Another WHITE GIRL YELLOWED. Will you white supremacists just give it up?
Another WHITE GIRL YELLOWED. Will you white supremacists just give it up?
>shit colored eyes
u can keep her Chang
she looks manlier than him.
>that soulless stare
Poor guy.
I've never seen a AMWF relationship in real life. What kind of desperate cope is this?
>White person
Pick one
she actually does
I don't think I've ever seen an Asian man in a relationship with anyone in real life, i guess i saw some jungle Asian with a Haitian gf when i was in college but other than that Asian and hapa men seem even less likely to be in relationships than white incels
At least pajeets can have arranged waifus
And yet he's marrying her while you're fucking your pillow LMAO
Hello chinese shill
Its good to see the US, Russia and Turkey talking to each other in a friendly manner dont you think ?
These threads are cute. Keep them up little rice bois.
The smell
Better him than a nigger. Most of us would pity him, honestly. Why would you want to put up with a golddigging roastie white girl?
What smell?
You guys are fucking losers if you're against this. After being on this website for 14 years I think this might be the worst year ever... There is an incel phenomenon going on that's certain.
Both of them.
Do you know how obvious you are making yourself ?
Amwf doesn't bother me
I'm white and I only go for asian chicks, so fair is fair
Hapa kids are cute and smart too, unlike disgusting mulatto mutts
She looks Jewish. Is she Jewish? Is this relationship going to produce not mild-mannered and socially-useful hapas but the dreaded jewpa school shooter?
I thought that was the Asian guys hand at first lol
Surely not leaf ?
i'm ok with this kind of union since east asians
are pretty smart on average. the problem with white women mating with niggers is that they end up mixing their noble white DNA with that of a subhuman, lowering the average IQ of the human population in the process
what is cope, are you such a pussy ass faggot that this shit bothers your or u think it bothers other people? You're pure evil posting this shit on christmas you little kikelover.
Asians don't have a smell. Do you know how new you are making yourself look?
surely you guys see this too
did that ring come in a box of breakfast cereal ?
Yea they do. They smell bad
They don't have any body odor. They're not niggers or Frenchies.
>1000 cock stare
>settled for a rich beta chink
checks out
They do, just smell one. They stink, but it's a different smell from niggers and sandniggers
Yes you do. You smell like onions sauce and stale fish.
Better she marries a chink than a commie.
That's a woman's ring, user.
I bet that gook gets pegged
Not even an Asian girl's butthole has a smell. Ask me how I know.
He should've gotten something more like pic
finally another white person in here, asians smell like cooking and it pisses me off, niggers smell like a burning car tire and shitskins smell like hell, you can smell a person from india 100meters before you see him if the wind is right. you can smell if a person is white or not fucking americans i swear
Is that her or his hand in the pic?
Nigger tier lips
LOL even on Christmas dude do you ever stop
you shit fags are all going to hell, literally worse than the footnigger.
Bolshevik boy strikes again... Hmm what rhymes with strikes?
Holy shit is that the last white women ever!??!!
You have a vivid imagination. If you ever go down on a girl, you're going to be close to her butthole. Not exactly the topic I wanted to speak of on Christmas, but anyway.
>that nose
another proof that jewish girls will fuck literally anything so they don't have to fuck kikebois
Still whiter than you, Ahmed & Ahmed.
I know at least three couples with an Asian guy and a white girl and they're pretty based. I think it's because the Asian guy himself unfucked himself from his Asian bugmn programing.
Couple 1: Asian guy MOVED OUT from his parents place early on and didn't just move into a property owned by them. He's a Blizzard dork who gets into anime and goes to conventions. He hooked up with a pretty cute white girl from regional Victoria who also likes Blizzard. The guy is super technical and practical beyond the usual stuff Asians are good at like computers. The girl is also amazing. She's from regional Vic and she works in the wanky inner suburbs. But she didn't turn out like most people who from the country to the city and become shitty hipsters. She's still grounded and still has a good sense of humor. They've been together for about four years.
Couple 2: Once again, from the anime convention scene. Similar story in that the the white girl is from regional Vic and the Asian guy sort of cut off ties with his family. He's not as alpha as the one above. But he's not a bugman. Like... he has some legit self-awareness and capacity to reflect and philosophize and shit. The girl he's dating is a legit weirdo though. She's a full-on fujoshi and she practically jumped him. They've been together for at least 14 years already. They have two kids and of course, both are on the autistic spectrum.
Which one's the girl?
>What kind of desperate cope is this?
I don't know you tell me
(pinkies BTFO lol)
It’s “another” one user. That makes 3 since the 1960s, including Bruce Lee
Seems like a girl has to be bi to date a feminine asian. Then again you're just straight up gay for searching for other guys relationships.
White men are cheaters
was about to say this
> 14 years of “a fucking leaf” posts
You’re officially fired from Jow Forums
no one fucking cares
the amount of amwf relationships is really low, especially compared with asian female with non-asians
Are you just gonna throw away some good DSL's like that my guy
Cope harder whitelet
Couple 3: This one is completely different but gives a look at another context where an Asian guy hooking up with a white girl is likely. You see, back in the 90s, we didn't have niggers like the Apex Gang or the Lebos acting up like in the 00s. We had Asian gangs and they were legit scary. Every now and then you'd see some Asian cunt with a drugged out white girl on his arm. It could be that she depended on him for drugs or that she liked him because he wasn't a fucking pussy.
The Asian guy in this couple is a throwback to that. Except he's not a gangster anymore. He's an old mate of my brother who was a crim back in the day. The Asian guy had been in jail twice and then eventually went to rehab. He had a daughter with another Asian girl who was ugly as shit and an even worse junkie than him. He also adopted the son she had from ANOTHER Asian drug dealer. At some point, Asian junkie girl fell off the horse and then just ran off. Nobody knows where the fuck she is but she abandoned her kids and her family leaving my mate to keep it together. But she probably also ran off because my Asian mate WAS hooking up with the white girl at his workplace. His workplace is the organization that rehabilitated him and how he helps other junkies get clean. The white girl is your standard vegetarian hippie dippie inner-suburbs SJW that does all manner of community outreach stuff.
This Asian guy is still a fucking hardcunt. He's a manlet but you still wouldn't fuck with him. He also dated a smoking hot Bosnian girl back in the day and she wasn't even into drugs.
I honestly feel like the hardest problem Asian guys have with hooking up is how they're brought up to not think for themselves. They don't think for themselves. They don't take the lead. They don't offer anything unique. I don't know how any girl can find that attractive.
interesting posts, user
many east asians are honorary whites OP
unlike you kikes who clearly all deserve the oven
You are not christian if you commit gommorrhy(akin to the sodomy) so kys mutt.
White and Jewish guys on Jow Forums are not fine with Asian guys banging white women. In western society, it's very taboo for an Asian guy to bang their women. But they are definitely fine with black men banging their women. It's why they produce interracial nigger porn and create weird films like Black Panther. That explains why Americans on Jow Forums keep spamming Jewish interracial nigger porn from that blacked website.
This is a good combination. Brown eyes are dominant and indicate mixing somewhere in the bloodline. If she had children with a blue eyed partner it would've resulted in more brown eyed, and one more blue eyed wouldn't have passed on his eye colour, same with blonde hair
I have 2 colleagues who have kids with Asians. Both are white with brown eyes. Perhaps they are more likely to mix, because they have the eye colour somewhat in common
You can tell one of her ancestors burned the coal and paid the toll. I think another round of bleaching should do it.
rice bvll
also lmao @ "brown eyes aren't white"
my mother has green eyes, but my father has black eyes.
but my mother isn't white tho
other races can also have variation in eye color
>father has black eyes
was he smashed up by a white guy?
no, my father is kind of brown actually
he is from the south where is hot
my mother is reddish white
she is from kashmir where it usually snows
you can say my mother got blacked to a lower degree
>my mother isn't white tho
>my mother is reddish white
Often hazel is described as green in your region, however it is possible if she has European blood, chances are very slim, like winning the lottery, but it does occur
What colour did her parents have?
>you can say my mother got blacked to a lower degree
wow, she went with a nigger? you have my deep sympathies, pal. thot definitely patrolled - what a way to drastically lower her sexual market value.
Oh look another one of those "we fucked ya women, white boy!" thread. Keep them, just wait till they send your communist ass to jail for rape, who you think they'll believe the snowflake or the commie?
i really doubt she has european blood. but, yes, my (maternal) grandmother also had green eyes.
pic related, not her, but what I wanted to emphasize.
pity a thing like that would be niggered. niggers are truly a weaponised destruction of beauty
well, yeah, it wasn't an arranged marriage and her parents didn't talk to her for a long time other than the time where they wanted to write the will and didn't bother including her so she got mad.
also, very few priests offer to perform hindu rituals after they realize i'm a mixed child between 2 castes, because i don't have a caste.
Based fingolian
do you regret being mixed with negro genes?
Do you think she's attractive?
East Asian soil is lacking of selenium which is essential for muscle growth, what East Asians gain in intelligence is lost with physique.
Thank god, a based Aznbro has taken another one off our hands. These guys truly have the patience of saints.
Don't worry OP, we'll take care of all the lonely Asian QTs that feel neglected while you take on this unpleasant duty.
Not surprised really, lots of Chinese weapons in ww2 came from Germany.
can't even get a fucking child drunk off this.
i don't like to think about it much becasue i cant change it, but yes, I would have at least liked if she had married someone similar looking to her. other than the fact that i'm literally an untouchable under Hindu law, so I gave up my religion too.
At first sight I thought that they were lesbians.
clearing not true in the case of finngolians.
i look at the fact that the chinese are top performers in olympic weightlifting and it doesn't seem so obvious to me. not saying this is generally the case, but it doesn't seem unusual.
And your grandfather brown I presume? There is a 0,1% of that happening. Also happened in Chinese region earlier, because of Roman legions
If she looks like that I would advise you to study colonial history. Many hybrid races around the world exist because of this. English and Spanish soldiers were often instructed to impregnate local women in order to create a people to later work the field. How far can you trace back your heritage
The irony is we don't care but you want to act like it's a big deal. Everyone knows that girls regardless of race who race mix are fucking nuts...
you have my sympathies, pal. indians are ok people. there's a lot of rape that goes on and a lot of poo dispersed in public, so there's a lot that's offputting, but you guys are generally alright where i've managed to encounter any.
wasn't that due to the scythians, not the roman legions?
Those are actually mongols
My grandfather died before I could figure out. Also, yes, many Portguese and English soldiers raped Indian women in Goa and sites of rebellion, but Kashmir never really saw actual invasion, just the King basically said, "Yeah, ok, we are aligned with you.". I can trace my ancestry as far as my tribe.
It's not surprising in Kashmir and Northern Pakistan to see people with light eyes. But they're not European.
That's reality is it not?
pashtuns, right?
Hi Tenda, hope you have a Merry Christmas. Us whites will continue to run circles around you. Sorry to say so. Love.
When Asian and white mix, it creates the guy in the picture.
Mongrel Asian/white women become whores and the son become degenerate basedboys.