The Jow Forums thread was >What cunt is the most based and redpilled? >I can't decide if its Finland or Russia
I got banned for this post: literally how would russia be based or redpilled they are niggerpilled and unbased
Lets compare the two.
Russia >like 18 million muslims >million jews >millions more russian jews in israel >diaspora posters ruin the board >poor as shit >bunch of crime >bunch of disease >average iq of 75 >literally always votes for the worst candidate >completely incapable of emotions
FINLAND >world's happiest country (2018) >highest european IQ >literally 0 muslims and jews >literally whitest genes in the world outside of the baltics (FINNIC) >still half asian >RICH >FIRST FUCKING WORLD >no homeless people >athletic (most olympic medals per capita) >masculine >we bully faggot russians who come here >we bully russian children at schools >we fuck russian pussy in St Petersburg >900 000 reserves >strongest army in europe >protestant >never done anything evil in our history
Can we please just all start taking the Russia shit seriously? They are unironically here, influencing us. They are unironically hacking the USA. They are doing all of it. Just go on Jow Forums and make an anti-Russian post that makes Russia look bad, see how quickly it gets deleted and you get banned. Then make another post where you make literally any other country look bad. It will not be deleted and you will not be banned. Nothing will happen unless you criticize Russia.
Hey, Russia isn't that depressing. At least you don't get to be depressed here if you have nobody to celebrate Christmas with, since we don't really celebrate it.
yes you do. You are one of our biggest tourist groups and israeli Finns bring a lot of israeli tourism here thorugh their tourism businessses. You give us money but you dont cause trouble. Thank you Jews
Brody Phillips
Kindly fuck off back there, we don't want any Jow Forumsellectually impaired on our board
Landon Ramirez
>one in camo has her boots bloused >but the one with the riding crop is cuter with a better attitude GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME