Slackware doesn't keep track of dependencies

>Slackware doesn't keep track of dependencies

Attached: deps.png (808x472, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First of all, slackware comes with everything you need out of the box, so dependency management is totally pointless.
Second, the less tracking and telemetry, the better. Volkerding made Slackware as an alternative to Ubuntu specifically to get rid of that telemetric aptitude crap. If you wan't to be tracked go back to windows.

Lol owned.

Attached: concerned_kitty.jpg (720x832, 37K)

>telemetric aptitude crap
I believe you are in pic related.

Attached: inventors.jpg (600x730, 100K)

>Volkerding made Slackware as an alternative to Ubuntu specifically to get rid of that telemetric aptitude crap.
Doesn't Slackware predate Debian by something like a few months (and thus Ubuntu by like a decade)?

Yep. That's why it's better. It's basically the OpenBaSeD of Linux.

Attached: fys2.gif (480x374, 3.37M)

you mean, is it trains free?

Attached: 1563489236711.png (599x301, 32K)

I use and contribute to openbsd and I'm trans.

>slackware comes with everything you need out of the box
This. You don't need a computer. Go outside autists.

Slackware comes with everything Pat cares to "officially" support out of the box. Everything else can be downloaded from alien or ponce or built using SBo.

>slackware comes with everything you need out of the box
nice bloat

literally one dude is responsible for every other package.

a lot of different people maintain the actual build scripts, a bunch of people maintain repos of the scripts, and a handful maintain repos of binary packages built from those scripts. and the repos often have different builds of the same package, even of the same version. but that's a good thing.

That's why it's called 'Slack'

>Arch isn't good for server

Attached: 2019-07-20-194656_958x529_scrot.png (958x529, 19K)

Rare gif

how do Arch-specific features affect the operation of third-party servers? a "distro" is nothing more than a collection of installation/package managment tools, default configuration files, and logos.

do all of these "people" happen to have the same name: alienbob?

Attached: ywGm06M.jpg (400x400, 23K)

what the fuck does it's package manager even do then? just tell you if your shit is up to date?

install/remove/upgrade/download/build packages and maintain a local log/database of installed/removed/upgraded/built/available packages in a way that is simple and accessible for both users and maintainers. everything a package manager is supposed to do.
"dependencies" are just the files a program needs to run. upstream developers generally document what their software requires. slackware package maintainers generally include this in package descriptions/metadata, and when they don't, it's simple to determine which files a program needs and which package contains them.

yep the guy you linked is full of shit

bleeding edge rolling release, sometimes you get cut, it may happen next week, next year, a decade from now, but if you get cut on a big production system you don't have time to cock around figuring out what kernel module updates fucking it. also makes for a bad time with corporate change control boards.

I guess pacman and the official repo make it next to impossible to rollback when an untested update breaks everything.

based pic
based pic
based pic
based pic

trannies should GTFO tech

Mad because yours not cute hon?

that's why I used btrfs snapshots back when I was still on arch. when a bade update came through I could just reboot to the last working OS snapshot. Then I switched to NixOS and not only do I not need snapshots, but it automatically adds boot menu options and you can even rollback an update nearly instantly on a live system.

>2 clocks

This is the most intelligent and accurate discussion on Slackware I've seen here for months [apart from the trollpost about Pat making it as a rival to Ubuntu]. I have nothing to add.