
Will it be FOSS? I sure hope nobody is stupid enough to put a botnet into their brain.
Well the redditor google chrome+win10 babbies who come here during summers obviously are, but I'm not talking about them

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Other urls found in this thread:

An actual good thread, buried by jewgle shills and /v/ermin

>Will it be FOSS?
Of course not.

Would you get linked in? TO the neuralink? Personally me no.

Attached: seqrtq.jpg (500x500, 21K)

Im waiting atleast 10-20 years before using any technology thats inserted into me
Unless i die before that without it

Nothing like this will ever be FOSS
1. The people making it have all the $$$ and don't give a shit about OSS
2. It would allow (us) to stop surveillance/fingerprinting/ads that will inevitably be untegreated into our brains.

Also, This technology is not new, nor has Neuralink made any massive breakthroughs. This is only being hyped because daddy elon has attached his name to it.

Wait, it's an actual product, that they've developed software you'll be able to download for? I thought it was just going to be some vague pipe dream they were going to talking about.

Maybe a big name is what's needed to actually make it something normal people use.

this is definitely the case.
All that needs to happen then is a free (as in free willy) solution to show up like what seems to be happening with phones currently.

I have high hopes for the librem5/pure OS.

>FOSS full-dive loli brothels

hell yeah brother

Attached: me in VR.png (576x960, 640K)

>I have high hopes for the librem5/pure OS.

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go back reddit

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>prop is bad just because there's no free commie software
>just open such important software to some basement dwellers or you're NSA
who's the actual NPC faggot? God this board is full of retards this summer

Elon: the main purpose of this presentation is recruitment
Me: okay!

Attached: application.png (765x723, 30K)

go back reddit

go back reddit

>God this board is full of retards this summer
what a way to reveal yourself as the ultimate 12 year old summerfag, Jow Forums always has been and always will be about free software, you can feel free to return to /v/ or reddit with your botnet shilling

>free commie software
You can sell free software. Not a single free software license forbids you from selling. You are a low IQ individual and should end your life right now.

>attempt to move your hand
This isn't inspiring phrasing. What happens when the human test subject's brain blows up? Will it set Musk back a few decades?

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Did I intimidate you? I am sorry.

i'm looking forward to the day that school starts again for all the people like you currently plaguing Jow Forums

you're not SELLING FREE software you colossal mongoloid, you're selling on top of free software, and most licenses require you at least a mention. Of course the fact that nothing is free and that FOSS is more like an invitation to join active development has never occurred to faggots that never expected a society claiming free shit.
You're a bunch of monkeys that scream give me free shit while not using the best arguments FOSS has right now:privacy and security. The latter cannot be as transparent as the first because you wouldn't be able to publish software without years of development. And paid by who? Faggots who write fizzbuzz in goyhub gists and dress as trannies?
You probably never sold software in your life and the fact that everything eventually becomes public record bothers you from saying that you contributed to interesting software.
I use foss for the 2 reasons mentioned above, but ironically NPCs like you who don't tolerate proprietary just because "where's my source code" is why your movement is still shit.

I am in school right now, my guy. Universities have summer semesters. You're in for a surprise once you graduate Highschool.
Are you this guy?
Sounds like you're this guy.

What is this?

>you're not SELLING FREE software you colossal mongoloid, you're selling on top of free software

KYS you massive fucking faggot


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>gets called summerfag
>n-n-no you!!!
And no, I am OP. do keep bumping my thread, mongrel

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Are dragon dildos mature enough to be inserted into you?

>projecting this hard

your posting style reeks of reddit, go back

I can't wait to have a chip in my brain running software programmed by Pajeet and owned by Schlomo, what a bright fucking future.
>suddenly invasive thoughts about McDonalds™ I'm Loving It™
>"don't worry about it goy pure coincidence it can't do that, you'll just have to trust us since it's all locked behind patents and encryption"

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fucken saved this pic thanks

> I sure hope nobody is stupid enough to put a botnet into their brain.
>Well the redditor google chrome+win10 babbies who come here during summers obviously are
>This isn't inspiring phrasing. What happens when the human test subject's brain blows up
>'m looking forward to the day that school starts again
>And no, I am OP.
I gotta go to class. Your life was a mistake, holy fuck. How do you play yourself this hard in your own thread mr."OP"?
Projecting what?
Do tell.

Fuck I gotta go to school. Keep the thread alive. I want all of your booties.

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fucking this, just like how today it's
>talking with friends about thing X using botnet app
>see advertisements for thing X everywhere in the botnet
>"don't worry about it goy pure coincidence it can't do that, you'll just have to trust us since it's all locked behind patents and encryption"

upvoted aswell
those fucking proprietary kids is the reason we're not on the moon right now.Am i rite pedes?

t. guy in the pic
no need to seethe so much, just go back home to reddit

>actually saying the cancerous name
embarrassing really, that's how people recognize you don't frequent this website
don't let me ruin your summer day kiddo, enjoy it

>gets called summerfag reddit
>n-no you heh!!

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Holy shit... is it your first day here?

the fact you keep saying it and have "le meme wojak pictures" prepped for posting is enough of an indicator you're originating from there
need an ice cream for this heat?

>the fact that you have been on Jow Forums long enough to save images from it is enough of an indicator you are from reddit
ok, kid. lurk before posting

Complaining about Jow Forums images on Jow Forums is the quickest way to spot a plebbitor, and you are one

>playing R6 Ranked with neuralink

Attached: R6retard.jpg (300x168, 7K)

kek seriously this, next up he's going to complain about anime on Jow Forums. not even worthy replying to but at least he keeps bumping my thread

>"Please close your eyes and view the presented commercials for no less than 300 seconds to access this Netflix Original™ content"
>stimulation of hunger when it detects you being near a McDonalds™
>find yourself calling items by their marketing name ("lets go have a burger" becomes "let's go have a BigMac™")
>ads on surfaces transmitted straight to your vision (that glass bus stop is now covered in ad space)
>invasive and interrupting thoughts about porn or just straight up feeling sleepy when thinking about how this system may not be great
>weird feeling of discomfort or dread when seeing guns or non politically correct media
>dreams just happen to be all about whatever corporation paid for those hours of sleep this week

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>you're not sucking dick for FOSS
>you're automatically a plebbit fag
the ACTUAL STATE of this board
nah kids that's not it, C-
you don't post "le faces" when you lose an argument, specially on this board. Posting pictures requires meaning behind it, not just because you called a random newfag.
What a pathetic bunch, good luck when real life hits you.
Gonna have my own ice cream now, which i PAID for because nothing ever is free.

finally seething plebbitor kid takes a hint and leaves, it's probably his bedtime now

First summer? It's always like this

yeah what a faggot lmao, he's probably paying for his water aswell instead of procuring it himself naturally.
I personally enjoy drinking my own piss, you get me? Makes me feel like i also saved at least 10 species from going extinct this year.

kek watch him seethe so much it's pretty funny

>16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
>17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
> receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The hand will be the old model, the chip they put in your hand (which will be mostly standard within 50 years), the forehead one will be the new model, the chip in the brain. Children and NPCs will be getting/switching to the brain one to get on the newest tech (children won't have a choice, it will be mandatory or heavily pushed like circumcision). The forehead is a figurative term: the chip will be in the frontal lobe, which is behind the forehead.

Normalfags will love it too, I can already hear them say:
>why does it matter if I get ads streamed to my dreams? It's not like I'm doing anything when sleeping so I might as well be seeing products/shows I might want to buy/watch when I wake up!

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>>Normalfags will love it too, I can already hear them say:
>>why does it matter if I get ads streamed to my dreams? It's not like I'm doing anything when sleeping so I might as well be seeing products/shows I might want to buy/watch when I wake up!
fucking this, why are they like this? why the hell don't they care?

>inserted into me
horses dicks arent technology

You're assuming a behaviour on what basis? I don't believe that any person on earth likes seeing ads, and this would impose on the rest they needed.
Even with heavy corp spinning and lobbying I don't see this feasible.
Moreover, we could get Adblock for the Neuralink or any similar device
>enter obligatory "But who will watch the Watchmen" reference

t. never heard a normalfag speak
i envy you

I wonder how the visual stuff will work, will it just straight up replace your vision or will some sort of HUD overlay be possible. Even with the currently super small resolution you could probably fit the time in the corner of your vision or something

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>Even with the currently super small resolution
what..? do you not understand what this post is about?

Huh??!!!???????!!!!!??? This is clearly the neuralink general????!!?!!?!......?????
Fucking braindead retard