Google drive bullSHIT

why is google drive such a shitty interface? seriously, what the fuck google, this is just a remote filesystem. god DAMMIT.

Attached: screenshot_2019-07-21-46_1528x735.png (1528x735, 110K)

imagine unironically handing your files/data to google

good point. but let's say my home server is presently inaccessible atm for some reason. what do you recommend?

>this is just a remote filesystem

That's exactly what it isn't, you ignorant bastard.

Are you autistic?
This shit is normal.
Go back to your GNU crap

wait what is it then. i should've said remote file storage service, but i'm a little drunk, sorry.


hmmm, i haven't touched that in a loong time. i'll check it out again

Attached: screenshot_2018-04-25-18_800x800.png (800x800, 23K)

Buy a VPS and run your own cloud service on it.

but that costs money. normally i would do just that except that i would use my own home server instead of a vps. are there any free vps services?

Stop pretending like your home server didn't cost anything.

>electricity is free

yes, it does cost money. but it was unexpectedly down for the past week because of security issues.

Run an owncloud instance on some vps for 1.5c an hour and get 50GB all to yourself.

That's expensive as fuck.

I think the reliability of it is worth it. Or you could run a 25gb instance for 7 months for the price of a pi.

You can encrypt the files with rclone. I pay 5 bucks for unlimited storage at google drive. Cheaper than competitors

No, what I'm saying is that you can get just as reliable VPS for half the price.

Just grab a cheap vultr instance and run nextcloud or syncthing then

hmmm, that could be good. i've been paying $20/month for a digital ocean server for like 2 years, because of some projects which i might deploy on it in the future. i feel like i've been wasting money.

can someone explain to what is the difference of just having vps with ftp server or just some basic remote shares where you just mount it windows and a "cloud" ?


What the fuck more do you want? It's for storing files, not sucking your p0nos

Sounds like a you problem. You are responsible for the security.

is it possible to run a wireguard server on windows?

is it possible to google your dumb question? stop shitting up this board, noob

Kill yourself

>He doesn't encrypt all his backup files with 7.1a before he sends them off to the cloud

Attached: TrueCrypt_Logo.png (155x155, 12K)

Rob Pike, basically.

Go learn how to open and close windows on plan9, have fun

Use rclone and rclonebrowser if you need a GUI you fuckin retard.