Tfw no cute programmer gf

tfw no cute programmer gf

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tfw when gf has to work because I'm not disciplined enough to make money for a whole family

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Nah she's ugly as hell. Looks like dobby from harry potter.



>Dark Matter thot posting on the night of the Killjoys season premiere

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>no 8 bit bf

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Does she have "Girls Who Code" type of stickers on her laptop?

brutal roast

if only she was alive to hear it

Is this the girl from Silent Hill?

>tfw no MIT genius gf

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she got in because of affirmative action

yup its Jodelle Ferland

pick 1

if they're cute and they claim they can program, they're straight up lying.


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Looks like a dude to me.

>tfw qt3.14 qa gf

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name of whore?

actress from canceled tv show "dark mater"

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is this suicide fuel general

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That's Jodelle Ferland, alive and well

>no cute programmer gf
Thanks God. I want somebody with different interests. Always wanted to marry a professional confectionist. She will bake me some good shit while I'm busy debugging old as fuck C Software.


thanks man for a feel I didn't even no I have