I am using the holiday season to stay sober, 3 days sober now, its hard boys...

I am using the holiday season to stay sober, 3 days sober now, its hard boys, but drinking everyday for the past 4 years has really made me feel strange.

How do normies only party during 1 part of a year and weekends and have the ability to shake it off and get work ready for next year as soon as work starts?

I have have 1 drink from now untill next year i will fall completely into my old ways and non stop spiral.....

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Idk man wish I could drink right now. I'm very desperate for one but the liquor store is closed, I have no reserves (on purpose, I knew it would be closed), and I still have to hang out with family and friends so I can't be smashed. Keeping up an appearance so that one of these days (actually two, I need a recovery day) nobody is around or I know no one's going to see me in the state I get in.

Idk why you posted on pol but I feel ya

Yeah I drink to fucking much it is an all or none thing but I have never choose the none

Stay strong man. You gotta get over the hump before it starts to get better. Alcoholism runs in my family so I decided to not even try it- I'm out of college and have never drank before.

I'm in the exact same boat, brothers. Believe me, I feel your pain.

I hunt this time of year and hate hangovers

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I drink everyday that I don't work. I have a wife and kid and life is good. Moderation is key.

But hey, everyone is different, if you have a problem with alcohol, go ahead and give it up, I have have seen it do wonders for people

I don't have an addictive personality. I smoke sometimes, but can stop almost immediately. I may have mild cravings, but they're certainly resistible. Regarding alcohol, I only drink once a week. This week, I didn't drink at all. I can't drink that much anymore, it seems. I have a few beers, and catch a buzz. That's about it.

Stay strong brothers, you ARE stronger.

I'm scared im gonna get withdrawals

My sponsor called me earlier even though I'm in still drinking and drugging. Was nice to here from him. Merry Christmas

I don't know how to get out of the rut, but I do look back on the day's I didn't have an urge to drink; gives me hope that I can get out of this cycle.

Addiction is the only disease that is both 100% fatal and 100% treatable. The future is in your hand user.

I drank an entire bottle of gin last night. Hangovers are starting to get really bad, so I typically don't get drunk anymore. Once or twice a month now, 3 times is a lot. My gf is addicted to cigarettes but thankfully I don't get addicted to nicotine, so I've pretty much quit nowadays. Caffeine and sugar will be hard to kick but I've been kicking all of my vices

alcoholism is literally a DEMONIC shit man, the 3days ive been sober have been hell

the nightmares are intense and the warp and shift of ur mind is unreal,

There should be a limit to how much alcohol one person can buy And there should also be MAJOR health and warnings imposed on us.

Alcohol is literally a evil spirit im starting to hallucinate now guys i never knew this before becoming addicted

the only thing on my side is time i have 2 weeks off work so if i can take 1 week of not drinking i hope my second week is just me adjusting, these 3 days have been so hard

even my eyes are still adjusting to being sober.

the first 21 days are the hardest
after the first 10 days or so you will get bad insomnia which for me was the hardest part.Stay away from your drinking stomping grounds will make it allot easier.
Best of luck aussie cunt! You can do it

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Withdrawals are normal, but if you use enough for it to be a problem, check yourself in. My dad quit cold (4 5ths a day) and I held him during his first seizure. If detox is full check into psych, same facilities and help.

People have different tolerances.
When I worked in the oil field I knew guys who would work 14 hr shifts, go home, drink a fifth of whiskey, and show up for their shift next morning. They would do this 7 days/week for months.
Tbh I think most were probably on meth

Make plans with people, if you still have anybody who still wants to see you. I hate letting people down and the fear of shame is (most of the time) greater than wanting to get drunk. If they also already know you got a dependency than that feeling of shame will be greater if you fail them. Too many times though and they'll just cut contact.

>drinking everyday for the past 4 years
How can anyone afford that? Sometimes I'll buy a $5 bottle of gin and it'll keep me reasonably buzzed for several days. If I wanted to be significantly drunk every day that'd be a fresh bottle every couple a days. That'd be a massive expense.

HI OP. There are no easy answers.
I am not a councillor or anything, but my wife is 18 months sober last week, (after 16 years) and she is the happiest she has ever been in her life.
We still have problems. Life is hard. She is going to go back to therapy soon, but it’s still better then ever.
Going to AA a lot works for her (about 3 times a week).
Drinking is just taking drugs, remember that, and those normies drinking are just less susceptible to becoming addicts.
You drew the short straw, and are much more susceptible.
Good luck.

the most critical thing I learned from 6 years sober is this:

You are only stronger than alcohol if it remains in the bottle. Convince yourself that even one sip will destroy your life.

The opposite mindset is what always causes you to relapse:

your brain will ALWAYS try to trick yourself into the "one little drink or booze one day won't be the end of the word" but it always is.

recognize this thought as your brain being a filthy jew, cut the thought off.

you are NOT strong enough to have even another sip of booze. when you accept this as fact the rest is easy.

You are powerless to alcohol if it enters your system.

I spent about 600 a month on vodka for about 8 years. 1.5 years now without a drink

One year sober here. No more alcohol jew for me.

The first 2 weeks will be hell.
You can do this.
Remember all the time and money you have wasted doing this.
Remember all the people you have hurt without being aware of it.
You will overcome this OP.
You have to want it.
Old habits die hard, but you are strong and will come out on top.

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You see I actually have been drinking for close to a decade now and I know you are bullshiting since you dont feel anything the first 3 days sober, nothing up to a month, then it gets bad.
You are probably a 19yr old incel zoomer who drank 0.25l of vodka while playing a video game 2 weekends in a row

Maybe you’ll have a solid bowel movement now

OP same story here. bottle of wine 6/7 nights for 3 years. sacked it a week ago and now realised the reason why i drank so much. cutting that shit out of my life like the clutch of the jew. solve the root cause broski and good luck!

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Started doing this a few days ago and it’s true

Just remember these three things:

1)Alcohol is literally a poison
2)Even one sip will lead to full blown relapse/ delete your progress and then..
3)It will ruin your life

Buy some kratom. Feels awesome. Non toxic. Legal. Doesnt appear on drug tests.

Kys faggot. Been alcoholic for years and everytime try quit 4th day is hardest. Guess u come from some kind of degenerate eurotrash stock and your dad sperm was 99% rubbing alcohol

Stay strong, bro. I quit a few months ago. I was drinking a 6-pack a day(I know, not that much) of either 6.8% or 7.5%. I knew it was a problem when no one could tell I was even drinking, and I would get no hangovers. But I sure as hell felt the pull to drink near same time everyday.

I'm with you guys, went through Delerium Tremens Tuesday. Scariest fucking experience of my life, never drinking again. A week clean now. Feel like I've been asleep for a long time. Reality and memory is all weird now. I want to be a better man.

Talk to a doctor about naltrexone. Youll thank me.

Ahh yes, the mutt talking bout alcohol and the first 3 days of being sober of his 0.01% pisswater are hardest.

Ask a doc for naltrexone. Really helps with cravings.

Man, I JUST went through that shit last week. I feel like a demon was literally excorcised from my body. Looking back on my life through the years, it feels entirely like something evil has been at the helm, and I'm just finally waking up.

I made it a little over 2 years sober, drank, and haven't had any will to drink again and it's been about 3 months.

Guess fixing the reason I drank cured my alcoholism, because I just don't see any point in being drunk anymore.


You have to recognize your brain is trying to TRICK your hands into re-introducing that substance into it.

Imagining the thought as a jewish saboteur has helped immensley.

You have to dig deep into rationality to overcome the urge: If, throughout my ENTIRE LIFE, I have never been able to have just one drink without going back to full fledged daily alcoholism, what is the probability I will be able to have one drink and quit the next day?

Literally 0.0000%

Do the logic in your brain and you will realize that one drink=100% mathematical probability of ruining your life. Being honest with yourself makes it tremendously easier to resist the urge.

>this naked mind
>alan carr's stop drinking now.
this has helped me DRASTICALLY cut down on how much I drink. I was smashing a 40 ounce and 15box of stineys a week to the point I now only drink when I consciously want to like xmas, new years, birthday etc.

Give it a go kiwi bro.

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Get ready to not sleep for days... literally. Abstinence from alcohol after habit equals no sleep for a while. Stay strong, bro.

I only drink at work because we have free beer, never drink during the weekend or holidays. Just one beer gets me non functional drunk before I guzzle a gallon every evening, I actually hate it.

Thanks Brother, I'll look into that. No cravings so far, but I never want to touch that poison again.

You guys are all faggots. Alcohol is my sole joy in life and people like you can’t appreciate mankind’s oldest friend? Shit even south park pointed out if drink is negatively impacting your life you don’t have to turn into a boring cunt just drink less.

Alcohol is a friend. I go through 4-5 fifths a week and a 30pk of beer. Usually get some malt liquor on the weekend (natty daddy is lit).

Tl;dr nobody likes that fag that won’t drink. What are you, Muslims?

ur bitch left you. dont hesitate it man you were given a next chance and your true soulmate will come. it is only a matter of fact that your ex becomes a leech and sucks your physic energy. stay safe

Bitter relapsed alcoholic detected.
Quit shitting on people trying to heal themselves, nigger.

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started getting hangovers where i would puke half thr day and not even be able to keep water down so i pretty much quit, had a few beers on thanksgiving none for xmas season, no desire to drink atm

Drugs are addictive. Alcohol is a drug. Some people can’t just ‘have less’.

Go to ck and read the Al/ck/oholic threads. They always bring me such happiness because of how miserable they all are.

Former fairly heavy drinker here. I went through some shit, but it was worth it. Several nights of lousy sleep, bizzare nightmares, had the shakes for a couple days, and sweat like a horse for a week. No fun I'll admit, but I feel better than I had in all the years I drank.

Some people aren’t faggot Muslims either. Alcohol is a blessing from god

This kinda makes sense. My parents are both full on drunks. My dad has probably had upwards of 250,000 beers in his life and he's still going. He's always going on about the afterlife and demons and shit when he's drunk, and man is he a nasty piece of shit when he's slammed. And my mom goes from drunk to full on hate-everything-and-everyone in a flash and talks constantly about how her mom is going to hell.

just remember you live with humans, and if humans are truly evil there will be no thread as this that will help you. You are fingering yourself in the ass when you drink a tall glass of whiskey

You were dumb enough to drink to excess for an extended period somewhere along the line and got addicted. Simple as that.

They ban those threads now cause the mods are faggots, those threads helped people.

based and checked. Merry Christmas to all trying to better themselves.

naw it aint. you must be a drunk. I found this homeless guy crawling down the street with two broken ankles talking about how he was gonna have himself a good night with his bottle and instead broke his ankles. I said 'alcohol is the devil', and he got mad and freaked out 'NO IT ISN"T ALCOHOL IS MY FRIEND'. so ya why did you jump from 10 feet and break both your ankles now crawling down the side walk. I made sure he made it to the hospital.

666 in a post mentioning the devil I think gookmoots fucking with us lol. anyway buddy will probably take that as a sign he needs another bottle

Work hard, play hard.

I drank for a long ass time like get drunk erryday and i’ve been sober for a few months now. I don’t get withdrawals lucky me! But yeah the longer i go without the fermented jew the better i feel and the more shekels i save. Also I don’t procrastinate anymore I’m always doing productive shit even when i’m not at work. Feels good man

How’s the weather up on your high horse? Alcohol is an emotional anastheric. Without it we would probably see the suicide rate quintuple.

Think of all the bad things that happened while you were drunk..

Think of all the future bad things you can avoid by not drinking.

without it we probably wouldn't have had people like vlad the impaler, and ivan the terrible. or fucking nero or caligula. i honestly believe it drives people to do seriously evil shit. drinking any more than once every few months or getting totally slammed is absolutely degenerate.

AA is the only way to STAY sober. Trust me I have tried everything else and failed. Will seem a little weird at first but ask someone in there to listen to your story, literally everyone in that room wants to share what they have accomplished. Good luck anons

yeah those have been autobanned for a few months now. sadly.

Thread is hitting me, for sure. I've had stretches of being a total fucking alcoholic reprobate the last 3ish years. Been pretty good the last year, but I did a bunch of xanax and alcohol on a tear then sobered up the last two. Felt like complete shit this morning with my family and I couldn't keep down breakfast.
I despise that I have that side of me, I love chaos and getting out of my mind. It's something I slip into.

8 years sober here. went from piss bum to family man. feels good

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>vlad the impaler
Are we seriously seeing Jow Forumsocks being anti genocide of Muslims?

>Ivan the terrible
Turns out he wasn’t that terrible by contemporary standards and was a very competent leader. Turns out you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

Mommy’s fault
Run of the mill Roman emperor, also probably mommy’s fault and Tiberius didn’t help

lol you're an evil drunk fuck

but it isn't so funny anymore after the 10st decade. guaranteed you're entering a world of pain, brother

incorrect. I used AA's mantra "you are powerless to alcohol" (if you put it in your body)

and quit 6 years without ever setting foot in AA. Just accept you can't ever have another sip for the rest of your life without ruining it and you will have full success

why party at all? go get a job. then get a second one. hit the gym regularly. go to church. go to the library. and most importantly, get the fuck off Jow Forums this place is toxic!

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Mild alcoholic for a period of about 5 years, dropped to one day a week after a friend commited suicide while on an alcoholic spiral.

Dropped to 0 altogether after becoming a mother.

Be productive, the endorphins from a job well done make it all easier and once you find how much time you wasted on the sauce you'll kick your own heiny for the wasted years.

Yeah man, I've done some stuff I am NOT proud of over the years. Some real degenerate shit that goes against everything I personally believe in. Alcohol was involved every step of the way. Now I'm honestly kind of reeling at what I've done. Yet none of it seems like I was in control, doesn't even seem real. But I know it was me. Trying to tell myself all that matters is what I do going forward. 31, so I still have some time.

Shocker shocker the anti booze crusader is a Muslim. After 100 years I’ll be in pain? Cool I don’t particularly have interest in being 100, although my great grandpa died at 103 with a cigar in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other. Turns out if you’re not a genetic invalid booze won’t kill you.

t. Scots Irish West Virginia

ya me too. I was a binge drinker for years. The shit I regret most i did when drunk. luckily seeing my parents behaviour growing up was enough to keep me from drinking routinely. now its a once ina while type thing and I never get slammed.

ya or the children of serious drunks. meant 1st decade. my grandparents were light drinkers compared to my parents and they both lived into their 80s. I doubt my parents are gonna make it that long. im scots/irish too.

rare femme user

So why do you feel bad for ole clary’s victims? This is fuckin Jow Forums Mohammad a dead nonwhite is a good nonwhite. My mother drinks probably a beer a month; my dad drinks as much as I do. Great grandpa drank more than I do, fucker shined from 1918-2008. Nobody in my family has been hurt by drinking. Sorry your family has inferior genetics you fuckin leaf Muslim. Day of the rake soon

Ole vladdys**

Have u seen her tits? Do you believe every old man on the net that says they are a woman ?

one day some fuckers gonna find you crawling down the sidewalk raving about how alcohol is your friend. i hope you remember me then but thats too much to ask from a drunk fucking degenerate.

Sorry Mohammad but I get paid 120k/yr, I show up to work every morning at 7am and get perfect marks on my performance reviews. It turns out there’s this magical thing called holding your liquor. Why do you feel bad for Muslims vlad killed?

I can drink fuck tonnes more than you. You must be the faghot by your own logic.
Merry Christmas retard.

Where do you max out? I max out on a handle and a half.

what game?

woah woah buddy don't get mad. its ok. now now. have a beer

Squirrels, sometimes jackalopes.

Why do you feel bad for dead Muslims?

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Bruh.. your drunk stop. Merry Christmas guise

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Is that MT?

I won’t deny that I am drunk, but I do demand an answer to my question

calm down lad. just have another beer. there there.

Found out I might have alcoholic gastritis. I'm Google scaring myself but my last drink was the 23rd. My stomach is in awful pain and constant diarrhea. Shits got me scared yo.

Nauseaor recurrentupset stomach


Abdominal pain



Burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at night


Loss of appetite

Vomitingbloodor coffee ground-like material

Black, tarry stools

Shits gotten a little better and I can keep food down but I don't wanna hit up a doctor to check for a stomach ulcer or something shiett. Still hurts a little.

Seek medical attention asap bro.

Vlad the impaler is a hero of the white race Momo

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i met a cool muslim before, believe it or not. ive also met a weird smelly one

As have I. Pic related, my bro Momo. We get smashed every Friday together.

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dude im listening to my dads incoherent drunken blather right now while he half tells me how much of failure I am and watches some retarded shit on cnn.

There aren't any "cool muslims" if they are residing in western country. They are occupying our lands, even the women and kids are occupying entities. You are fraternizing with the shitskin enemy.

my cousin is going down that road too. my cousin is retarded tho. and the most selfish piece of shit ive ever met.