c b/gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c
index d1dd2f0059..98e975bfdc 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkfilechooserwidget.c
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ enum {

/* Icon size for if we can't get it from the theme */

#define NUM_LINES 45
@@ -3686,7 +3686,7 @@ change_icon_theme (GtkFileChooserWidget *impl)
profile_start ("start", NULL);

if (gtk_icon_size_lookup (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU, &width, &height))
- priv->icon_size = MAX (width, height);
+ priv->icon_size = 64; //MAX (width, height);
priv->icon_size = FALLBACK_ICON_SIZE;


Running Chromium with XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE makes it use KDialog on XMonad, this trick probably works with i3 as well
It didn't work with Xfce when I tried it though

So I'd basically need to patch the source and recompile that shit? I have it intalled via APT

Interesting thanks

pretty much
because gtk devs hate configurability

unless there is some clever way to force it through a theme or something

Installing Gentoo GNU isn't a meme afterall

>set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 in the .desktop file.
How can I do that? I'm new to the whole Linux deal.

not that user but you might be able to get away with just running that firefox with
GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 firefox

setting it as an environment variable (I assume that is what .desktop files do)

>RH pushes GNOME as DE standard
>uhm... Don't use GNOME if you don't like it, mkay?
Holy shit, fuck GNOME, entitled little cunts

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-17 at 1.15.12 PM.png (1111x894, 396K)

Attached: ssr-2019-07-17_10.18.26.webm (1680x1050, 824K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-17_20-27-32.png (1012x756, 170K)

Thank you very much, kind user. But it still doesn't work, because every single time I do exactly that and click apply, it will always roll back to the previous "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u" for some reason.

Why is there a difference between file manager programs and file pickers? It's basically the same thing, with an [Open] box somewhere

xfce, arc-dark

you would think
but most these programs use various underlying widgets like lists or trees or gridlists
and gnome devs are notoriously opposed to or reluctant to including but not limited to:
>thinking ahead
>admitting their mistakes
>going back on design decisions
>implementing multiple designs and giving the user a configuration choice to pick between them

Attached: batoria2.png (1000x700, 253K)

also something about the file manager being a standalone that might use the gtk library
while the filepicker for some god forsaken reason is some poorly maintained part of the gtk library

>specifically because it still has the GTK2 file picker.
this, literally this. only reason i'm using palememe, being able to build with gtk+2 and the really low memory usage.

This is not a thread for showcasing your anime collection, calm down manchilds.

Copy firefox.desktop from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and change the line
Exec=firefox %u
Exec=GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 firefox %u

You probably don't have the rights to edit the file in /usr/share

Fug yeah, it works now. Thank you very much, good user!

>ditched bugzilla for gitlabs garbage tracker
>lists a bunch of reasons
>>Lack basic modern features: eg. inline previews of images.

Attached: gnome_from_bugzilla_to_gitlab.png (1260x752, 106K)

Copying the file to ~/.local/share also prevents your changes from being overwritten by system updates.

reeks of onions

as you can see, i recently started saving stuff, i should probably browse /b/ for some frog pictures

Attached: 2019-07-17-212624_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 376K)

>for some frog pictures
Don't do that, I'll give you all the Renges you need

Attached: 1549548066134.gif (350x339, 912K)

you will not find anything but wwyd, cuck, share, tribute, gfur, and other nudes-threads on /b/ ever since like 2014 or 2015

but i want to post Le memefrogs

oh you're actually right, that's sad. Jow Forums seems to have some wojaks and chad memes tho, i'll quickly steal them

I just deleted my Jow Forums folder a couple days ago, because I'm getting sick of how shit this site is getting. But here I am back again.
>don't forget you're here forever.jpg

I really hate Nautilus and I don't know what to use? I love ranger but sometimes I want gui file browsing. suggestions?,

PCManFM is pretty good, it light and gets the job done, i think it doesn't have tab support so spaceFM could be better if you want tabs

>i think it doesn't have tab support
It does. Just middle click.

I zoomed it in so you could see the thumbnails easily just as figured out. I usually disable thumbnails and keep the smallest icon size.

holy fuck i'm retarded. i shouldn't use computers

what if I decide I want to use them as my GRUB background, huh? why you Jow Forumstards gotta be so short sighted?

It just works.

Attached: kdialog.png (1192x792, 320K)

Attached: file_picker.png (3200x1800, 672K)