>it is possible to get an IT job without a college degree?
>of course! I have been coding since I am 9 and I end up lucking out in...
It is possible to get an IT job without a college degree?
yes you just start from behind and you'd be better off just getting a degree and going into debt
nobody cares about your brainlet problems
Not impossible but you need a very good portfolio of projects to show that you know your stuff and you still need to be able to answer all the typical interview questions.
i got one at age 23 with no previous programming experience and the extent of my knowledge was html,css and a little JS. I took awful pay for 1 year but it was worth it. it is possible to luck out.
Depends on the field. Many people on Jow Forums are resentful of frontend devs because many of them succeed without needing a degree to do their jobs. Still, you need some way to verify to employers that you aren't a complete dipshit, so focus on solving that problem first.
why dont you and the horse you rode in on, fuck off to Jow Forums
Sounds like a (You) problem. Not my fault you are too retarded to network.
Thanks for the advice, im really jumping my tubtubs over this?
Our chequered history nothing to with it.
Is this what mental illness looks like or just really low effort shitposting?
fucking what
posting in schizo thread
Opinion discarded.
What're you talking about!?
literally just suck it up and get a college degree
Can you not read? He clearly said he's jumping his tubtubs over this.
nah im good
Yes, just show them what you have done in the past or your present skill set. Don't be too worried. Be confident.
Oh lord. Most humans have a checkered history. We're not all perfect. You edge lords are real pieces of work.
Cringe pic made by a real degenerate
So is becoming a front-end dev the best way forward if I dont have a degree... well I have a degree but Its a rather embaressing one I'd rather forget about....
Jumped and tub pilled
Yes, if you don't mind feeling suicidal on a daily basis
i only wrote 3 scripts in powershell in my 3 years of apprenticeship in sysadmin position. I didnt get a contract at the company after spending 3 years there , which was a major disappointment. but instead now 3 months later with 22 years i lucked out at a job that was willing to teach me more powershell aswell as .net oriented stuff like c# and vb. I also earn about 50k€ before tax which is higher then the other students i knew and the working conditions are far better too. dont give up user
I have one, just needed to start working at a mom and pop shop, did a call center 3 month contract. After the first stable job for 1 year no one cares.
What is suicidal about front-end?
It's the most boring and annoying, hipstery programming related work a guy can do, constantly keeping up with what the "hot new framework" is, putting together UIs, working with all that flux garbage, nothing too interesting about it.
You're like Terry A. Davis minus the talent.
took the tubtub pill
based schizo
Nice meme, well tubbed
How come frameworks keep changing? Doesn't it good enough to use one that does the job?
All you need is to get into a help desk position