>tfw I'm 21 and I can barely get erections anymore
teenage years truly were a simpler time...
Tfw I'm 21 and I can barely get erections anymore
i don't want to grow up aaaaaaaaaaa how do i force myself to do something worthwhile with my youth before i get all wrinkly and useless and regretful
are you fat or do you have death grip or something or does nothing excite you anymore?
I weigh around 68 kg. I've just lost all interest in sex.
why do you think it is
i mean, if it was actually a lack of interest, you wouldn't really make a thread about it being suffering
I would approach the tpoc with caution, lest I come off as a caricature of the stereotypical depressed youngster - as the media so often portrays young people; however, it could have something to do with my daily consumption of around half a bottle of whisky and a dozen beers, and my general disinterest in life.
topic* wtf
>daily consumption of around half a bottle of whisky and a dozen beers
yep, that'll do it
Alcohol destroys your testosterone, which will destroy your libido. Taper that stuff off. That's probably worse than lack of exercise and bad diet combined.
>I weigh around 68 kg.
>however, it could have something to do with my daily consumption of around half a bottle of whisky and a dozen beers
Do you even eat?
It varies from day to day - I often do not feel hungry, and nicotine is largely responsible for the dulliing of the hunger.
So you basically poisoned yourself to a point where your dick won't go up during your prime age, cuckgratulations. I suggest suicide, unironically.
The suggestion is appreciated. I can't kill myself, though. I've still got people who depend on me.
Um, how can someone depend on an alcoholic? Where do you even get money for alco?
Certain family members. Also despite my drinking, I am able to hold up a job.
Whats your job?
I work at the National History Museum, but for obvious reasons, I'd rather not specify any further.
Dude, you should've just told who you work as, rather than tell me where you work.
My nanomachines army is already invading NHM and setting up minicams to take pics of peoples smartphones and vet out all 4chins users.
its ok, I will just put you in my blackmail folder with all the lewd posters and wait for the right moment
don't worry about it
you could have prevented this
Stop watching porn, jacking off, and try making excersizing a habit. Repeat for 2 months and whenever you see a cute girl you’ll instantly get a boner
Lmao omw to nationalmuseet
r u balding too?
I'm in a similar position, maybe not as bad as you. I can't get anywhere near as horny as I could when I was a teenager, I really miss it tbdesu.
you played with it too much and it broke
now you're a softcock
I didn't even masturbate an abnormal amount, once a dayish I guess? idk
that's abnormal. abnormally low!
I am 26 and I thought for years that I'm impotent.I had all kinds of tests done and there was nothing physically wrong with me.
A few months ago I saw a video on pornhub and my dick got hard normally.
I think your brain just got bored of most kinds of porn and regular sex.You should try something alternate, like gay,bestiality or rape.Keep your mind open and disregard whatever "rights and wrongs" your parents taught you,because your dick doesn't know right and wrong.
If I actually fulfilled my fantasies I would probably go to jail for a long time lol.
>be me
>can have erection
>still a kissless virgin
why even live
I couldn't get erections when I was 17.
had a qt asian gf but literally couldn't fuck her and she went on to cheat on me.
Put yourself out there boi. Gotta take what you want in life, put effort into it. If you sit and stagnate you'll be a kissless virgin at 30, a girl is probably not gonna just fall into your lap.
But old ladies say i'm good looking :(
Maybe i'll stick my dick into that
I never suggested you weren't good looking.
I'll just fuck granny i guess
the elderly have bad eyesight
I'll just throw some pizza at them
På gensyn dér.
View akari porn
You could have licked her cunny
I can't get hard to asians either bro. They're just too fucking creepy.
"akari porn"?