Any good family political fights today, Jow Forums?

Any good family political fights today, Jow Forums?

>be me
>having a fire outside
>wood is wet
>won't burn
>"hey bro-non, let's tear down my old, ratty fence and use it for firewood"
>"hey, good idea fellow bro-non! Fuck drumpf, tear down walls!"
>"leave it up for the beavers. My wood is already wet"
>bro-non storms into my house

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Cucked, fuck his wife

wah-heyyyy !

They already left, and they live in Europe lel

>mom is devout, crazed Christian
> won't go to Chinese restaurant because she's worried they'll have Buddhist statues
>I tell her "so what it's not like you're worshipping the statues"
>she said it doesn't matter she won't go
> I say by that logic i think you should know every dollar you spend in Illinois subsidizes abortions so what now?
> she's dumbfounded and sees the error in her logic.

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Uhh what?

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I second this. Not sure if I’m the brainlet or not, though.

no. I've mastered the art channeling conversation away from politics because it never ends well during holidays.

Not a hard story to follow
I was making a fire with my brother, but all the wood in my woodpile is wet. We de decide to break down my old, dry wood fence and use that. As we were tearing it down, he said fuck drumpf and fuck walls. So I told him nvm I want to leave it up to keep out banners. My wood pile is wet(back) enough. He got mad and left

cool fucking story bro

Is this post even English? Jesus Christ lad, read a damn dictionary.

Wow, a boomer.

Nobody is making you stay


>at table with Uncle and his dumbass wife and the rest of the family
>We're all talking about some shit that doesn't matter
>Uncle's wife uses the term "sausage eater"
>Ask her coyly if that's a pejorative for Germans
>She says she doesn't know what pejorative means
>I'm fucking gobsmacked at this
>She does live in Hawaii though
>She asks for a synonym for the word
>Say 'epithet'
>She doesn't know that fucking word either
>Not really sure what to say, tell her to read more books
>She says "Well I don't know a word, I'm just stupid I guess"
Yes Elaine you're a fucking retard

Why did this thread get moved

>be me
>start sipping drinks (egg nog) in the morning and by dinner I’m feeling a nice buzz
>big family gathering, coal burning whore cousin brings niglet to dinner. Total libtard who doesn’t like Trump.
>great gramps telling war stories from world war 2 with everyone saying what a brave hero he is and other cringe bullshit
>that’s it time to drop some nuclear level redpills
>stand up point at coalburning slut “oh yeah gramps is this what you fought for? So your deascendants could be race traitor whores with tattoos on their neck? You fought for the wrong side.
>great gramps starts crying ok lol
>niglet starts chimping the fuck out, as could be expected I guess
>dad freaks out and tells me to go to my room and I can’t come out till everyone leaves
>other cousin who isn’t trash, 10/10 sixteen year old blonde smiles and winks at me
>mfw. It wasn’t all for nought and I am actually redpilling the zoomer generation
>probably consumed like 12 raw eggs over the course of the day from all of the nog
>feel unstoppable

Cause you're a stupid nigger poltard, now leave and never come back

Same goes for you, leafnigger

That doesnt even make sense. Lurk moar, your trip code gives away your newfag status

Do you really think it belonged on Jow Forums?

>be me
>my brother is a massive fucking liberal he is trans and likes every facebook post of hillary
>i tell him "hey bro stop being such a lib"
>he just says ok
>i flip the fuck out and throw every fork in the house at him as i say "you won't be supporting RODHAM at my watch"
>perform my trump super attack
>liberal brother is fucking dead
>masturbate as i use his nipples on my nipples and perform an amateur tracheotomy
>trump lives on
>i am a victory

She's not a Christian, user, she's a protestant

>be me
>see cirno
>instant cum
>but then i think to myself what if me bedo now
>go out side and have sex with the dog
>he smiles as i read out bible verses
>god bless australia lmao

>be me
>get asked who I am quoting
>tell them I'm quoting myself
>tip my fedora to make some room for my iq