What are the pros and cons of abolishing anonymous online commentating and use of aliases?

What are the pros and cons of abolishing anonymous online commentating and use of aliases?

Attached: oldnews.png (885x558, 399K)

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koreans are not anonymous online either and they say some of the most vile shit you can possibly read online anywhere. nobody gives a fuck, it doesn't matter.

>post wrongthink on an online forum
>your social score plummets

Pros: none
Cons: thought control

gets rid of shitposting

i support anything that results in this website going offline desu. nothing of value lost, etc

What are you doing here now then faggot?

Pro: deplatform the alt right
Cons: none

Can't wait for that to happen on Jow Forums so we finally find out if the blacked and tranny posters have slav, jewish or el creature surnames.

This, but unironically

dont sign your posts

it devalues the conversation.
everyone suddenly has the same opinions and views.
people become more focused on the potential consequences of what they post. therefore becoming fearful of the establishment and no longer questioning whether or not the establishment's actions are for the good of the people.
a perfect example of this would be north korea.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Keeps you honest.

makes sense that the only people still using Jow Forums circa 2019 are people who are absolutely terrified of being held responsible for their words and punishment

Attached: a screenshot of the question and answer board from a few seconds ago.png (2502x897, 745K)

The value of anonymous conversation is that it prevents personality circlejerks that are always present on places with usernames and profiles. On Jow Forums, you can call another guy a stupid nigger faggot retard in one thread and have a perfectly pleasant conversation with him in another without ever realizing it. Your words are only as valuable as their content, people won't ignore or pay attention based off of your username's history. There's a good chance you or I have called a famous and influential person a faggot to their face and we never knew it.

/qa/ is proof hiro either doesnt care about this shithole, or wilfully neglects the shithole

>it prevents personality circlejerks
do you wear gloves on your feet and underpants on your head. are you posting from the Mirror Dimension or something

tor lol fuck chinks

For as circlejerky as Jow Forums is, it's still not as bad as any traditional forum. People won't disregard your opinions because you disagreed once with Faggot McGee who posted 10000000 times and has been there for 20 years a couple months ago.

Fuck you gweylo my family just lost their entire social points score.

Why would you get triggered by China, anons?

on a traditional forum people are held accountable for their actions and moderators can post like anybody else.

like people here get teary-eyed about FREE SPEECH and i think they just don't like the idea of being a white noise poster on a forum. that or they're just abrasive unlikeable assholes unable to understand why everybody either dislikes them or ignores them

Pros: thot control
Cons: none

>/qa/ is proof hiro either doesnt care about this shithole, or wilfully neglects the shithole
this is a positive thing.
hiro did not change Jow Forums that much.
shit, if you ask around, im sure you'll find that many still believe moot runs Jow Forums.
you dont want someone coming in and changing shit as this alienates the userbase and they usually leave when this happens.

It will speed the demise of civilization, which all in all is pretty based

Friendly reminder that any thread that simply has a picture of some article with the OP post just being a generic question without contributing are made by bots and you are all tools for responding.

Pros: the government can punish you for everything you say
Cons: the government can punish you for everything you say

Attached: free speech.png (849x1500, 268K)

but south koreans have a bill of rights guaranteeing a certain amount of freedom of speech

how soon we forget the literal, actual, malware that this site was broadcasting to its users. im sure you'll agree that that is a bad thing, and something a responsible owner wouldnt do.

Registering your Chinese name doesn’t matter they all sound the same

That was pretty wild to learn about. Korean women will post crazy radfem shit and Korean men will post things that put Jow Forums to shame, all with their real names attached and nobody gives a shit. I could never see that happening in Yurop or Murrica.

It doesn't matter if other users can't see your real name too, there are no consequences.

i think this place needs more moderation - and more VISIBLE moderation - by people encouraged and empowered to do their jobs. i mean look at this garbage like if part of this website is so radioactive that theyre unable to be advertised to, resulting in malware ads across other non-radioactive boards, maybe we should just get rid of the radioactive parts. like, there's no law that says we gotta have 'containment boards' when containment is a fucking joke, and the radioactive sludge monsters arent punished for breaking containment

what malware?
if youre going to make an accusation, you should come with some evidence.

>i dont like what someone posted, they shouldnt be allowed to post
go back to plebbit if you like censorship, faggot.

i guess its a total coincidence that hiro allows the openly white supremacist incel school-shooter boards on his website

heres a picture for you to ignore

Attached: mblPeeA.jpg (1402x3892, 945K)

what do you think should happen to people who post things that don't follow the rules listed at Jow Forums.org/rules.

This is a bit misleading. Jim Watkins was in charge of 2ch's security at the time that fiasco happened, then he took advantage of the chaos to get Hiro to sign over the keys to the website. He did the same shit to take over 8gag if I'm remembering correctly.

i don't know enough to comment in any detail. i dont think any of us does. still, i think given the pattern of behavior in that image, and that weve all seen since then, show hiro isnt exactly an on-the-level kind of guy, to put it mildly.

i see nothing referring to the malware accusations.
i only see data farming and tracking which is literally done on every successful website that provides a free service. how else do you expect for the server bill to be paid? i mean if you really want to help out, you can quit shit posting all day to lower the data costs.

which rule, faggot?

>i see nothing referring to the malware accusations.
>i only see data farming and tracking

any rule. pick one, it doesn't matter. what should happen to someone who posts something that doesn't follow them.

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-21 212512.png (3297x1122, 2.34M)

>>i dont like what someone posted, they shouldnt be allowed to post
why do people always say this like it's a valid argument?
like yeah? what person who actually belongs here likes 12 year old epic memers, unironic political agenda pushers and legitimately brain damaged autistic losers that constantly throw tantrums and shit all over the site rules at the expense of others? some rules definitely don't need to be strictly enforced, but a lot of them do. Jow Forums is such a low IQ shithole with terrible memes and culture.

I know exactly who wrote something, this is good for me.
I know exactly who wrote something, this is bad for you.

You can hunt down and kill people who insult your waifu.
People would see all your awful opinions going back to your wild and rash youth.

That's because every Korean has the same name

>Why can't i be racist online without my boss knowing about it and firing me wtf?


What? Pretty sure I've seen some Korean flags on pol and int, or does this only apply to sites that are hosted there?

>hmm im noticing a pattern

Attached: Screenshot_20190718195742525_org.mozilla.firefox.png (1080x2160, 647K)


You know that word no longer has any meaning, don't you?

'says racist things, and does things like be mean to someone based on the color of their skin, racistly'?

>register real names
And thats when I would become a full time lurker.

It's really sad that modern liberals, people who should be against corporations, root for them to take over control of peoples lives in the name of fighting racism.

uh i think you should learn what words mean before waving your fists around in anger like that

We have a racist president and concentration camps at the border. And we know a lot of nazis organize online. So yeah, it wouldn't hurt to get some more means of dealing with these issues.
As long as you're a decent human and not a piece of shit racist nazi you'll be fine.

Yeah you definitely weren't around when child porn was being posted all the time and /b/ and /i/ invaded other websites and games constantly. To anonymity wasn't important for chan culture shows your ignorance.

is there a point youre making, or are you just remembering when this website was last relevant, over a decade ago.

This could easily happen here should people be pushed to the extreme.

I wouldn't say we should be looking to replicate China

Hello my name is nipnong wanglong nice to meet you guys!

A better version indeed. XKCD guy needs to hang

We dont need no education

Kill yourself faggot. Censorship if for leftist retards. I think reddit is more your speed

LMAO this would drop every woman's social score instantly to -1488, and they would cry about "slut shaming" 24/7.

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How? Women will probably just post food pictures and look for chads to fuck on Chinkder.

There wasn't that much cp or other actually illegal content and reporting was focused primarily on these cases.

>boss gives you a compliment
sounds pretty gud to me

they don't have a social credit system tho

women are seldom held responsible for the things they say

This sounds like someone playing into some idea of a "liberal" to troll. None of those things mentioned have anything to do with anonymously commenting online.

Hell it's worse that the assholes at the border/ice group on Facebook talked their shit about killing kids and raping women with their real names right there!

I'm against right wing ideology but everyone deserves online anonymity for discussion and to remove it is damaging way more than a few fascist supporters.

>Korean women will post crazy radfem shit
May I ask w-where? I want to get hot chicks mad at me. Please user

Lurker yes but not for long. The quality of the content would sink exponentially, and it would no longer be worth lurking.


threads in /o/ and other places that are chock-full of tripfags are almost as bad as reddit and facebook. anonymity is what makes Jow Forums great, in spite of them.

Attached: Reddit.png (800x480, 212K)

Thanks! My dick thanks you too!

just look at facebook/instagram as examples. people will call one each other names, laugh at their appearance and habits, etc. at least that's what people do in my country when "arguing"...

Based accelerationist

That's the point, idiot. "held accountable for their actions" as in that one post unrelated to the topic that disagrees with someone therefore you must be wrong kind of shit. Oh, I dug up your post history and see you prefer oak to mahogany when it comes to doors, so you must be wrong about which distribution of Linux to run for a new user

all the bootlicking cucks in this thread

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