Another day, another rangeban, when this shit will stop? I mean come on

another day, another rangeban, when this shit will stop? I mean come on...

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abib is a smelly butthole
or should i say buttlole

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pls don't feel sadde and enjoy your Kurisumasu hat.

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Dumb pedos

dumb Urushihara poster
thanks yuuka

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wtf Patcho has a sister

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Not like that ever stopped you before, Subhuman Spanish Parasite.

Show your flag you fucking proxyfaggot scum, I hope you are not the other spaniard faggot because I will go to your fucking home, cut your fucking legs and put them up your ass while you watch me rape your mother with a circular saw. Also the only fucking prasite here is your neet ass which I pay social security taxes for it.

You literally indoctrinate kids

Dumb pedo. Your degenerate fetishes must be rotting your brain. Who diddled your noodle as a kid? All pedos reproduce asexually. They don't have a kids. They diddle kids and scar the kid so bad they turn into a pedo too.

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>They diddle kids and scar the kid so bad they turn into a pedo too.
yeah, no.

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>A famous child sex abuse survivor known as ‘the girl in the closet’ has been accused of sexually abusing a 14 year-old girl. Lauren Kavanaugh, 25, is said to have assaulted the child after meeting her on a Facebook page Kavanaugh set up to support other victims of abuse. Her alleged victim, who has not been identified, told cops that Kavanaugh had been abusing her for two months, after moving in with the girl and her parents...

You are right if he is a NEET he can't just call out someone for being a parasite if you are leecher yourself... but You... so-called SSP, You shouldn't stand on a moral high ground as a paedophile if that.

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Your facade is nearly as shallow as you are. One needs naught but a quick glance to grasp what a genuinely pitiful and deplorable individual stands before them.

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You talk like a flimsy and you might be one

t. fat virgin neets
Your opinions are bullshit and nobody cares lmao.

Come now you don't want that spanish boipucci to go to waste

You just want it to look sophisticated, unfortunately for you I see through you.

gay shit faggot thread

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underage selfharm thread

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It appears that the remaining performers have arrived and main act of this mentally handicapped circus is about to commence. I beg you pardon for I prefer not being present to witness it as it unfolds.
Alas, the buffoon claims that their actions were merely in jest, what an astounding reveal.
I do genuinely enjoy articulating myself in this foolish pompous manner. Think of it what you will, but do know that your opinion is of no significance to me.

give me (You)'s
why you keep doing this

Why should anyone listen to you if you discourage opinon of others, very low of you.

Who got the ban this time?

Ur mom

stop posting pedo sgit faggot