ITT zoomer software

ITT zoomer software

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Windows 10


A lot of zoomers can't even pirate games

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isn't that for boomers

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They do, but the devs know how to convice them otherwise with F2P games and games not made for offline play.

Just because you don't have friends doesn't make Discord bad :)

> Include Installation


I assumed OP made a typo. Zoomers don't use software. They used appz

>trap/tranny discord
>lgbt discords
>trash female e-celeb discords
>game discords full of elitist cucks
>hobby discords full of elitist cucks
>youtuber discords full of brigading kids who won't hesitate send you pizzas should you insult their deities
>anime discords with the majority of users being lonely male zoomers
I summarized you most discord servers, some of them are okay, but you'll probably regret it ever stepping in their echo chambers.

Discord IS bad.
We often had connections / voice quality problems on friday/saturday evening when we wanted to play, also they sell every fucking bit of your data for profit.
I prefer to spend a few bucks a month for a teamspeak server.

>thermal printer

proprietary shit

install mumble

like on a cash register it has paper with a chemical that turns black when heated


unironically this
it works great, better than anything else I've used, it's easy to set up, and it's safe. there's really no reason not to use it for voip

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Also Brave

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I've only seen boomers use this

>I summarized you most discord servers
those are private groups with your friends?

teamspeak and mumble don't have video chat

>private groups

how are you subjected to tranny discords without being in them?

It's only like that in the US

and Mexico too

And South America too.

pic related and Kuroba

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>download discord to scalp anime merchandise at Anime Expo
>offer to sell stuff for 250% markup
>immediately dm'd with offer and where to meet
>go to location to meet person
>literal 13 year old girl shows up at spot and asks if im the person selling
>i say yes
>actually feel bad for taking her money
Is internet safety not being taught anymore or what

>no pedo discord
you fucking furry pedo

>teamspeak and mumble don't have video chat

>actually feel bad for taking her money

Lmao it's normal to feel bad for scalping that's why most people don't do it.

They don't know how to even fucking pirate music. I swear to god, they actually say shit like "why download music when you can just use spotify?" I'm going to cum in the ass of the first zoomer who responds "but no really why not use spotify" I out of patience trying to explain why you're so dumb

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tfw my hehexd music piracy is limited to what's on deezer

>but no really why not use Spotify
Tell us user, share us your thoughts.


They are just too stupid.
Attention spans measured in milliseconds.

my sides died for this


Not him, but why spend money

cringe and kys yourself spoty is literally the easiest way to get music


at least spell check before shitposting, idiot

>but the software its self is good! Just the communities are bad.
Shut up. its just spyware. Use IRC or Teamspeak.

irc is cancer to use.

I use it for fee with a pirated app :^)


t. zoomer that never had a game boy printer

Alright then. Which other web development programs have auto-complete feature?

Visual studio

>iFag filename
the irony

only third worlders use this

>spell check
"spoty" is cute should be standardized as slang for "spotify"

>one third worlders are fucking retards
This isn't news

$170 for something you can do with a simple free app like Out of milk.

but no really why not use spotify

brave is so shit, only people with no courage use

>not realising the benefits of having files on hand vs using a streaming service.

literally this. streaming is just fucking retarted

I don't get the appeal of this shitty service when youtube-dl is a thing. I've been trying on and off for months fine tuning my dad's hosts file to block ads (according to some listed of recommended hosts to blocksl) and I think they've changed up how the ads are actually handled.
Why the fuck would anyone prefer that shit over YouTube with a plug-in that forces audio only?

We're not too dumb to pirate.
I pirate expensive programs all the time ex: Sony Vegas.
We just like supporting the creators of the art because we think they deserve it.

Lmao you think those fuckers actually give the artists good money? Shill

I'd still rather zoomers use that shit than Reddit, maybe they'll actually learn something here

>months tuning host file for dad

found the person with more time than money

bu-bu-but it's the app for free thinking armchair intellectuals who just happen to be furries

>Free thinking
Have a downvote nigger

A great gui that functions the way I want it to is art as well, user.

Except the only way to support an artist, really, is to buy concert tickets. Their returns on everything else is absolute shit, and albums are really just advertising for their concerts. Sure, it's normally only on the order of 10-20% gross ticket sales (as the headliner) (Depends on their accommodations and such).
Albums, if you're just the musician or even a singer-songwriter range from 10-20% as well, but the overall revenue tends to be lower than performances.
Spotify you're giving the artist anywhere from 0.06 cents to 0.84 cents per stream depending on how much of the shit they do themselves. Indie bands that compose, perform, master and promote all their stuff on their own will get the higher amount.

muh orange arrows : (

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Lol the us military uses whatsapp in countries like korea, Germany, Poland and other places where most people dont have text/call but can buy a mobile hotspot during the deployment/rotation.

thats neckbeard millennial software tho
zoomers are epic store

it's the other way around, regardless in what discord you are, there are always going to be trannies

*sips* limewire, now THAT was a place to download music

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>Except the only way to support an artist, really, is to buy concert tickets.
I fucking hate this stupid meme.
Nowadays musicians get a bigger cut then ever selling music, because they can sell more directly.
Now if you're only listening to heavily marketed mainstream shit from big labels the cut for the musician is smaller, but in that case you're enjoying the marketing part anyway, so it's only fair to give the label its share because they sold you what you wanted.
The system is fair. And nobody is forcing anyone to sign bad contracts.

They only make a good cut when they are not taken advantage of by big labels. Luckily it's easier now for people to represent themselves or at least work with smaller groups. That at revenue from youtube etc is good supplementary compensation at the very high end. Not rich-rich but nigga rich

>taken advantage of by big labels
Nobody is forcing anyone to have a label. Musicians pick one because they believe it will work out better for them. And they're kinda right. Pretty much every top artist is where he/she is because some jewish label guy was shilling him/her to radio stations and whatnot.
Stop falling for some childish memes about bad men in suits.

stupid phoneposting niggerfaggot


Anything i like is zoomer ("zoomer" means stupid and gay)

>learn something here
Nice one.

but no really why not use spotify
For real, cum inside of me, you gay fucking faggot.


and PTHC as I recall.

anything that isnt boomer software

i use s*** s*** but i also have a spotify subscription because its just easier to stream songs to find new stuff to listen to

*sips* What's your excuse for not being on RED?

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Imagine getting this triggered over a product that you don't use
I only use it because of the comfy interface and the way it let's you organize your playlists, the rest of the app is utter garbage

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pls cum inside me boomeranon

>meeting up with a loli weeb



this but kpop

youtube audio quality is garbage, 128 kbps and frequency cuts off above 16 khz

>Shit bait
Get fucked

Discord became even more shit, with all the filthy Tranies and LGBT losers invading it.

It’s not bait though. The only people who use android devices in the United States are poor people, retards, and negroes.

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