Do you make sure to take care of your personal appearance, Jow Forums? Don't tell me you're some sort of pimply, warty circus-freak with shingles on your face.
Do you make sure to take care of your personal appearance, Jow Forums? Don't tell me you're some sort of pimply...
yeah nigga
i took care real good
I've got a bad case of dry skin, and not dandruff, just like, lizard-skin with dry patches everywhere that scales. How do I fix?
Pretty sure all the pimply, warty circus-freak with shingles on their face are cirnoposters
Speak for yourself, medikit. I thought you were supposed to be the arbiter of neutrality
I'm shitting myself man cirnofags are really tough guys in their basement
You see me posting anime? Again, speak for yourself.
Just because i don't see you in this instance doesn't mean you don't my morbidly obese star and stripes friend
So? Can say the same thing about you, my manlett rapefugee hosting compatriot
Just fine here. Just a bit blue from slep dep, is all.
I am the most handsome man on the planet
Still good as new, baby. You?
I'd say I look pretty handsome, with clear but dry skin, a slightly cleft chin and a well defined jawline, and sharp eyes. Only issue is I can't find a comb for the past week.
My hair is kinda oily and I dont cut my toe nails often, but other than that I always make sure to look ok. Haircuts are a pain though. My teeth are better than most people at least. And I have no acne or anything not since i was 16. How to I get less oily hair and make my face less tired looking?
cirno mirror more like get out of here
yea, I always look sharp
almost based id
I have persistent adult acne that might lessen were I to use my topical medication more regularly, but probably not. I only shave when my moustache gets so long that it starts to get in my mouth when I eat. I have a fungus in one of my toes that refuses to go away and I sometimes wear the same pair of jeans for over a week without washing. Sometimes I cum in my underwear and don't change for a few hours afterward. My glasses are often coated with dust and grime and I just wear the same solid-colored t-shirts every day.
In my limited experience, if you are Chad enough about having autism, some women will be interested in you, even slightly above average girls with high IQ.
I've got the opposite problem. My hair is dryer than the Grand Canyon, probably from washing it every other day. I'd say it's better to have your hair a bit oily than to have dry skin.
You should figure out a way to fix that foot fungus. Bad stuff is gonna happen if you let that linger.
That suit is pretty tacky. I suggest you get a tie or something to break it up a bit.
More like the entire suit needs to be tailored. Those cuffs are goofily long and need to be trimmed.
Whatever's going on here isn't pretty.
Outcome for everyone is kinda shitty
I'm a 6/10. Would be an 8 if I didn't wear glasses.
I'm kind of fat and have fuzzy hair, but I try to keep clean, which makes me better than 80% of Jow Forums.
What is with Jow Forums people and their revulsion towards water?
I am ugly. My face got chewed up by a dog when I was little, so I cover the scars with a greasy beard.
No, I don't.
Fuck you gonna do about it cirnofag?
I do take care of myself, not too much tho
Basic grooming and everyday baths are basically a requirement when you live ths far south
Wonder what Spain looks like
I look like a young version of Joseph Goebbels
Based, follow through with your natural gift.
I don't take that much care of my appearance, but I still look okay somehow
Interesting. Do you have the same haircut?
Im on vacation and i havent washed in 3 days, and until new year i wont take a shower
I smell good, but my face looks like a lump of potato mush no matter what I do. I should consider a mask?
posts a pic of vanya from a russki shithole
What do you wish to know about Russian shitholes?
I look a bit like a shaved weasel IMO.
Damn right I do. Pic related
appearance is what make a person, user.
I add whitener to my everything to maintain the purity of Argentina.
But I bet your breath still stinks and your teeth or as yellow as the bongs you hate.
I make sure to shave every day and comb hair to offset the lack of exposure to sunlight. Not because I do not get out, but because when I do, it is usually sunset already.
fuck cirno and fuck hygeine!
Well, I bet you bathe once a month, even if you brush thrice a day, toothpaste!
>Orc ID
I try to keep facial hair groomed, but aside from that, not much.
Nobody is going to smell me.
A true Jow Forums hero
I make no claims to be a model, but I swear I'm the only normal-looking man to be seen in a several mile radius. Everyone else has skin blemishes or warts or is generally fat and ugly, while I am thin and fair toned.
And I bet that pepsi is a ratty-looking Acer motherboard attached to a car battery operating in a slum in Seoul, operated by a soulless NEET who spends 5 dollars a month to keep it operational.
You could exchange that for the servers of Jow Forums itself.
Nah, the person maintaining those saves five dollars by letting it slowly decay.
I've been described looking like a sun-bleached cod.
I think I need more vitamin D.
Neat, still here.
I heard Canada could get pretty dark during the winter. Less then 6 hours of sun.
This might sound countering of productions, but bathe less often. You are removing your preserving oils!
I look like that fat fedora dude with glasses, only without glasses and with a mustache and I'm Mexican and I don't wear a fedora
Yeah, I use aftershave.
I look pretty okay for someone my age, the area between my nose and mouth always ends up partially unshaven due to the annoying shape of my nose. Can't fit a razor through it.
Who cares. When I'm outside I'm covered up in several layers of clothing so nobody can tell how ragged I look underneath.
>le forced cirno pic
I keep my skin constantly lotioned so I do not have to deal with dry skin, make sure to sleep eight hours a day, and brush teeth thrice.
Lots of people, they sadly do not take any dental care, and breath smells like roadkill. Especially the new immigrants.
I exfoliate twice per day, apply a night cream on my face before going to sleep, and use a hair conditioner made for horses so my hair will look shiny and thick.
It's beginning to take its toll on me ngl
The urge to stop is a great one, yet you must resist. I thought I was sunburned when I quit applying cream. My face was peeling off, it was horrible.
>How to I get less oily hair and make my face less tired looking?
For both issues choose less powerful shampoos and soaps. The "oily and tired look" might just be a counter reaction of your body to too strong products. I am not fucking with you.
Up here we have a product line called Dermosil. Check it out.
>To wash or rub (a part of the body) with a granular substance to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin.
Nice nine.
a polished turd is still a turd
I look like everyone else. A bit on the tall side.
Are you calling yourself a turd?
I feel many people suffering from dry skin might find similar relief. Oils being washed away causes more to be secreted by the body in compensation, yet wash too much and it becomes barren, like dry clay.
Part of it is also getting vitamin D, too, which means not being a basement dweller who avoids the sun.
cirno is cute
That's how you know it's Jow Forums.
yeah I go to the gym 4 times a week and have stuff to get rid of my blackheads and other stuff to help lessen my pores as well as moisturise myself constantly got a decent haircut and got really high strength whitening toothpaste as well as these special toothpick things
all that combined has made me transform from fuckin shit to only kind of shit
I make sure to shower every few days and brush my teeth at least once a week. I also like to keep my armpit and pubes trimmed.
For people who live far up North, I heard it could be difficult even if you go out because they get so little sun each year. Places like Siberia and Canada.
cirnoniggers care about appearance rather than virtue and personality
that's probably why they haven't found a girlfriend and why they resort to worshiping some retarded ice fairy
You should go back to genociding Palestinians and proving everything Germany warned to world about your kind.
I've lived there once, and it's murder. It's no wonder the farther north you get, the more drunks.
I take it there was a period before you decided to go all out on self-care?
Just a little bit. Daily shave, bathe once every other day or two days, brush teeth twice a day. Try not to overwash my hands though, not after that one time I got them dryer than an MRE cracker in the desert.
I wash, and my skin gets dry. I don't wash, and it becomes oily and rancid. You can't win.
I don't sweat, so I don't need to wash much.