Sowwy i had to get mittens... uwu

sowwy i had to get mittens... uwu

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and i'm actually back fwom a nap..

Was it too much?

y-yes. it was..

(...I just got ptsd of what happened last time.)

(i know. it's getting 300 posts, try to keep it at a lower rate i guess...??)

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agh i don't even feew wike making it fast at the speed of light wight now

That's fine. Don't force yourself into it.... although I think you might keep posting slowly for the 200 goal. Haha...

congrats you just spoiled my doings

ehehe i'm all starting at 10

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i thought british was smart... now they be actin like horrid fuckin henry

Are you releated with Burgerpants somehow?

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no. i'm not psycho.... nya.

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help i'm having a fucking nostalgia attack


but none of my opinions are mentioned.

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i'd do it back to you.

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oh no i'm calling the fbi :(((

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i just called them now
they put ya on the watchlist

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get in jail, fweak.

mommy i'm scared of the dark

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is that my headphone-

Find it and put it in your ears.

No. I am not getting cum to fuck up my ears.

That's not what I heard.

why are you even doing this to me
i've lived a life and i just let a thot ruin it...

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shut up, senpai...~


i'm gonna do it again guys

talking to myself is just like talking in an anime! i'm now a certified weeb

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shut up baka i need more than a british dick up my murican ass


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it's actually pissing me off. i want to help.

butterfly doors

i want a different person

me too, toothpaste boy.

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even your brother shits? i'm gonna teach them self-control, instead of the usual put-em-down because my country banned that.

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nam senpai, portray me all ya want but that ain't even me, chief.

god, bring me a better person to this thread. i'm tired of seeing british.

but meanwhile
i am starting 100 posts again :))

i wanna pacify him sooo baaad.....

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i'm gonna reach 200 posts soon, kid

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Well, too bad. He's too.... dumb than any user i've met on this site.

lol say all u want...... u can't even defeat my ass that easily

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yes, my armor......

>dumb than
Sure showed me.

but you post animals defecating and now i'm gonna vomit on the earth.


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i need a better user

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No, they won't know my secret identity uwu

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i like to make myself look happy

damn it i just dont know what thread to go to

holy fuck i hate being lonely
entertain me mommy

give me love, uh
give me motherfucking love

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>23 posts
get a life pls

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still, gotta get a life, kid. ya already jizzed all over.

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okay live your life to the fullest, posting actual shitposting.

i pray that you are gone.

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.....that's still immature.

Sure is!

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And you're making me suffer.
That is terrible.

You're the only one making you suffer.
You only see me do this on Jow Forums and you've only see me do this in single-person monologue threads.
Why are you encouraging if you don't want it to happen?
This is "international banter", you are one nation, I am another. If it is only you roleplaying undertale, then I have a sworn duty to correct the balance.

Not all heroes wear capes.

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Ah... a better reply...

I do it for a reason.

The reason, I assume, is that you are building a comprehensive database of animal excretions.

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i'm doing it so that
1. i don't be bored
2. i don't be so lonely
3. i don't end up doing random shit involving boredom

1. It's hard to be bored when someone's pissing you off.
2. If it's only you here, this doesn't work. Good job I'm here to post shitting animals.
3. Everyone on Jow Forums is bored.

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baka i think you're only doing it to troll me harder

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>60 posts by this ID
wtf stop

oh wow. real mature....

no... i must keep going, my fwiend.

i don't know whether to keep this thread alive or the other... :thinking:

attraction powers, activate

ha, it failed.

It certainly did.

but it still was better than infinity war.